Far Cry 5 Game plus mode

Started by PZ, September 02, 2018, 08:46:10 AM

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Well, after doing the 10 gb update, sure enough the Game + menu item was displayed. When used, your old game is overwritten with the new play through - it would have been nice for the developers to have installed game slots like in Origins.  :undecided-new:

While doing the introductory sequences, I had access to my prior weapon load-out, so navigating through the area was simple - using a Vector sub-machine gun, .50 cal suppressed sniper, Rat 4, and M-179 launcher. Because it has been a while since I played the game, and because my memory is so bad it felt like a brand new game. My favorite buddies (Guns for Hire) are Grace (sniper) and Jess (stealthy archer), so my focus was on  gaining their support. Because I knew where I wanted to go and what I wanted to accomplish, I could traverse the entire map not worrying about being properly equipped to be able to do the job. From the beginning it is really nice to be able to go anywhere in the FC5 universe capable to defend yourself. 

My first objective because it was so close in John's region was to  recruit Grace, which was lots of fun. Once that was done, I found myself being hunted with the requisite drug haze mission. After completing that, which included escaping in a helicopter, I used the said aircraft to go the 4K kilometers to the lumber mill in Jacob's region where I would meet Jess to do the main mission line mission so I could recruit her, which I did.

The bottom line is that the Game+ ability makes the replay value really good. I now have my favorite buddies, have hardly done any of the missions, and am looking forward to a fun day gaming in the FC5 world.


"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Yesterday I had to go through the mission where you ran through series of mortar waves, defend against the cult, and then enter a helicopter to escape. Because I now had access to the bird, I flew right to Jacob Seed's region to recruit Jess (my favorite buddy) and Cheeseburger, and had to go through the first of the three stupid timed runs through the gauntlet. Fortunately I've been through them before so it did not take too long to get through it. I also wanted to see if the Hurk Jr. mission would trigger one of the dumb trials, and it did, so I managed to get through that one as well. I do not remember where the third timed trigger is, but at least I have two of the three worst ones done, and I've hardly touched most of the missions.

The best part of the Games+ mode is that you can go anywhere on the map right from the start and have all the skills needed to do well.  Just like in Origins, Games+ is a game changer as far as replay value.


Nice, glad you're enjoying the game again. I may start a new game and keep the Mars weapons, which are so OP that it's really like cheating.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Quote from: PZ on September 02, 2018, 08:46:10 AM
Well, after doing the 10 gb update, sure enough the Game + menu item was displayed. When used, your old game is overwritten with the new play through - it would have been nice for the developers to have installed game slots like in Origins.  :undecided-new:

While doing the introductory sequences, I had access to my prior weapon load-out, so navigating through the area was simple - using a Vector sub-machine gun, .50 cal suppressed sniper, Rat 4, and M-179 launcher. Because it has been a while since I played the game, and because my memory is so bad it felt like a brand new game. My favorite buddies (Guns for Hire) are Grace (sniper) and Jess (stealthy archer), so my focus was on  gaining their support. Because I knew where I wanted to go and what I wanted to accomplish, I could traverse the entire map not worrying about being properly equipped to be able to do the job. From the beginning it is really nice to be able to go anywhere in the FC5 universe capable to defend yourself. 

My first objective because it was so close in John's region was to  recruit Grace, which was lots of fun. Once that was done, I found myself being hunted with the requisite drug haze mission. After completing that, which included escaping in a helicopter, I used the said aircraft to go the 4K kilometers to the lumber mill in Jacob's region where I would meet Jess to do the main mission line mission so I could recruit her, which I did.

The bottom line is that the Game+ ability makes the replay value really good. I now have my favorite buddies, have hardly done any of the missions, and am looking forward to a fun day gaming in the FC5 world.

Man, I'll need to get up to speed with this game (hopefully it will w0#k on my laptop). I don't even remember the things I wrote about in this old post, but I'd like to start with someone's saved game so I can use Game+ from the beginning without having to go through the game all over. I hope I can find one somewhere.


Looks like there's a few on Nexus mods https://www.nexusmods.com/farcry5 another mod I'd look into is the one to scale back forced story progression so you can actually enjoy the game without having to deal with the story cuts too fast.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Thanks much D_B  :thumbsup:

I just downloaded the one you sent the link to and will try it in a few minutes.

I looked through all the titles, but non made me think of that feature. Do you happen to recall the name of the mod that scales back forced progression?  No big deal if you do not.

Thanks again for the recommendation!


Had to search on google for it, the name isn't obvious


This one also looks fun


Although from the comments it seems there's better ones on fcmodding? I've never visited that site might be worth taking a look.

Took a look, https://downloads.fcmodding.com/fc5/resistance-mod/
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


PZ already got himself setup with FC5 mods ;) In an old topic :)
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Thanks for the leads, D_B  :thumbsup:

LP posted the link to FCModding so I got started with that. Interestingly, the mods at Nexus also use the same installer, so it is the easiest modding I've ever applied to games. The mod installer also allows you to edit reward, weapon, and sight characteristics, so I played with some of that editing and I now have kick-*bleep* powerful weapons, set sights like red dot, and others to have two magnification powers, and the ability to hold your breath like the sniper scopes, and even changed the fov settings to tailor the magnifications of all optics to my personal preference.

This is really great fun, and the the only downside to the game are the ridiculous timed story missions.  :banghead:


oh, nice, glad you got hooked up! By timed story missions, do you mean the forced progression? Because there should be a setting for that as well?
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Forced progression seems to be a correct term for it. I think I was in Jacob Seed's area and a message flashed that the cult was hunting me. I met with  some random guy on the trail hoping for a side mission when a drug haze enveloped me and I was transported into  a mission titled "The World is Weak" and I had a couple of minutes weaving through a maze of hallways and rooms filled with cultists. Each time you show one you'd receive a tiny boost in time. UBI*bleep* gives you enough time to need to rush through the maze, and often start over doing it again until you get it right. These timed features are the only thing I don't like about the games.

I do not know if there is a setting, but I've not found one so far.


Yeah the forced story progression is when you advance the resistance points enough to trigger the next part of the story whether you want to or not. The mod pages says it has a setting for resistance points where you can scale that back so it doesn't happen so soon. Just killing cult members increases resistance points so you'd be minding your own business when all of a sudden you're captured with no way to avoid it and sent to a cut scene. One of the most dumb game design decisions I've ever seen, and the only bad thing I have to say about FC5, which is still my favorite FC game.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


I found a "Rewards" editor in the FarCry5ModInstaller so I can set the reward points to anything I like. I don't recall liking any of the cutscene forced progression routines. I might try to get them doe once so I can get a Game+ save game, but unless the reward points give you something positive rather than just setting me up for aggravating "missions", I think I can set them to zero, but I've not tried.

🡱 🡳

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