a little magic

Started by Art Blade, September 08, 2018, 10:34:01 AM

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Art Blade

Time for some magic, just to escape reality for a few moments, I recommend these two vids. :)

You know, I rarely laugh when I watch something other people consider "funny." However, I just watched the one above and I smiled and (watching it for the first time) I even laughed. Maybe you like this magician's performance, too. The second vid: my decision to add it after watching a ton of those vids, it was the most entertaining and at the time mind-boggling. Enjoy :)


I always liked Penn & Teller because of their no BS style. They had a show called Debunked or something like that where they investigated *bleep* like tarot cards and palm reading, crystal magic, etc and essentially found they were all just smoke & mirrors.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

indeed, very straight forward. I didn't know them but since I came across those vids last weekend, I've been hooked to that "fool us" show. I must have watched like 50 or so. There are tons of vids of that show on YT. :)


Yeah I've seen a few others, though the thumbnails and titles are click bait, when they don't need to be.

I remembered their other show, it's literally called "Bull$#it" or something to that effect to get the title on TV. But they would investigate well-known people, events and things of questionable honesty and call them out for it.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade


Actually Art, you have seen Penn and Teller before. They were in an episode or two of Babylon 5, where I think they played some kind of entertainers (it's been a while, can't remember the details, only that they were in it).

Sleight-of-hand tricks are fascinating. Watching those videos reminded me of this guy from a few years back - Yo Kato:

Art Blade

nice :)

And wow, I love B5, but I don't recall those two participating. Anyway, cool, maybe one day I'll come across that episode again :)


"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

+1 :thumbsup: for D_B, for the effort. Thanks :) I remember now that back then I thought, those two are somewhat meh, even a tad lame. Now I know who they are :) And I still think they got a lame script.


I don't remember that episode at all. Though back then I might have missed a few as I didn't have cable TV and had to rely on a friend to tape it (on VHS) for me every week and sometimes he forgot.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

I've got the whole series (all seasons) plus a few spin-off movies of Babylon 5 on DVD and I watched them all.


I too have the whole shebang including the films, but haven't watched them for quite a while.

Art Blade

you got all of 'em, too? hehe nice :) I think it's the best Sci-Fi series, apart perhaps from classics like Star Trek. I think I watched the entire show twice already but I need some distance before I can do that once more :anigrin:


B5 is one of my favourites. It took about a season and a half to really pull itself together, but then it was excellent. Plus I liked the fact that it went somewhere, it wasn't just one self-contained episode after another until the well of ideas ran dry. It was obviously all plotted out in advance by the writers and had a conclusion that it worked towards, not just made up from one week to the next. It was an intelligently-written show too, a bit silly in places at the very start, but it quickly settled down and became quite compelling. I used to binge-watch about four or five episodes at a time. Great visuals too after the first season or so, considering that it was made in the very early days of CG effects. It still holds up.

Must watch it again soon actually, it's been a while.

Art Blade

I used to binge-watch them, too :anigrin: as many as I could until I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer :gnehe: I liked the B-movie flair of the first season and I was disappointed when they swapped out the station chiefs. I liked the theatrical wooden charm of Michael O'Hare as Cmdr. Jeffrey Sinclair and it took some time for me to get used to Bruce Boxleitner as Capt. John Sheridan. The series grew indeed, from B-movie to something really nice. Best way to observe the changes is by looking at Londo Mollari's hair style over time. The love-hate relation between him and G'Kar usually resulted in the funniest dialogue of the entire series, but other characters had funny lines, too. Especially Ranger Marcus Cole was extremely good and I am really sad that he didn't last longer. They were a good bunch of characters, those B5 peeps :)

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