Killing Floor 2

Started by Art Blade, October 20, 2018, 09:05:54 AM

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Art Blade

Yesterday Binn and I decided to give Killing Floor 2 a shot because it can be played cooperatively in a PRIVATE (password!!) session and it's a first person shooter (don't we all like FPS ;) ) which also allows for quite a bit of character customisation including weapon choices and all that. Plus, it was on sale for 9 Euros. I already bought it in March 2017 when it was on sale but never really played it except for the first 90 minutes, then deleted it. Now, with Binn on board, I downloaded it again. It is however one of those games that are fairly cheap (base price like 28 Euros) but then those F***ing micro transactions or what it's called, you can BUY almost everything with real money. We don't want to do that, just use what's in there.

Here's my solo against a boss at the end of a level, I just started a level 0 berserk build. My tactics were "hit, heal, and RUN!" :anigrin: which worked out just fine. :)


The sword suits you, AB  :thumbsup:

I still hate boss fights and avoid them whenever I can.

Art Blade

thanks :)

And I prefer games without boss fights, too, but I don't mind them if the rest of the game is OK.

Actually, this game and my katana-based gaming style reminds me very much of Shadow Warrior 2. There you too can customise your character and go for anything that suits you, like from fire arms to swords. Here it's more fire arms, though.

Art Blade

this is a fire arms video. Four waves, and boss fight. I almost didn't make it, I had run out of ammo but found an ammo crate. The resulting shot killed the boss :anigrin:


I watched some of each of these vids, but to be honest, plain shooters no longer interest me. Don't get me wrong, I still like a good shoot, but I prefer games with accompanying stories and characters to provide a premise or rationale for the shooting, and to give me a sense that I'm part of an unfolding tale as opposed to just shooting everything in sight. Immersion, in other words. I've gotten too stodgy in my old age for frenetic Doom-type games, and I've been spoiled by the likes of FO4 - I can't just shoot for shooting's sake anymore :gnehe: I find that dull now.

Is there anything more to this game besides fighting, out of curiosity? Like story, characters, and such?

Art Blade

no. That would be Shadow Warrior 1 and 2. Of those, only SW2 came with online co-op. Both of them are story-driven, albeit some kind of Duke Nukem manly immature silly humour. Which I enjoy :anigrin:


Yeah, looking at those vids, I can say that's not my cup of tea, I have the Doom reboot from last year or whenever and never finished it, just didn't hold my interest. Same with Duke Nukem Forever, there was just other things I'd rather be doing.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Cheers Art :)

My Duke Nukem experience didn't exactly last "forever" either, Dweller :gnehe: And Doom - not the last one, but the one before that (Doom III, I think it was called - it was set in a Mars base and had lots of dark, samey corridors that I kept getting lost in) lasted even less long.

I tried playing one of those Halo games many years ago, that was over for me in about five minutes :banghead:

Art Blade

I used to play Duke Nukem 3D back in the day, LAN parties and such, and it was great. So I waited some 20 years for DNF to be released and played it when it was released. Once. It's not really cool to play a game that contains graphics from 20 years ago when they started that project and every stage in between until they finished it. The jokes and the original voice of Duke Nukem (they actually recruited the old voice actor) was fun. Lots of fun, actually :anigrin:


Yeah I played DN3D a lot back in the day, even fooled around in the map editor a bit, some complicated things they did to make underwater environments and true reflective mirrors. But DNF just stopped being fun really. I suppose I'll boot it up eventually and try to finish it, just to say I've finished it.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

that's what I did :anigrin: but still, there are some really funny things in DNF. Stupid silly macho funny. :gnehe:


The microtransactions are cosmetic stuff only. Still, lots of fans were pissed about it. I don't see anything bad with cosmetics. There are worse ways to monetize your games. The original Killing Floor got stuff like that aswell. But that was a finished game, KF2 was trapped in development hell once. I haven't played the game myself. Closest thing for me would be the Call of Duty Zombies mode.

Animations in slow motion. Well done at least
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade

16 minutes of slow motion weapon action into the sky.. that's a tad too much for me :anigrin:

I am not going to buy anything but damn, there are "cosmetic items" that go for $24.99 a piece, in-game, not the steam market ??? I saw a golden samurai helmet for that price, and other items for same price. Those weapon skins and accessories and other "cosmetic" items range from around $3 to (at least what I saw) $25 which is absolutely crazy, given that the vanilla game costs just as much.

However, the game is not bad. Lots of maps to choose from and various ways to play them. I prefer the "survival" mode which means co-op, currently 4 waves (more money and stuff to find than on 7 and 10 waves) and Normal difficulty which is easiest. It's mostly doable when playing solo but so far, with two players (Binn and myself) it's almost impossible to kill any boss. I reckon we really need to have a level 25 (highest rank) class to be able to beat them. I'm trying out every class (they call it "perk" and the perk comes with perks.. yeah, makes sense) and all classes vary a lot from one another. So far, "Survivalist" is my preferred class but there are a few more that I like.

At least it's not getting boring, it's challenging. And simple enough for anyone to just hop in and play but once you dig in deeper it's got more depth to the game mechanics than one would expect. Interesting concept, and so far, fun :)


Really?! In that case, this game should have been free-to-play.
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade

yes, they advertise items in the main menu and of course, there is a "store" tab in that menu where you can access their stuff, which is where I saw those items.

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