Impressions: Assassin's Creed Odyssey

Started by PZ, November 01, 2018, 09:45:24 AM

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I purchased the gold edition which includes the season pass because I'm taking a chance that it will be at least as good as Origins for which I also did the season pass, and was glad to do so.

When the game started it reminded me of earlier AC games because there was a cut scene in which the Animus was featured, and the music was the same as with the Ezio series (using different instruments). I really enjoyed the reminiscence value, and especially the music.

The game starts with a character you play as Leonidas, and you fight your way through a scene much like you would see in the movie "300". Once the main game starts, it is much like Origins, but with a Greek foundation. The graphics are spectacular, even on the PS4, and it almost feels like you are playing in cut scene graphics.

The game is more RPG like than Origins, and you are often presented with a menu of options in the dialogs between your character and others. The game advises you that your choices will affect the game you are playing. While it is quite similar to Origins, there are significant differences in how the game is played, because it is for the most part an entirely new experience for me, even after having played Origins through several times.

I'm only a couple of hours into the game, and am therefore a newbie, but so far, I am quite pleased.

Art Blade


"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Alexios this time, but Kassandra next time just to see how it goes - to see if there is a difference


Also cool is that you can quick save anywhere except in a hostile area, and it appears that there might be a save system like in FC2, because there does not seem to be save slots, but rather, the ability to save a new game or overwrite an old game save anywhere you want (except the hostile areas)

The loot items are highlighted only by a small white dot, so you need to look carefully, but that is also good because you do not have an "in your face" icon. Also, there is no mini-map so your screen view is much like we saw in FC2.

You also have the option of the guided way to find new missions like in all other versions of the game or a new Explorer option in which you need to find things to do by exploration, which is what the game claims is the way the game is intended to be played.  Also a good feature is that you can change your mind any time.

Bottom line is that so far it appears to be all about choices, and a refreshing revert to how saved games were years ago.

I'm still in the beginning area, and it feels like a new and improved version of Origins. I really like the quick save option which I use before I go into a potentially dangerous area.

Art Blade

nah, quick-save after you got out for the third time. :anigrin:



One disappointment is that there does not appear to be poison darts like in Origins. The darts were one of my favorite weapons in the game - they were so funny to use.

The ships w0#k like in the other games, but they feel a bit more realistic. To add to the realism in the game, your first task after the opening credits roll is to recruit a ship so you can go to other islands.

Art Blade

I told you about a lot of ships.. and using them :gnehe: And I watched a guy with a poisoned weapon, a sword maybe. So you should be able to have some fun with that :anigrin:


Yeah, I have the poison perk which allows me to "poison" the person I hit, but it does not w0#k the same way. The poison will decrease their capacity to fight, but dissipates quickly, and does not spread to anyone else. As far as I can determine, it only increased the hit points to the person I am fighting.

On an aside, there are guys like the Phylakes in Origin, who will attack you on sight and are really good fighters. I managed to defeat one that was using a flaming sword, but when I looted his body, the flaming sword was not in my arsenal.  It seems like when you defeat a foe, you are awarded random stuff, not seemingly related to the person you defeated.


If you haven't noticed it yet, some speech choices have a heart symbol on it. Either mute your TV or close your eyes :-X
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Yes, there are several icons that potentially appear on certain choices, but I'm not sure exactly what they all mean.


"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


I'll try different conversation lines with each play through just to see if there is any substantial difference.


Well, the world feels really large with what seems like an unlimited number of things to do.  Having such a clean screen unencumbered by a mini-map, etc. is great. However, I still lean toward Origins as a better game so far.

Art Blade

From what I know about both games and knowing your game-related background, from your point of view I think they should have accepted Origins as their masterpiece. With Odyssey, they're overextending themselves trying to improve something already perfect.

🡱 🡳

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