Cyberpunk 2077

Started by Dweller_Benthos, November 07, 2018, 08:28:39 AM

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Art Blade

smooth as silk. And now that I've sunk almost 24 hours into the game, All I can say is:

this game is bloody addictive! :thumbsup: :D

Art Blade

Actually, after the patch and the driver from Dec 9, I can now run it on "Ray Tracing: Medium" which is nice.


Quote from: Art Blade on December 10, 2020, 02:04:20 PM
my character
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I have a neighbor that looks much like your character, except that his hair is dark.

Art Blade


unfortunately I can't go back to the character creation menu where you could see the eyes "full screen." They're like lamps. And there are some kind of electronics wiring on the skin around the eyes.

Apart from the black hair, I really hope that your neighbour doesn't feature those items! ???

What I like and do the most is free roaming and looking for shoot-outs between the police and some gang members. I kill all the gang members, loot everything, and get positive "street" reputation for dealing with scum. First Person Shooter classic style. No VATS or TTD, just real time shooting. And hurting and stim-packing and dying.. :anigrin:

As to pics, man.. it's like asking "what's it like, in L.A.?" And then having to describe L.A. with just a few pics. So here's what it's like most of the time: either night or day but always tons of rubbish, dirt and loads of neon signs as well as lots of concrete/metal stuff with computer *bleep* around. :gnehe:

CP2077 typical scenes
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Very nice pics, AB  :thumbsup:

They remind me of London in my current game  O0

I doubt my neighbor is exactly like your character. Funny thing is that he is a tech guy from California. His house is fully automated with control and all kinds of networking stuff. He loves expensive wines and always serves us nothing but the best. All of this and he looks like a thug in a video game  :D

Art Blade


something I find worth mentioning about CP is the fact that there are children walking about even though this is a shooter game. Of course I tried to snuff a brat but the game simply doesn't allow you to aim at them. Like, if you try to aim then your character goes in a "no threat" stance with the gun pointed sideways and downwards, within a good metre or so around the kid. Outside that range you'd whip up that gun and aim at whatever is outside that range.


Quote from: Art Blade on December 12, 2020, 10:28:59 AM

... Of course I tried to snuff a brat but the game simply doesn't allow you to aim at them...


Art Blade

yeah.. 'nuf said. :gnehe:

By the way, I can use electronics in a way like Watch Dogs. Hack a camera, control it so you see something else, hack it via camera sight. Kind of funny :) And yeah, I can hack someone's eyes to go blind for like 10 secs or hack their weapons so they'll jam for quite some time.. This game combines lots of genre candies from all kinds of games.


cool... those are also options I can do in Watchdogs with slight deviation. not exactly blinding the actual eyes, but instead, "blinding" the electronic eyewear.

Art Blade



I can also steal cars and motorbikes, walk around, climb up walls and roofs.. like GTAV and AC. And weapons range from A to Z, guns and blades, blunt and explosives, everything you can think of. I love it :bigsmile:


Sounds nice, especially being able to climb walls  :thumbsup:

Art Blade

yeah :)

Oh, you can also swim and dive.


Looks like lots of things that I appreciate in a game. However my issue is that I am not into futuristic games these days. Sort of like D_B's lack of interest in 3rd person, I am not into games of the future.


Quote from: Art Blade on December 10, 2020, 02:04:20 PM
my character
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"No hay luz"


Quote from: PZ on December 12, 2020, 11:47:33 PM
Looks like lots of things that I appreciate in a game. However my issue is that I am not into futuristic games these days. Sort of like D_B's lack of interest in 3rd person, I am not into games of the future.

Are you future proof? ???
"No hay luz"

🡱 🡳

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