Cyberpunk 2077

Started by Dweller_Benthos, November 07, 2018, 08:28:39 AM

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Not necessarily, but I enjoy do traveling in contemporary cities portrayed like they really are with all the garbage etc. That is ne feature that attracted me to the original Watchdogs.

I started gaming basically with the original Wolfenstein, and promptly started modding level maps etc. However after I was done with that I tried Doom and a couple of other futuristic games, but never progressed far into them. I left gaming until I saw a video of the dilapidated towns and worn landscapes in Far Cry 2 - I fell in love with those landscapes.

Most things historical I also enjoy, but I've never stuck with any of the games set too far in the future, especially the space ones.

Just set in my ways I guess.  :main_knockout:

Art Blade

this game isn't spacey at all. Not even too futuristic and given the game's name suffix "2077" hints that it's really not a far future. And as you can tell by the pics I posted, it's urban, dirt and rubbish bags everywhere, and down to earth with a classic motorbike. I think you couldn't tell the difference from an actual town and the pics. The only difference is that people wear tech implants and augmentations.

here a few more examples. By the way, I'm now running the game on maximum ultra graphics (Ray Tracing: Ultra) with just ONE change: I slid the ray tracing lighting down from high to mid. Else, all on ultra/max. However, for the sake of low speed internet users here, I've always reduced the image quality to 80% to get a small file size. In game, that stuff looks CRISP :gnehe:

CP2077 more typical scenes
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It does indeed look quite good  :thumbsup:


Yeah I watched a bit more of live stream of this and there's a lot going on, another highly complex and densely packed game. I might get it eventually, like when it goes on sale or something.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Nice screenies  8) Do you have film grain/motion blur enabled?
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


To append my above comment, I might get it eventually, after I've upgraded my system, that is. I've seen reports that trying to run the game on old hardware (and my 1080ti is now "old hardware") including last gen consoles is an exercise in futility and heartbreak. Not worth bothering. So come springtime or early summer when things have calmed down and the new video cards and processors are actually available to the average person, I'll get a new system that can actually run the game and make it look good.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


What I didn't really get is what you stated earlier on the settings bit. You described your settings being all ultra, but ray tracing set to medium... I thought ray tracing was a better, less hardware demanding way of performing graphics light effects... so isn't it better to put it to the highest setting, so your engine (GPU) has a better overall performance? :huh-new:
"No hay luz"

Art Blade

LP, yes, nothing switched off

Binn, independently there are two informations that should help you:

1) the devs released a spec sheet that goes from left/low to right/high specs. To the right are the RTX settings only RTX graphics cards can handle and those settings are more demanding.

2) in game the gfx settings have a slider from left to right going from low over ultra to different Ray Tracing setups on the right.

I think it's like this: RTX adds on top of ultra settings. It wouldn't make sense to me to try and set RTX to ultra while the other  stuff is low.

Art Blade

just so you see what I like to do in this game.


Looks nice  :thumbsup:

I did a search on CP2077 for the PS4 and IGN review did not recommend it for the console due to a wide variety of things including lag so bad you had to replay segments just to see the proper results.

I'll keep an eye on the game, especially if I end up with a PS5

Art Blade

People on PC apparently profit from lots of RAM and multicore CPUs, not sure about consoles with a fixed specs. It's probably going to get sorted with a game patch specifically for consoles.

I didn't think you'd watch a 13 minute vid given your poor internet. Now, having watched that vid, what do you think of the "space and future" aspect that you despise? How does this compare to your Watch Dogs? And, what do you think of the puzzles? And last but not least, did you notice anything special about the sniper? ;)


The Jaguars is nothing compared to the Ryzens in current gen.

Cyberpunk haven't gotten its PS5/Xbox Series X specific patch, but still runs under backwards compatibility (No ray tracing, but can utilize the stronger CPU/GPUs)
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade

meanwhile, a screenie of my character with one massive sniper rifle. :anigrin:

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CDPR offering refunds:

Other reviews I've read have mentioned game breaking bugs that can't be fixed even with a patch, without starting a completely new game.

Glad I'm waiting until at least summer before pulling the trigger on this one if I ever do, the general feel of the game just doesn't grab me too much. I can see me playing a bit then giving up on the story because I lose interest, like I did in Red Dead, but unfortunately this game does not have multiplayer to save it once that happens.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


It looks like it might be a while before things become reasonable regarding the consoles which I am just about exclusively playing these days. I certainly do not want to take the chance on it running poorly - I don't even have a Pro version of my console.

As to the game, it looks quite a bit like the environment in Watchdogs, so that is definitely a plus. That huge sniper rifle is a monster, and looks great! The weapons in WD are a bit cheesy, but kinda fun like in the Just Cause games.

I like puzzles as long as they are not too difficult - one of the things I like about this new WD is that they have a "very easy" game setting in which to play. I'm much more relaxed because I suck at gaming. I'd probably be a bit better, but I'll always be a very casual gamer and don't play long enough to even recall all the button presses.  :gnehe:

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