Cyberpunk 2077

Started by Dweller_Benthos, November 07, 2018, 08:28:39 AM

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Well, it is limited by the PS4 and Xbox One hardware. The hardware is equal to a Radeon HD 7850/7870 GPU and a low-power Jaguar CPU. I guess the delays are due to next gen machines. If they started Cyberpunk after Witcher 3, only available hardware would be the current gen machines.
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Yeah you can see on the right side of the screen the controller button hints, so another developed for console release. If they do delay it enough to use the next gen hardware that would be the best result but that probably won't happen, so you'll get something that works on the old stuff but doesn't take full advantage of the new stuff and PC users will just get a port that might be good or might not.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


This doesn't impress me either. It reminds me of NFS games when driving. All the visuals are focussed on some player flashing by through the streets. And the conversations are toe curling. They all assume the regular gamer doesn't know whether to want to be an army guy or a thug, so they design their games in an approach that suits both. Doesn't suit me. Brings back memories of FC..ughhhe ugghe...5
Something else; these sea containers you see a lot in the game, they are fucking clean. And they all are the same. Same text, same colour... but when there's a mission objective, suddenly there's graffiti... right :huh-new:
"No hay luz"


Sounds like some art assets are missing or unfinished in the demo. I guess CDPR are still embracing the crunch culture a la Rockstar, which are trying to get rid of their toxic working environment.
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade

thanks for that vid, fragger.

Now, suddenly, I am not hyped any more. That looked so different from the earlier vids that I instantly lost interest, even. You guys pretty much said it all. I'll just wait and see..


"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade


Watched a couple hours of a live stream and the game looks really good. Of course, 45 minutes of that was the combat tutorial, and I can say if I ever play this game, I'll never use 90% of what that is teaching you, I don't do melee combat if I can avoid it and doing combos of melee hits just isn't in the cards for me. Double tap this, then tap that while that is happening, no, I don't think so.

The person I watched started as a nomad I guess it's called, and I thought that would make a difference in how the game goes but doesn't seem to from what I've seen in other videos, it just changes the place you start in, and you end up in the city anyway. I would be much more interested if you could stay out in the desert for a while or even the whole game and never go to the city but that would make the game enormous. I don't know, maybe you go back there later or the fact you started there makes a difference but the cynical gamer in me thinks probably not.

As for what the game plays like, from what I've seen I'm only marginally interested at this point, if I had nothing else going on maybe I'd be more likely to jump right in, but with continuing in Fallout 76 and Outer Worlds going on, I don't have much room for another huge game right now.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

I also selected the Nomad start in my game and about those three different start options the game tells you that it will result in different options and dialogues. Maybe like, "hey, I'm a nomad, too!" :gnehe:

What I didn't like was steam telling you that pre-ordering would give you access to special stuff while when you want to claim it, it turns out that you'll have to sign up with GOG (in their launcher) and that kind of cheap trick isn't what I'm going to fall for. Sod "freebies" if I can avoid yet another membership.

Art Blade

my character
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Art Blade

just as a quick note

When I started the game right after release, I had graphics glitching out on me. Today I installed the latest driver from nvidia (9 Dec 2020) and the graphics are just fine. Heh, they really optimised their driver for the game.

The game is already aiming at the new RTX 30 series, and as far as I understand the official (game gfx) data sheet, only the flagship RTX3090 is capable of running the game at absolute max settings. My "old" RTX2080Ti does use some ray tracing in the game but I had to lower the settings to Ultra. Yes, "lower to" is correct. :gnehe:

At ultra settings, the game runs smoothly.

It's all a bit much right now, the game is overwhelming regarding mechanics and massive menus so I really need to get used to all of that first before I can actually take screenshots at leisure. The ones I took were either still with the glitch or some cutscenes stuff, nothing to really show off, and currently I'm past those combat and hacking tutorials which weren't worth a screenie, and the mission now is at night in a dark building.. you wouldn't see much.

As soon as I get some better scenery, I'll upload a couple of pics. :)


Looks like people are upset about the game feeling bland and bugs everywhere on consoles
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade

it's the same as usual. There will be people who are really happy and people who are completely disappointed. The latter are usually louder and bad news sell better so you'll hear first and mostly about those who whine and rage the loudest, not so much about those who are quietly enjoying the game. And what I'll never understand: games of that size and proportion that take "ages" to play through, how can anyone be taken seriously who on day one or day two states: the game is *bleep*. They cannot possibly have played through even half of it. Same goes the other way round, you can't say the game is great if you haven't finished it.

Bugs are to be expected, unfortunately that's how it works these days. Even CDPR ended up crunching and cutting content and released the game too early despite all delays. But other than some companies, they've got a reputation to lose and a game that had been hyped for a very long time won't be abandoned. They will take care of bugs. People should know all of that. If they are afraid of bugs then why the hell don't they wait with purchasing a game until they know that the game has been patched (maybe several times) or at least hold back with their comments until the first patch(es) sort out the first major issues?

You may remember that I played some of the XCOM games. Namely their last one, Chimera Squad. Developer Fire Axis, Publisher 2K. I reported bugs here and to their support. The game was released I think 24 April 2020, and on May 21st they released their ONLY patch that left MOST of the problems untouched. In other words, it was abandoned. Funny enough, that game is still rated "very positive." Maybe the idea of it, which I agree IS cool, but man.. no patches except one, despite all the bugs, some of which are actually game-breaking which is why I quit playing.. :banghead:

So I suggest we wait and see how CP pans out. My first impression is: Overwhelming, need to get used to menus and game mechanics (slowly getting there) and it looks amazing. Can't say much about the story because I'm only at the start. I only had a graphics glitch that was fixed by installing the newest gfx driver (which I *could* have done before firing up the game for the first time) that was, amazing as it is, released the day before CP was released.

For now, I keep plunging into the game and I'm having fun :bigsmile:


Yeah what I saw of it looked real nice, the person playing didn't have any issues when I was watching. But there are a lot of systems to get used to, that's for sure, hacking everything pretty much, including living enemies, but that's what you get for implanting computers in your body, I say. I did like the fact you could hack someone's eye implant and blind them, that's pretty funny.

Ultra system playing at 8K:

"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

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