Cyberpunk 2077

Started by Dweller_Benthos, November 07, 2018, 08:28:39 AM

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Quote from: Art Blade on December 15, 2020, 07:29:35 AM
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Nice picture, and indeed quite a rifle! You're all into face masks these days? :P

The grass around your char is confusing a bit; when you look at it without really paying attention to detail, it is as if your character is a miniature. I think it is because the grass is so tall, still looks like normals gras :)
"No hay luz"


Quote from: Art Blade on December 16, 2020, 12:29:17 AM
that's like from a slapstick movie ??? Also the sound.. laughable.

When I fire mine, it's like a battleship fires it's biggest cannon. The sound keeps rolling and fades away slowly. :anigrin:

Like this?  :anigrin: (SVG-100 from BO3, with thunder reverb copy-pasted from Black Ops 1's AWM)

Or this? :gnehe: (Barrett .50 from last year's Modern Warfare/Warzone BR)

I think this must be the rifle you're using (SPT32 Grad)
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade

Art Blade

Even though I don't post much, I'm still completely immersed in this game and it keeps getting better and better. Such an amazing game. It's too big to simply sum it up in a couple of lines and the many ways you can tailor it to your preferred gaming style(s) is awesome. It's a pity that we've got the same old corporate story behind the publication which was, as it is commonplace these days, rushed. You notice it by looking at details, not the grand picture. It's not what you'd call "polished" but it isn't bare bones, either. Despite about 8 years since it was first announced and the obviously enormous amount of w0#k that went into it, it wasn't quite ready yet. I'm lucky as I didn't run into bugs worth mentioning. It's just been working since day one. But there are not only happy players out there.

The negative publicity is in a way sad as it will certainly hurt the devs in many ways but then again, it is not our job (of the paying customers) to be protective and all that. In the end, a game is a product just like any other product and it's not our fault if it's shipped half-baked. While I know that the devs want to create a cool game, I also know that it's a billion dollar industry. And that is what I don't understand: how publishers, simply put, are constantly facing deadlines they can't keep but they still keep them by cutting off stuff and by enforcing "crunch" time (extra hours) that typically aren't just a few days or weeks but many months. And then they publish it, no matter the costs, almost literally, and also as in "paying the price" of bad reputation and angry customers. Yet game after game after game, for at least a decade now (thinking back to FC2) has been published without being completely ready. I couldn't name a single game that didn't fit that narrative.

Anyway. I've taken the game as it is and I've been enjoying it so very much. Almost 240 hours into the game, I'm far, FAR from finishing my first playthrough :anigrin:


I'm with you, AB  :thumbsup:

All the games I have played are half baked, with seemingly endless updates. I've encountered bugs in Watchdogs, but nothing breaking the game, and only minor annoyances.

It seems like this is the gaming world these days, and our only option would be to stop playing the games we like. As much as there are annoyances, the corporate greed has no ceiling, and they are in such a rush to release the game to be competitive, playing the games the way they are is getter than nothing for me. I guess I'd rather play games they way they are than not play at all which would be the only option. Of course, we could protest by quitting gaming, but in reality, who would be the only ones hurt, and we all know it would not be the gaming companies.

I'm glad that you continue to enjoy your current game. I might just try it our one of these days.  :bigsmile:


Glad you're having fun with that, Art :thumbsup:

As for the industry, well, that's the world we live in now, I guess. The days of "whack the CD in the drive, type in the security code from the box and Bob's your uncle" are long gone :-[

Art Blade

cheers, guys :)

Remember the times when suddenly the game would pause and slap a prompt across the screen the likes of, "please insert CD 2" because it was a check against pirated software? That stuff is also long gone. :anigrin:

And I'm glad that I don't have to sit through an installation orgy of like 2 hours by swapping out 3 1/4 inch disks by the dozens and every time having to watch the woefully slow progress for each disk.. and then, disk 33 out of 40, "read error" when there were bad blocks and sectors on the floppy.. that's also long gone. Thanks for that. :anigrin:

Art Blade

Something about Cyberpunk 2077

Maybe you remember the old days here at OWG when we were discussing a then upcoming game Operation Flashpoint 2 - Dragon Rising and stuff like ARMA II and even Crysis, you may also remember that one of the founding members, JRD, in particular kept using the term "destructible environment" a LOT, which we were all dreaming about. But reality, after those games were released, was not what we had hoped for. There's no such thing as randomly destructing a game map. Its worst example of how stuff isn't destructible may have been Fuel. When you were racing on a bike across a vast empty desert there were moments your mind kept racing on but your bike and avatar had been stopped so abruptly and without warning that you had to sort your mind for a moment to find out what the hell had happened.. you then found out that you had either hit a pebble or a blade of grass or, infinitely worse, a bush. None of which were destructible. Let alone flexible. You hit it, you stop. From 100mph to zero, in less than a sec.

To cut a long story short, here in CP you can smash windows the glass of which won't just explode or disappear, you actually have to smash out those pieces of glass that are still sticking out and obstructing your way in through the smashed-in window. That's cool. Can't break through walls or blow chunks out of buildings but still, it's cool. And when I was riding through the desert, my bike smashed into cactuses and they broke into pieces without slowing me down. Bushes, grass, all kinds of stuff that's literally in your way aren't obstacles unless you'd consider them obstacles in real life, like a rock after a landslide, you really don't expect to be able to drive through a rock. So this game really "acts" in a way that's much more compatible with your expectancies than many games out there. And while we're on it: if you've got the right weapons, you may cause dismemberments and decapitate people, set them on fire and whatnot. Fire looks great, by the way. Not only on people. :gnehe:

The best graphical experience I've ever made in any video game:

I came across a bent glass surface, a window that "went around the corner" with a soft bend, not an edge. The reflections of my environment (yeah, actual reflections, no bogus bitmaps) were distorted accordingly, just like the real thing if you look at uneven reflecting surfaces. I spent a few minutes in front of that window and looked at it from all kinds of angles just to admire the distorted reflections :bigsmile:

Maybe all this gives you a little more insight. This game is so cool :thumbsup:


Oh yes, I recall those discussions and those games. Just as an aside I looked online yesterday for ArmA IV, but that is not out nor is there a reliable projection date. I liked that series because of how you can mod to your hearts content.

Strange coincidence that you mention that game today  :gnehe:

CP sounds increasingly interesting, but I would need to get it on the console because my PC is no longer robust enough to run todays games.

Definitely on my watch list because I really enjoy the realism in game based on what you mentioned in your post :thumbsup:

Art Blade

although I'm not sure what the graphics might be like on a console (hey, I'm playing on a bit of a high-end PC here) the game itself is enormous and it would be wasted if you didn't invest a lot of time in it because there's SO much to be explored and learned and experimented with. But it is true open world and after the first few main missions, the whole game map will be unlocked.

true open world
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Since you're such a tech aficionado (your current experience with Watch Dogs and remotely controlled spiders and hacking stuff) you're going to like the incredibly deep character customisation with regard to tech specialisation (and others, you can combine stuff) so you can essentially do the same thing: stay just within reach of a camera that you will hack and proceed from there. If there are no cameras, there are still lots of ways to use tech: you can directly control any opponent by hacking into their cyberware implants and make them blow their fuses, so to speak. :gnehe: And if that fails, whip out your wall-piercing sniper and mop up. :anigrin:


That sounds great!

What area of the world are you exploring? Looks a bit like southern California with the Joshua tree, but not exactly desert-y enough

Art Blade

yep :)

I don't know where that is. :anigrin: I know they based it on California, albeit the City is made up.

Here a hi-res pic so you can see the reflections and the details on my clothes.. this is an actual in-game screenie. Unfortunately the forum's gallery software scrambles the pic a little so it doesn't look just as good as in-game.

CP2077 full HD res for details
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Art Blade

also, here's what hacking through cameras looks like. I hacked a camera, took over control and zoomed in on me :anigrin:

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And here's what a formerly intact window looks like after shooting at it once. You can see reflections, transparency and the shards of glass. I could have kept shooting or smashing out the shards until the window was free of razor-sharp obstacles but there was no need for that. By the way, I love the plastic deck chair, looks so real :anigrin:

broken window
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Art Blade

Quote from: BinnZ on December 22, 2020, 12:18:56 AM
Nice picture, and indeed quite a rifle! You're all into face masks these days? :P

The grass around your char is confusing a bit; when you look at it without really paying attention to detail, it is as if your character is a miniature. I think it is because the grass is so tall, still looks like normals gras :)

Oops. Somehow I forgot to reply.

Thanks :)

Face masks.. I know what you mean :laughsm:

And I think it's not grass but more like some kind of rye or at least something longer than grass. Normal grass.. I don't think that I've seen green grass front yards or anything like that, it's either concrete or dust or bushes and stuff like that or small patches of dried-out grass.

Art Blade

I just thought I'd share this. Look at the fire, you can even see the sparks fly. :)

a nomad camp
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