Hitman 2 (2018)

Started by Art Blade, November 11, 2018, 02:05:53 PM

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Art Blade

want a real quick and perfect playthrough of Hitman2? No legacy maps, just HM2, and a little more than twenty minutes. Yes.. speed run by renowned Hitman-player CJ :thumbsup:


Some of those speed runs I just can't imagine doing, or more specifically, spending the time getting that good in order to do that.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Indeed - seems like that would require countless numbers of restarts

Art Blade

same, not my way of playing games

Art Blade

Hey.. when I played this in 1:08, I ranked #147 out of 13,048 players :bigsmile:

But it was "dirty" as in not as smoothly as this 1:10 vid. Enjoy :)


Now that's funny, quick stab with the poison needle and calmly walk away.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade


 :D  :thumbsup:

I love using poison darts and calmly walking away!

Art Blade

Why did that background of my vid look so blurry? I had that before.

I think I just found out why my embedded video backgrounds are so blurry. Despite YouTube telling you to use the highest possible resolution (my native res is 1920*1080, so were my screenshots used as thumbnails) it looked blurry.

Now I read again and followed their "highest" example which is a measly 1280*720, I resized and re-uploaded the thumbnail and indeed, now the background is crisp.

Really, YT, seriously? :banghead:

Then again, I just checked other vids of mine embedded here, they look crisp with 1920*1080 ???




However, it did not look too bad on my end - I was just watching the embedded video, not that in YT itself.

Art Blade

just in case, the vid itself was good. I was referring to the still, the pic you see before starting it. It is originally a "thumbnail" (the size of a widescreen monitor..) and can normally be seen when sifting through YT suggestions. It becomes a somewhat larger version while a video is embedded. Some people use it to show a recognisable logo or theme, most use one of three by YouTube randomly generated thumbnails representing a random scene of the vid. I don't use random stuff, I take a screenshot of a scene that I want to become the still image shown as a thumbnail and as a "background" of an embedded video before it is being played. :)


Ah... I get it. It is probably my old eyes, but I'd never had noticed until you mentioned it.  :gnehe:

Art Blade

erm, I had replaced the pixelated blurry still before posting my explanation. Just to avoid another misunderstanding.. :gnehe:


I'm so glad you are keeping on top of things, AB!  :thumbsup:

Art Blade

err, thank you, I suppose? :bigsmile:

I'm not sure we're on the same boat, so to speak :anigrin: Lemme give it another shot:

If you take a very small picture, like your forum avatar, and view it maximised to fullscreen, you won't see more details. On the contrary, you'll see clouds of pixels, the image appears very blurry.

I think that happened with my high-res screenshot that serves as a still, a background image, when looking at it embedded in a post. For some reason, YouTube seems to use the thumbnail version (very small) and stretches it to the much larger size of the embedded video, rather than downsizing the high-res pic. So I replaced the pic and for reasons unknown, now it scales properly and looks crisp.

If you look at the vid a few posts up without playing it, you should be able to see the stats and actually be able to read the details like leaderboards global #147/13048. When I was complaining, the ranking couldn't be identified, it was just some blurry pixelated something. But now it works. :)

🡱 🡳

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