Hitman 2 (2018)

Started by Art Blade, November 11, 2018, 02:05:53 PM

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Art Blade

 :anigrin: and thanks :)

I wrote this description that might help understand some things, even if people are unfamiliar with the game.

Want to add a new gun to your collection? Missed out on the Striker Magnum pistol because it's a legacy Hokkaido escalation? Well, it's the same gun with even nicer looks. :) You'll manage the first two levels of this escalation by watching the video because it's essentially the same, only less stuff to do and therefore easier ;) I didn't play it like on steroids, for me it's about playing it as safely as possible, not getting caught and not having to worry about those 80 seconds by wasting time luring the target or getting caught in the process. However.. I made a funny and silly little mistake by not picking up Bañuelos's gun, actually I didn't expect anyone to find it. I was happy that I found a safe way to hide after the loud shot (guards are damn fast getting there and spotting you.. so hide in the tunnel to avoid that) and then.. I really didn't expect the guard who picked it up to take it JUST towards my nice hiding location and I was getting slightly nervous there. Don't do that, don't forget to pick it up, saves you both time and nerves. :) What tends to go wrong is only at the very beginning IF you take out that second guard: for some reason he tends to see your unconscious target on the ground around the door but you won't lose much time restarting. The rest is absolutely fool-proof :) By the way, just to be safe, I tucked away the explosive, away from the wall where the safe is, because depending on your timing, sometimes people are right on the other side of the bathroom and I didn't want to blow them up through the wall by pure chance. Well, you should find it easy to get your Silent Assassin rating now and unlock that pistol. Good luck. :)

Art Blade

damn, this game keeps me busy :anigrin:

A new Elusive Target. Again, I'll finish it while standing in front of the exit :gnehe:

However, I'd like you to first watch the vid which the "guru" of Hitman created. I guess most people who don't know how to do stuff like this watch his vids and then try to reproduce what he did. I used to watch his vids a lot when I was new and frightened. So.. watch his tutorial and then compare it to mine. So you know the difference between his and my understanding of what "easy" is. :anigrin:

I'll hide it in spoilers not to ruin my good post here with his vid :gnehe:


And now mine. I call THAT safe and easy. ;)

Note how on my way to the exit after getting to the stairwell wearing the Auction Staff disguise, I never met ANY enforcers (those people with a white dot over their heads, they can spot you and potentially screw up your missions) and I am never trespassing nor is there any "searching" message above the mini map. Absolutely clean. Even after the explosion.. I noticed the room had tons of sound-proof walls and found that interesting. I tested it, outside the room right next to the closed door, there was no sound when I set off the explosive duck (purposely blowing up the wrong guy to see how it went, it doesn't ruin the ET challenge unless you or the target dies you can restart) which is why even at the very end there was not even a "searching" message. That's extremely rare with an explosion kill. :anigrin:

Art Blade

A short vid. Some people haven't got the extra content so they can't get the Striker (they keep asking about it) but now El Matador is part of the base game and the pistol's stats are the same. Now they can get at least a similar gun or they may want to buy the extra content. ;)

Art Blade

As a salesperson, I can tell that this pen has caught your eye, sir.
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The pistols reminds me of the golden 1911 Extended from FC5, design wise.
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade

El Matador reminded me of a 1911, too :) The Striker not so much. The muzzle is way different, but indeed, extended.

Art Blade

regarding the Black Hat Elusive Target, I came across a vid that's 38 minutes long and shows how difficult it really is to play Elusive Targets, especially when you're getting nervous. He wrote in the video description that he used a lot of the "guru's" (Mr Freeze's) strategies. Still quite difficult for him and for some reason, I liked watching him struggle :)

Not to inflate the topic too much, I put the vid in spoilers.


That last one was definitely not smooth, but he did get it. I saw when he left the room that he didn't destroy the camera footage, oops. I didn't watch it all but skipped around a bit until he got to the end.

The other one from the "professional" guy, yeah, OK, but still not as smooth. When are you going to do some voice over stuff? It would help to explain what you're doing at the time.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

Hehe :)

Mr Freeze is still my favourite when I need help with Hitman like "where are all those rubber ducks hidden in that level" or "where the heck do I get glue and a can of expired spaghetti" because he's got it covered almost certainly somewhere in his huge arsenal of videos. Only I find some of the other stuff unnecessarily complicated when it comes to finding a route like in the vid above combined with some tactical decisions. In particular when it comes to Elusive Targets (ET) you need to remind yourself of how exclusive those ET contracts (missions) are: if you screw up, you're done, over, that's it, there is NO repeating it, it's a Do or Die mission. Freeze has got multiple accounts to test his tactics and sometimes literally pulls the plug, of the network adapter, to prevent the always online game from sending the death message to the servers and by that he can cheat death, so to speak. We haven't got multiple accounts and all that and few know how and when pulling the plug works. Most players who watch his vids are some sort of rookies and likely quite a bit nervous when playing ET contracts. It's an adrenaline rush, at least it used to be like that for me. Most people haven't got the nerve or patience to play test runs, they'd go in and finish regardless the result. In his comment section you'll find people stating that they screwed up. So if he uploads tutorials, they're the bible for many players.

Mr Freeze makes a living creating Hitman videos, not joking, he told us some sad details of his life in a vid once. All that said, he is used to playing the game day in, day out and got a huge amount of practice. If he comes up with a vid like the one above that you take as a guide, trying to follow every step and do as he does.. it is risky at times. Hell, sneaking around and under a live camera during an ET contract is something I wouldn't want to do. I bet it's due to his status, being the guru, everyone checking his vids, that he's got to be the first, or one of the first, to upload vids when something new has been released. He works out a plan and once it works, he uploads it. Kudos to that man who discovers all that by himself. :thumbsup: We, however, we can take our sweet time and watch several vids for inspiration, we may copy this bit here and that bit there and with more practice and confidence, we may come up with some ideas of our own. In the end we may find ways to play it smoother than he does. Over time, I've acquired confidence and I've got patience so these days I create my own stuff as you can see :) However, it's still a pastime for me. I am not a professional.

Having said all that, people who make a living creating YouTube content mostly use voice-over. If you find early vids from them, their voice-over sounds like *bleep* because they use a common mic like those in gaming headsets. After a year or more, you'll suddenly find their sound better. They bought a better mic. A proper one, and those are big. You know what I mean, you've certainly seen people on YouTube with those massive mics in front of them. Those make the voice sound natural in videos while headsets simply don't. You'll remember our GTA vid when Binn popped the cork of a $150k champagne and you recorded our voices in your vid or you may remember the one I created for you regarding those blue cars. That's why I won't create public voice-over content. I don't want to spend a huge amount of money on a proper mic, plus it would be in my way all the time. And I don't want to produce vids that sound like *bleep*. It's already enough if I play like *bleep* :gnehe:


haha, fair enough, though I guess what I've found is not so much does the mic change over a youtuber's videos as their tone and confidence changes in how they deliver the voice over time. Some are great even in the early stuff on a mic that's only decent. I know when I bought my mic I watched a comparison between it and a $300 stand alone version and really the difference wasn't worth the $220 it cost over the one I have. Plus, yeah, I don't want that big swing arm in front of my desk either. One of these days when it's called for, I'll upload a video with some voice on it.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

not sure wether to get you all pumped up or to beg for mercy :anigrin: Nah, go on O0

As to mic vs confidence, I know (and can show you) examples of when the voice was all the same (good and confident) but a new mic made a hell of a difference. It's somewhat like on old TV shows when people were on a phone or walkie-talkie, like all treble, a little muffled and no "body" to the voice at all, and the next scene when they were talking face to face (recorded with studio mics, obviously) which sounded natural. I am also aware of an almost religious stance when it comes to which mic is better or best. As well as that there are comparatively cheap mics that do a good enough job that it's hard to tell, if at all, whether they're using a studio or home recording mic.

Art Blade


"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


That cleaning lady - too funny. She must have gotten mad when you started shooting the coins in the fountain, eh?
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

I'm glad that you like it :anigrin:

She didn't get mad but panicked and called the cavalry, so to speak. I had to shoot her and everyone else running for help as well as said help in form of security details that looked like me (uniform) but they were wearing white hats that reminded of London's bobbies. My hat is from the only guy I know who was wearing it, he bit the dust somewhere down in the cellar when I needed a disguise that allowed me to access most areas without causing suspicion. That hat looks a tad cooler :) So yeah, I had at least five minutes of havoc going and that wasn't exactly helping the video which is why I edited it out. The surprise moment for you to see her dead in a puddle of blood and foam from an exploded fire extinguisher across the floor sparks your imagination regarding what the hell had happened there.

It cracks me up, too :gnehe:

🡱 🡳

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