Hitman 2 (2018)

Started by Art Blade, November 11, 2018, 02:05:53 PM

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That's pretty clever, lock them in and burn the building down around them!
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

yep, pretty neat game/mission design that allows players to do that. :) But you've observed how luring works.. shot some place and a nearby guard goes investigating. It also stops people from running. To keep a ton of them inside a building requires a bit of that shooting so guards won't wander off as well as a scripted event, something that works like "a meeting is taking place" or some such. Then you need to time it right so the building catches on fire while they're still in there. There are two events that I can trigger which makes a certain amount of people go inside one building but I don't like to spend too much time on figuring out what to do in which order ONLY to get a few extra peeps inside a building.. whatever you do, those sniper maps are essentially timed events so you're always working against time and against those AI routines. Fun for some time, the way I recorded it at least is what I think is fun. Not too fancy, just some specific shooting order.

Art Blade

an old mission, I felt like playing it again.

What you don't see: The general Reza Zaydan dies from food poisoning. Since he's hanging out in a heavily guarded area, I decided to kill him by proxy. So I wake up said proxy, a waiter, by switching on the radio. He then walks to the plate that I had poisoned and delivers it to the general. That whole routine takes about 7 and a half minutes. The waiter must be a very slow walker :gnehe: In the meantime, I make a replacement cameraman sick, take his outfit and meet with his film crew. Thanks to them I get access to the embassy. There I drop the famous electrocution phone so the second target, Klaus Hugo Strandberg, can be killed by calling him. Then I got so much time to spare waiting for the waiter (ah, that's why they're called waiter..) that I had time to run around the bazar a bit so it wouldn't be too boring. I make it to the exit just about when general Zaydan croaks. Mission accomplished. :) At the end, I show the top 100 rankings because.. it's unreal. I mean, it's on Master difficulty and the ranking refers to that specific difficulty. There are only less than 20k players ranked (the same mission on Professional which is the normal difficulty ranks about 85k players) and over 3.3k of them are faster than me, the top 100 finished between 30 secs and 1:35 which I think is absolutely impossible. Speed runners make it in say 4 minutes. My time isn't half shabby but thanks to those cheaters, it looks pretty bad.

Art Blade


Yeah I laughed at that glitch one, she knows what she likes and isn't afraid to go for it!

"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

Art Blade

freak double kill: flash-banged, electrocuted and burned :D Also, the same bug as before occurred, people keep picking up invisible money. It is caused by the flash phone. Once it blows up, the AI can "see" invisible coins where the phone was that they seem to keep picking up from mid-air.

Art Blade

here's a seriously good go at the same mission again. Default loadout, no fancy stuff, on Master difficulty, and a whopping 4.40 time  :gnehe:



The double kill one is nice, I like how it also exploded the fuel tank to the generator, or seemed to anyway.

Second video is gone "removed by user" wasn't quite ready for prime time yet, eh?
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

The fuel tank only leaked oil that got ignited by the electrocution phone. The explosion was from the "flash phone" and I think it's a bit exaggerated, that bang :anigrin:

I removed the previous vid in favour of an even faster and cooler vid, here goes :)



Nice, I like the set up in the office, then walk away knowing it will all w0#k out as planned.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

thanks, and indeed :) I dismissed the one guard in front of that office because he sometimes hears the shot at the propane tank and all hell breaks loose. Can't have that, can we :gnehe: The vid starts with me grabbing a conveniently placed safe code which I open in that office. It contains a password that I tell Strandberg on the phone. It makes him think a meeting with Reza was on the way so he comes walking down towards the oil drum you saw in the previous vid. Only this time I intercepted him :gnehe: For the previous vid I also had to call Reza from Strandberg's office AND I had to "give" both of them a phone which takes a considerable amount of time to set it all up which is why I limited that vid to just the double kill. But now.. Geez. I was already calling a 7.40 time "not shabby" so this one here is really close to what some speedrunners do except they do it from a default starting point (in the bazar) but for me, it's pretty damn amazing that I actually pulled it off this fast using only a default loadout. Makes me happy :bigsmile:

Art Blade

and a different map, same principle: simple loadout, fast time, on Master. It's quite good for my taste :)



So the woman landed on the guy and both died? That is too funny.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

yes, that's what happened. There's an achievement for this double kill called "Terminal Velocity," so that's how you learn about it :)

🡱 🡳

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