Hitman 2 (2018)

Started by Art Blade, November 11, 2018, 02:05:53 PM

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Art Blade

I tested it a bit and I'm disappointed.

It is silent, OK, so it just goes PFfffff when it "explodes" but the amount of emetic gas released is tiny. A cloud the size of a man, two max. It seems to be more of an "indoor grenade" because when I tried it in the open, either nobody or just one person got affected. Indoors, probably because of the missing breeze, I could affect two people next to each other, a conversation would be an appropriate situation for that.

Not really worth it unless you've got a specific mission during which it would be more difficult to administer a consumed emetic poison or even more difficult, to inject someone with an emetic syringe.

There is however the problem of aiming that thing at your target as it might actually lock on to your target's head so you're running the risk of throwing it and knocking them out by accident. The other extreme would be tossing it out of range for the target to get sick.


Ah that's too bad, so you can't clear a room with it, much less anything outside. I suppose that would be a bit OP though, so I can see why they limited it a bit.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

I watched a vid from Infinite Omega Gaming (we feature each other's channels exclusively) and he pulled off a couple of tests that included up to seven persons getting sick, even outdoors. Still, you don't normally get those situations with that many responsive NPCs and it didn't change my mind. I still think it's relatively useless except for very specific situations.


Yeah it seems it's meant for getting someone sick when you can't get right next to them or poison some food. Does it attract attention or draw alarm if you set it off and someone sees you do it? That would make it even less useful.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

apparently it doesn't. The grenade is listed as a tool in the inventory, not as a weapon.


Good news.

Today they'll release a new map for expansion pass holders such as myself and there are two more "emetic rewards" :gnehe: One is a probably useless remote emetic device (I bet it gets spotted and removed unless you manage to hide it well while staying unseen yourself) but a very promising gun that looks like the tranquiliser pistol. Instead of tranqs, it $p@rts emetic poison darts :gnehe: :gnehe: :gnehe: Now THAT is cool. :)

Art Blade


Looks interesting, and tropical, lol
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

Hehe, it is :) I kind of dropped the bomb with that vid. For my channel, getting -180 views within -8 hours is absolutely phenomenal. I learned that from my "surprise" vid (it surprised ME) which was the same thing as this: full mission briefing of a new map, it's got over a thousand views and counting. It worked quite well because I was quite fast uploading it when it was still very new. This time I was the first to actually have uploaded a full mission briefing. I hope this one performs about the same or better :)

Art Blade

260 views now and 12 likes. About 12 hours since uploading it. lol


While I haven't paid much attention to this topic, good to hear! O0
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade

thanks :) Don't worry, I am well aware of the fact that I am the only one playing this so I don't expect utter dedication of the rest of OWG to this topic. However, I'm always happy if anyone shows up and comments here :)

What I find amusing about YouTube: The vid above is nothing but a recorded mission briefing. In other words, I did NOTHING but "copy-paste" it. No skills, to tactics, no gameplay.. nothing. Still, people kind of freak out about it, the view count is soaring, I get tons of likes.. but when I upload stuff that I did, playing a mission, with skill and wit and cleverness.. nobody gives a *bleep*. :D


Yeah I noticed that, and wondered about the views and likes, strange that something that's just a copy from the game gets more attention than something that's actually useful to playing the game like all your other videos. But that's youtube for you.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

so absolutely true mate. If you're halfway involved with YouTube's "mechanics," it does your head in. I am just so very glad that I am not in any way dependent on it as in trying to make a buck, it is really just a pastime for me and the main thing for me that gives me joy is the ability to record gameplay and make that available to others.

Before YouTube became big, we (players) used to record "demos" which could then be distributed via email or even physical media. A demo required both parties (producer/audience) to own the same game and that game had to have a demo recording/playback option. Quake II was one of those. A demo was essentially a live recording of gameplay and the game would record every move and every item and all players as well as screen messages. So if you got someone else's demo, you could see through their eyes how they do certain stuff and it was usually exciting to get your hands on some famous player's demos.

Now it is obviously different regarding the recording/playback and distribution process and it took me forever to get my head around it. My first recorded and uploaded gameplay.. happened about a year ago. :)

Art Blade

now it's got exactly 350 views and 14 likes.

There's something else I'll never understand about "the audience." This little vid is only 3.14 long yet the average view time is 2.14, exactly one minute less than the vid is long. My "problem" is that NO MATTER how long or short, the average is NEVER near the full vid's length. I've got vids of like half a minute, yet even those are not being watched start to end.

That's about as mysterious as the steam achievement stats. Pick ANY game from your library, go to the global achievement overview and look at the first (easiest) one. It is NEVER 100% of the players. Essentially it's like: "Start the game for the first time achievement: 64.3% of all players got that." LOL

Art Blade

400 views and 15 likes now, within about a bit more than one day. Craaaazy. But I like it :anigrin:

🡱 🡳

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