Hitman 2 (2018)

Started by Art Blade, November 11, 2018, 02:05:53 PM

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Art Blade

I watched the whole video myself. Apart from the map being quite dark at times, watching all this was actually fun despite of the length. I guess it's because there's nearly no waiting time involved, taking out 24 guards while evading getting spotted and avoiding any found bodies.. when I played that, I didn't realise how much time was passing. I was genuinely surprised when I saw the mission time :anigrin:

Have fun watching it. Or.. by the time you read this, you'll likely have watched it.. so: I hope you enjoyed watching it. :gnehe:


Yeah it was cool to see getting rid of all those guys. That's the kind if thing I'd be trying all the time, leave the map empty of everyone lol.

A couple times on the roof I thought you were going to be nabbed, luckily they don't turn around when walking up stairs and that guy on the edge is apparently oblivious to everything....
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

I'm glad that you had a good time watching it :)

The guy oblivious to everything is a special Halloween thing, like I knocked him out on the beach area and he instantly pops up on the roof. The "story" behind this mission is that we're playing in his nightmare, so he's dreaming. Which is why we must not kill him, and one objective reads something like, "we all know you can't die in your own dream."

The "roof trap" is what you can do almost anywhere. You may have noticed that there was a gun a few steps away from where they enter the roof so the first thing they'd do would be stopping in their tracks going, "huh?" because of that gun. Which I put there just to prevent them from turning around.

The really tough thing is that you can't save during escalations. You may repeat them but not save while playing them. That's why I was careful and hid all the bodies because I didn't know what else might happen. The guy might have seen bodies when he was in his last position, that ditch before I knocked him out and dragged him to the exit. If he had seen bodies there, and I did pacify some guards around that area, the Silent Assassin rating would have been out the window and nearly one hour spent on the mission. I'm glad that it worked out nicely and I think this is both the strangest mission I've ever played in Hitman and at the time one of the most enjoyable ones. I had fun playing it :)

Art Blade

A stupid challenge.. set someone on fire (there is only ONE oil drum) WHILE the fireworks are on AND be disguised as the Vampire Magician (a disguise that turns EVERYONE into an enforcer and you're trespassing virtually everywhere) so goodness gracious, what kind of nonsense. PLUS, you can't even use the main mission.. there is no target that will be near the oil drum. Meaning, it requires a contract (made by players) so you either play someone else's *bleep* or do it yourself. Here's mine. And sod Silent Assassin. And I still get lost in Paris, lol :anigrin:

And you'll love it: Lots of shooting :anigrin:


Yeah so basically you made a mission to use for this, so I would presume you made it at least somewhat easy? Picking a person who's near the oil drum, not hard to get to, etc. I really like the idea of the user-made missions, but you know for sure 99.99% of them will be *bleep* and finding the tiny amount that are good is a hassle. Just like the user made maps in Far Cry, for every one that was really good there were so many that were garbage.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

I cannot make it easier. It works like this:

for creating a contract you get to play/use a map of your choice. There everything will be.. it will be the main story mission. Except there are no targets (yet) so you need to pick just anyone you like to be a target and mark him. Up to five targets can be assigned. The kill conditions are set by you actually playing that mission (for the very first time) and it simply records your weapon loadout respectively the murder weapon as well as your outfit/disguise. Once you killed your target(s) you need to exit the mission. Then you may edit the story/briefing and the title and either upload it or not. Once you uploaded it, you to play that mission to set a first valid time and score. Other people can compete by trying to get a better score than you and other players listed in the rankings.

Which brings us to the other point. Yes, most contracts are *bleep*, you can't filter for instance "by creator X" so you need to use a primitive search engine that can distinguish contracts with one target or whatever many, you could also name the map you'd like to play a contract in, stuff like that. So you'll likely find very few good ones on your own which means, without tips/links from other sources you won't see the best ones.

Art Blade


Yep, like I said on the video comments, tells someone to use phone less, gets killed by phone.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

I found that very funny, too. I realised it the moment that line dropped.. whipped out my phone and "gave" it to him.. lol

Art Blade

something to watch (not the "usual" vid when everything happens off screen) :)

Art Blade

Ha, this was fun. Looks terribly complicated when you READ all the requirements but I found a way to make it easy :anigrin:



Yeah that's a lot of dragging bodies down the stairs into that little room. You'd think after the third or fourth guy doesn't come back there might be a little suspicion raised, but no, they just keep going down the stairs of doom and never come back..... lol
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

:thumbsup: :D

When you first start that level 5 and read all those complications, you may think, "oh bloody hell, HOW am I supposed to achieve Silent Assassin?!" There are a couple of ways to do it but they're lengthy and at times risky. Funny enough, the most blatant attempt as shown in the vid turns out to be the easiest way :anigrin:

Art Blade

Quote from: Art Blade on October 14, 2019, 09:47:50 AMRight now, I've got 92 subscribers and 705 likes versus 39 dislikes for 199 uploaded videos which have accumulated 38,788 views.

Today I just got my 100th subscriber. :)
And 809 likes vs 47 dislikes for 210 videos, total 42,915 views.

Yay. :)


🡱 🡳

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