Hitman 2 (2018)

Started by Art Blade, November 11, 2018, 02:05:53 PM

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Art Blade

it was recorded on Casual difficulty, not Professional or even Master. That mode is meant for precisely that kind of nonsense :anigrin:

Here's one more. Crank up the volume and your speakers will jump at you.. :gnehe: Or get your brains pierced when wearing headphones.

Art Blade


Good ones!

I particularly liked the mounted gun in the first one, and that donning the enemy clothes will make them think you are one of them.

Art Blade

cheers :)

That .50 cal surely is impressive :)

Disguises have been an essential part of the series and it is fun to play with them :)


The moose is very clever, just what I like to fool around with, seeing just how outlandish you can get.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade


I just had an epiphany how to best explain how any Hitman game works: Think of the film Groundhog Day. If you're not familiar with that film, essentially it's about a guy who wakes up every morning in his hotel room and it's the same day as the day before, over and over again. He's stuck in a time loop. After a few suicide attempts and still waking up again in his hotel room, he starts to observe people in that little town and learns their routines. Not going to tell the whole film here, but that's how Hitman works. You need to observe a lot and learn people's routines so you know what will happen and plan accordingly. Like the scene in the film when he robs money without using force, just by timing it perfectly he manages without getting spotted. And that's the Silent Assassin approach. :)


Yeah a lot of films and TV shows had a take on Groundhog Day. Though it's been a long time since I saw the movie, that sounds about right.

One of my favorites, though, was the X Files episode where they had a similar concept, though instead of one of the main characters doing the time loop, it was a different person, and they knew Mulder and Scully from previous loops but they didn't know her, because they were part of the repeating loop. Interesting take on the concept.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade


Very cool! That mission alone would make the game worth purchase.  :thumbsup: Does this ability stay with you or is it specific only to this mission?


Quote from: Art Blade on November 12, 2018, 04:41:54 PM
Something cool about my new Hitman2 Gold Edition: I got ALL missions from Hitman1 and some of my HM1 gear available WITHIN the new game, it's called "legacy" pack and available to me because I had the GOTY edition of HM1. Now I can play those missions again but with the new HM2 gear and game system O0

Hey AB, I looked up Hitman 2 Gold Edition at Gamestop and it is $99 with a bunch of extra stuff, but I assume from your first post that you cannot play the missions from the first game unless you already owned it, correct? I did not read in the description anything about playing the old missions.

Art Blade

the fire trick is only related to what you see in the vid (exclusively for that map, only when wearing the scarecrow outfit and as such firing the four bells in the correct order) and it does not carry over.

Regarding gold edition, I got it the way you described it, even a bit more: I had the GOTY edition of Hitman Season 1 and therefore got the GOTY legacy pack. However, there are two legacy pack versions for those with and those without GOTY edition of season 1. But to get the full experience in one game, you actually need to buy both.



Very funny, but you died in the end, I was very sad... :(
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

psst.. I'm alive ;)

I just didn't want to make it an epic run through ALL the map. I simply ran around the map once and then in, towards the training grounds with a whole lot of armed enemies. I'd have died from a few bullets if it hadn't been for the casual difficulty but even so, the vid had to end eventually without growing into cinematic proportions. :)

Art Blade

I just finished a challenge in HM2 on Master difficulty which means one savegame only and only once during the mission. If you get spotted, you're done. The challenge was "sniper assassin" and of course, you can't just run around with an illegal sniper rifle (thanks to the suitcase you can conceal it in there) and even less so can you just fire that thing. Even with a massive suppressor and subsonic ammo, they can still spot you IF you shoot in an open place. They know instantly where you are. Only some random places can be used for that matter and you need to duck/crouch immediately so when they turn around and look at your position from miles away, they will spot you if you're standing tall. One map is so notorious, Hokkaido/Japan, it needs to be patched, really. I still tried, I decided it was best to try it indoors, in a room with doors shut so the sound stayed in the room, but the target had to be in that room, too, and none of those bodyguards. Not anyone except the target and me, to be precise. And the target must not be alarmed or all hell breaks loose and you're done. And that is so difficult (and, well, bugs..) that not even the most skilled YouTuber MrFreeze2244 has uploaded a vid on how to do it yet. However, I started yesterday and dropped a save and today from that save I managed to get that sniper challenge on master. :bigsmile: It took countless attempts..

As a side effect, I unlocked some coins (audio distraction, meh..) for completing all classic challenges (those for the legacy maps) on master ("all" means about 20 challenges per map, so about 100 challenges, some of which require professional difficulty and some require master difficulty) so at the time I unlocked the lower difficulties "professional" and "casual" as well and for finishing all classic challenges on professional (well, as I tried to explain, I unlocked that on the fly) I finally got what I had been working on for weeks: A very hard to obtain black suit. :anigrin:

HM2 master legacy classic challenges
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HM2 professional legacy classic challenges
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