Hitman 2 (2018)

Started by Art Blade, November 11, 2018, 02:05:53 PM

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I'll admit, I put it on 2X playback for most of the waiting period, heh. The audio seemed a bit louder than usual, but it's hard to tell quality after Youtube gets it's hands on it.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

haha, I don't expect anyone to watch the waiting period start to end but it is part of how that mission played out. :)

The audio IS louder because I set OBS to add some dB. Not D_B but dB. :gnehe:

I suppose future videos will reveal more of the quality and yes, I hate YouTube's algorithms. :angry-new:


Quote from: Art Blade on December 06, 2019, 10:20:34 AM
The audio IS louder because I set OBS to add some dB. Not D_B but dB. :gnehe:

Good one!  :D :thumbsup:

Art Blade

Quote from: Dweller_Benthos on November 19, 2019, 07:58:56 AMway back when I got 50K total channel views

I just passed that mark :)


Congrats! Now let's see if you monetized that, at 0.000005¢ per view, you'd have almost enough to buy a cracker.  :laughsm:
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade


no, I am really not interested in monetising my channel AT ALL. Besides, there are so many people who did and have been complaining about how YouTube made it more and more difficult to earn money. Any swearwords and titles that for instance contain "kill" (great for Hitman videos..) and of course copyright claims and all sorts of nonsense causes the videos and streams to be demonetised. Those people have to resort to donations more and more. But then again, remember the one vid I posted in the GTA topic about a guy trolling a kid with his cheats? Those vids stay untouched..


Yeah 50,000 views used to be where they'd ask if you wanted to monetize, now it's at 1,000 subscribers no matter how many views or videos you have.

But the days of making a decent living off youtube is long gone, the market has cooled down greatly from where it used to be. Back then youtube was new and advertisers were throwing money at it left and right. Now that the numbers are in on how much interest in something is generated by a youtube advert (not much I'd guess) they are a lot more careful with their money and youtube knows it. They don't give ad revenue for just a few seconds of someone seeing an ad until they can click the skip button.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Remember when YT was completely ad-free? Not surprised that it didn't stay that way. It was when ads started appearing on YT some years ago that I got the right royals and installed an ad-blocker. Never looked back. If I want ads, I'll watch commercial television.

Art Blade

On the one hand, I did that as soon as ad-blockers and java script blockers were available and it is a whole different world when you use a browser without those. I am actually shocked when I see the real face of the net these days, loaded with ads, banners and whatnot. Kind of the opposite side of what the internet could have been. On the other hand, I'm a bit sorry for those who for whatever reason try to make a living by posting content on YouTube. But not sorry enough to stop using ad-blocker. :anigrin:

Art Blade

The last "new" Elusive Target. That's about it for this game regarding new content. Also, I'm about done with the game, too :D RDR2 is my new game to sink my time into :anigrin:


So do you mean they aren't releasing anything new, or you are just done with it?

Nice mission though, looked smooth to me, though the guy did take his time getting out of the way so you could close the door.

"Excuse me, could you move so I can close the door so no one can see me kill you? Thanks very much."
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

"they" are officially done with Hitman 2 and have moved on to, among other things, w0#k on Hitman 3. So I'm done with the game, too. The only stuff that will be released for Hitman 2 in future will be community-made contracts and "old" stuff for the legacy pack which essentially is the old Hitman 2016 that is integrated into Hitman 2 if you bought the legacy pack which I did.

The ET was very random. The first about 5 tries (I tried more than 5 times) he wasn't in the location seen in the vid but somewhere else in that exposition hall. I was REALLY surprised when I recorded the above vid that he was right where I needed him to be AND that the small video window popped up almost immediately after getting there telling me he was the target. Before it took between 2 and 4 minutes just to get to that point. Then, several times he went upstairs rather than that nearby bathroom. When he went for the bathroom and I was waiting in there, he wouldn't enter and didn't care about coins. When I was waiting too close to either room he wouldn't enter, either. You had to keep a good distance AND turn your back to him so he wasn't suspicious of you. Also, I knew he'd bloody lock the door once he was in so I had to run to get inside with him, hence the coin.

So when he did what he was supposed to do it was so early and it happened so quickly that I was really nervous and disorientated because I really had planned for something a lot slower and time to slowly get in and out.. Instead, I had massive problems finding my way out which is why I ran into the exposition hall to the left rather than running straight ahead for the door to the exit area. What also played a role was the fact that I had been playing RDR2 for weeks without touching Hitman 2 so I really wasn't familiar with the controls any more and was constantly running the risk of doing something stupid just because of RDR2-style use of controls. Not a good idea for playing an Elusive Target.

And I didn't know whether or not they'd have taken away the helicopter exit (they sometimes remove exits for ET missions) and there were enforcers (with the white dot above their heads, they are able to identify you despite your disguise) running around the place potentially ruining it for me.

When I finally managed to sort it out in my head I went for the exit. I could have been a lot faster getting there without my mind playing tricks on me but hey, it worked. :)


Yeah unexpectedly more easy that you thought, you don't get that too often!
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

🡱 🡳

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