Hitman 2 (2018)

Started by Art Blade, November 11, 2018, 02:05:53 PM

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Yeah I don't get it either, and I hardly ever look at my stats. I know that of the 5 or so Generation Zero vids I posted, one has hundreds more views than the rest combined. It's not the shortest and not the longest, but it is the one with the most "produced" thumbnail, the one with the holy hand grenade on it with the big question mark and arrow pointing to it. I've seen this on other video thumbnails that have arrows all over the place pointing at things, so I guess it attracts views? Who knows. It's also the one video I posted on my steam page for the game just to get the steam achievement, "Post a video" so maybe that boosted the views too.

Yet my ten year old FC2 vids still get views, so who knows.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

yeah, you got impressive stats on some vids.. enormous view counts and really cool is that some got about 80 likes and not a single dislike. O0

Art Blade

and another escalation. 1-4 are somewhat similar and fun but 5.. GOODNESS GRACIOUS what a difference. Level 5 is so hard because once you picked up the hatched, an illegal item that will attract everyone's attention to you if seen, you must not let go of it in any way. Meaning, can't throw it, can't drop it.. and you need to exit with it in your hand. Passing lots of people.. I decided to knock out lots of people so I won't get spotted with that killer tool in my hand  :anigrin:


Yeah that took a lot of time getting all those people out of the way but made getting out of there much easier, I'm sure.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

I created my own contract for fun and made a promo video for it. Enjoy :)


So I take it normally you're NOT supposed to kill him?
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

exactly. On the contrary, he must be kept alive. Actually, a mission objective is to abduct him so he can be interrogated. The "kill switch" I used a few times in the vid, actually there are two kept by twins which are the original targets, need to be recovered so the twins can't kill him when they discover his abduction.

So normally, he's more of a nuisance than anything as he keeps wandering around the map and happens to be in your way when you least need it. And he's always blue as opposed to red even in this custom contract. :)


Oh kinda like an escort mission in an FPS where the person you're escorting walks very slowly though an enemy infested area and you have to keep them alive. You get so annoyed, you end up shooting them yourself, lol, so this is payback!
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

yes, that's kind of what it's like. :anigrin:

Art Blade

I must NOT kill the Constant.. here is the erm, short version of the mission. I was testing something and suddenly it was a very fast run. lol


Art Blade

after the last very short vid..

a new escalation has just been released. Here are levels 1-3 and it's kind of crazy. :anigrin:




Art Blade

and another one, just level 3 because the other two are essentially the same, just one target less and without the staircase complication.

Of course I threw the briefcase down the roof to be clever but it resulted in an instant mission failure.. you have to carry that thing with you all the way down and toss it every time.


Art Blade

and the last escalation they published today. Just level 3 again because it's complicated :gnehe:


Art Blade

Quote from: Art Blade on November 17, 2019, 09:36:42 PMJust checked again, right now 45,190 views. So I got 6,402 additional views in little more than one month. I'm actually surprised (and happy) that my channel has gained some momentum. Between then and now, I also got to a total of 103 subscribers which is 11 in just one month. Actually I lost 2 but gained 2 so it's like -2 +13 = 11. They come and they go, but overall my channel is growing. :)

Just hit 48,000 views with 110 subscribers. I think it keeps speeding up :)


Be good, or Santa will come and take his presents back :gnehe:

Sounds like your channel is firing, Art. Cool O0

🡱 🡳

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