Red Dead Redemption 2

Started by PZ, November 30, 2018, 07:43:37 AM

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I started RDR2 a couple of days ago, and I must say the graphics are seriously impressive. The detail in the game is amazing. For instance, you need to bond with your horse to increase its stamina, health, etc. You also need to feed/groom him/her for more benefit. The game is so detailed that if you lose your hat in a fight, you need to go back and pick it up else you have lost it forever.

Also, if you play without a patched game, you can take advantage of a gold bar glitch to collect as much gold as you can fit into your satchel - that amounts to about $15,000. Stuff is quite cheap so that much money will allow you to upgrade everything you can early in the game.



Meh, screw those survival aspects. When the PC version arrives, time to mod the game beyond recognition :gnehe:
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade

Quote from: PZ on November 30, 2018, 07:43:37 AMif you lose your hat in a fight, you need to go back and pick it up else you have lost it forever.

You should check the camp, your wardrobe there, and should find your hat there. There's a pop-up after losing your hat telling you how to get it back.


I'll need to look for it. I changed it to something more like Josie Wales would wear, including a duster in one of my customized outfits.  :gnehe:

I'm using an unpatched original version of the game and as such, are able to take advantage of a gold bar glitch. Like all games, you can pay for weapons, upgrades, etc. You also pay for train and stagecoach trips, but everything is relatively inexpensive. For example, a train ride half way across one of the main areas (they are massive if traveling by horse) costs only $4.80.

You can find gold bars in the world each worth $500. Using the gold glitch, I was able to repeatedly loot as many bars as my satchel would hold (30 bars) by keeping the loot button pressed. I donated $7500 to my camp and upgraded everything to the maximum (including fast travel). Then back to the loot box and there was a single bar visible, so I started the glitch and again was able to fill my satchel up to 30 bars. I'll never run out of money.

You can't do much with gold bars so you need to sell them to a fence. However, unlocking their locations requires a mission, but there is one fence in Rhodes that you can find simply by traveling there. Wanting to see the countryside, I went on horseback and I love the scenery and many things you encounter along the way. After leaving the fence with $15,000 in pocket, to the gunsmith I went to purchase and upgrade all I could. There are still many higher level weapons locked, but I'm happy with all my upgrades and other weapons I managed to purchase.

This version is much like RDR1, but with much better graphics, and a more immersive experience. Graphics are so good it is hard to believe that the old PS4 can handle it - hard to distinguish from the cut scenes other than the presence of the HUD (which you can turn off using the D pad).

Not the usual casual game I like to play (e.g., the AC series) with tons of options/controls. Usually I tend to tire easily when there is too much dialog, and things to take care of like stamina, health, eating, drinking, crafting, etc., but this game captures my interest. Currently I have a scruffy beard and relatively short hair, and you can go to a barber to change your look. At first I thought it was a waste of time, but if you are wanted, you can change your look and the general public won't recognize you so you can go into towns incognito. You horse can carry up to 3 outfits, which are not just for looks - your health etc. is affected by the weather and what you are wearing, so I have outfits for cold, hot, and average temperatures. Most everything has a purpose which is why the game interests me.

Just a quick inspection of all the things people are doing makes me realize that there will be endless hours of game play if I last that long.  :gnehe:

Art Blade

that's a nice impression there, I'm glad that the glitch works for you and that you're having fun O0


Respect is earned, not given.


Some critics have called the addition of survival game like mechanics an annoyance. It takes away from the gameplay. While it isn't a staple of R* titles, I can imagine they thought incorporating those elements would make it more "alive"/detailed. Ubisoft removed looting animations as it became annoying and it was often just a single animation repeated over and over. Also distracted you during combat.

Why do I have to stand close enough to whistle my horse? Other games makes it spawn close to me wherever I am on the map. Why should I manage stuff like food etc, when it will turn into an inconvenience over time? Also, the weapon wheel doesn't let you have all weapons of the same archetype in the same slot. Good on R*s part, I felt GTA V's approach made it a mess. Why should I pack 8+ pistols that are basically the same things?

I think they pulled some Ubisofting/RPG/Survival game like tricks with this game, but somehow, made them a bit excessive. I hope GTA VI won't be a real life simulator, if R* is pushing for that in their games  :-X Shenmue 1 is a great example, the realistic approach to time and date hindered you from playing the actual game.

I am not saying you can't have fun with those things, but having them forced on you, might bore you.

I recommend you to get all satchel upgrades done. It will give you the ability to carry 99 stacks of items :anigrin:
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade

I hope PZ finds the time to upgrade it :gnehe:

However, some games overdo it a bit regarding survival and all that. Basic requirement for players: you've got to be at least on par with Chuck Norris. Super tough.

Like, Chuck Norris doesn't eat honey. He chews bees.


I think the survival aspects could fit a true western game quite well, if you are patient enough and really want to become / be the main character. Something R* is usually good at ;)

Have fun PZ, nice you could make good use of that glitch  8)
"No hay luz"


Thanks gents  O0

The travel kind of reminds me of how people complained in FC2, having to drive too far, but I didn't mind that aspect of the game at all. Travel in RDR2 is somewhat similar - the trains and stagecoaches are like the buses in FC2 - only available to hop aboard in certain places. You can fast travel out of your camp, but you cannot fast travel back to it (strange), but at least there is a town that is a relatively close horseback ride.

I think horse travel is encouraged because there is so much to find and do in the world - even when you have a long ride it is never boring because there is always a person, animal, or gang camp along the way as well as many other unexpected "finds".

I do wish that there would be options to turn off some or all of the survival mechanics just in case one wanted to play through multiple times and didn't want to bother with those chores - probably something that will be a modification in the PC version.  However for now, I'm enjoying taking care of my horse and myself to ensure we are at the peak of our performance levels.

Detail is really cool - I upgraded my weapons with gold color, custom engraved stocks and other visuals. In other games I've played it is merely cosmetic, but in this game when people see you using those weapons, they eventually recognize you as the person using that unique weapon, and will often surrender or run away screaming something like "run! it's that guy with the golden Springfield!" instead of fighting back - nice detail to make one want to customize look. Changing your clothes also makes you more anonymous when you're wanted or have some kind of bounty on your head.

I also like the true open world nature like finding the fences (to sell your goods) while exploring even though you are technically not at the level where they are displayed on the map, or finding and breaking the best horse in the game rather than waiting for it to appear at a stable for purchase.

I found a really good interactive map:

I'm kind of addicted right now, and have put AC:Odyssey back on the shelf.


You also have the RDR2 companion app for smartphones :)
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Wow, nice map! Does this environment remind you of any real life area in the states, like a part of the Mississippi river for instance?
"No hay luz"

Art Blade

nice touch, the golden weapons to be recognised by :thumbsup:


Thanks AB! I wanted to stand out as much as possible with some of my weapons (except when I am wanted  :gnehe: )

It does not remind me of any single place I've been BinnZ, but if it were an actual place some parts would need to be on the Mexican border because you can do a glitch to actually visit Mexico. I hear there is not much to do because there is only a single building.
from r/reddeadredemption
to where someone thinks different parts resemble.

Thanks for the tip on the app GK, I've been going back and forth to my PC map to find my places  :thumbsup:

Art Blade

Welcome :)

And GKID suggested a new topic on this board which I've just now created HERE. :gnehe:

His post/topic no longer exists in order to avoid confusion and chronological issues. Merging topics is even more difficult than it used to be on the old forum so I just preserved the post by quoting it. +1 :thumbsup: G, for that suggestion :)

Quote from: OWGKID on December 02, 2018, 02:24:14 PM
Just thought we could have this topic in the right board. Still waiting for a PC announcement :'(

🡱 🡳

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