Red Dead Redemption 2

Started by PZ, November 30, 2018, 07:43:37 AM

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Thanks for the extra info, that will help out anyone looking for that perfect skin no doubt :)

I had a nasty encounter today. With a corrupt savegame, damn! Luckily I made a second save, and ONLY lost 2 hours of progress. Still shitty, damn corrupt savegames are the nightmare of SP gamers, aren't they? I totally forgot about those, since I mostly dedicate my time on online gaming.
Anyway, my workaround didn't w0#k. I started RDR Online  to be able to load a previous saved game. It resulted in an endless loading sequence. Then Art came up with the idea of cut-move-to-other-directory-method and that worked. It gave me a shitload of "cloudsave conflict warnings" but it made my game playable again with an older save, LOL

Here's my mugshot since I now officially started an Online career :P:

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"No hay luz"

Art Blade

nice mug :anigrin:

And I'm glad that you could get your game back up and that it was a comparably easy solution. Remove the last save, load up the next in line, done. However, that is annoying.

Regarding perfect skins/pelts:

I have to add that apparently big animals (just now in my case: bison) don't show the "info" prompt. For whatever reason. I had to use the compendium and went for improved arrows, one shot kill, perfect, done. :bigsmile:

edit: if the "info" doesn't show, use the binoculars. there it WILL show up.

As to temp horses, I don't take it TOO literally. Once in a while I sell them and fetch a new one ;)

Art Blade

oh tip for your poison experience..

snake bites: the cheapest way to cure yourself is to have 1x ginseng on you. Eat it, done. :anigrin:

That bitch bit me in the toe.


That sounds a bit like they are borrowing from UBI*bleep* soft and the Far Cry series where you have to go collect hides and skins to make a larger backpack.

After playing an hour or so (I had an hour and a half before I had to leave so I figured I'd get it started, then it took me half an hour to get everything configured to my liking and actually start playing, then it was a lot of cut scenes) I got into the main story just a little bit, mostly really just tutorial so far. There are a lot of controls, and I'm not always fast enough at reading onscreen prompts, so I miss things sometimes. Plus after remapping controls to what I like, there are still a few that are not conveniently placed. I may have to re-map controls again, we'll see.

It's been a long time since I played GTA in single player and I forgot how in Rockstar games when you're inside a building you. walk. very. slowly. I was messing with mouse settings and sensitivities trying to get it to respond how I like when I realized, oh yeah, I'm inside, expect to move like you're in concrete that is starting to harden up.

The game looks really good though, about the only setting I changed was for the resolution which was set at something like 3280x1800 or so, back to 1920x1080 and I left everything else where it was. Framerate seemed decent, though I didn't pay a lot of attention to it. I had no complaints about how it ran or looked, so I'll leave it at that for the time being.

So, no real idea on the game play yet, I'll have a better handle on that once I get done with the tutorial.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

hahaha, you're so right about walking in concrete about to harden up :D

And yes, the amount of controls is CRAZY. Like you, I started to remap some of them only to find out that it caused the mapping for other situations to change without wanting to. Like, when the original allows you to operate the weapon wheel with one hand, after remapping something else, the weapon wheel now had keys that required two hands to operate (keep key 1 pressed while tapping key 2 and 3 to select) because they were too far for one hand to stretch out to while keeping pressed the first key. Stuff like that happens all the time. I have been mapping and remapping the game for some time and I am still not completely happy because, of course, you keep getting messages the likes of, "warning: key 1 you want to bind to action 1 is currently bound to action 2, 3, 4 and 5."

But well.. at least it can be changed on the fly and at least they show you in red the keys that you unmapped after ignoring said warning.

Art Blade

perfect wild boar skin (not taken from PZ's famous "boar pilot" :gnehe: )

the compendium states rifle or poison arrow for an animal "of this size" but hey, regarding size, I took out grizzlies and black bears with improved arrows so.. I decided to use one for the boar, simple headshot, perfect skin. :)


I have a feeling that the improved arrow is good for more than just that, I think the damage to any skin or pelt is less significant than gun shots. Maybe we can find out together. :) The only downside to arrows compared to guns is that they are slow and therefore w0#k best on resting animals. I find it way, WAY more difficult to get a snake with a small games arrow when it is trying to escape, it always ruins the skin. But if the snake or any small animal is unaware of your presence and resting or eating then it works just fine.

I like improved arrows, I mostly have a bow with those selected with me because more than once a predator like a bear or cougar or a bloody alligator popped out of nowhere and it only took ONE arrow to kill the attacking beast. Since they're coming straight at you, the firing distance is short and getting shorter the arrow isn't slow any more. It will also be a simple straight line from you so it's almost a guaranteed kill. Just keep your dead eye filled. :anigrin:

Art Blade

just came past Hill Haven Ranch to the North of Rhodes and north-east of Mattock Pond. The first guy I saw didn't want me to hang around and seconds later he started to shoot at me. I ended up killing three or four people and one witness who just had to pop up, too. Now that the ranch was free of any guards, I thought I might just as well skin a perfect cow. And there was a perfect bull, too.. he got angry and came at me steaming but I had my trusted improved arrow out and stopped him literally right in front of me. Perfect bull skin, too. Thanks to my two horses I was able to buzz off with two perfect skins.. :anigrin: I love my temp horse. ;)


Nice, but too bad about shooting all those people.....

The thing about remapping controls is when you do get a conflict, it tells you but takes like 5 seconds to load the other screen, couldn't it just pop up a quick message on the screen and be done with it? Sheesh, be all dramatic about it, I'm only changing the keyboard layout!
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

Yes, the shooting was something I didn't want and like but then again, you do need some animal skins that can only be found on ranches like cows, pigs, sheep.. and they're not easy to get. Either try to sneak up at night and murder a cow, grab the skin, toss it on your horse and hope you get away without anyone noticing OR you take advantage of an accident like I did.

Those message screens, like the key binding warnings and autosave warnings, lol, so right! :D Bloody "boomer" design decisions, all over the place.

Art Blade

How to have two temp horses

I've got a new tip, I tested it and now know how it works. :anigrin:
You can sell or stable both of them or keep one and sell or stable the other one. You'll have three horses at the time until you reach a stable. Well, unless you didn't have a main horse and got two temp horses instead.. lol

edit: for a better understanding: the third horse doesn't have a map marker and that is why it will be lost before you sell or stable it. Even reloading a savegame will delete it.

A) main horse = got a place in the stable but you're riding it. Got its own marker on the map. Follows orders.
B) temp horse = tamed and bonded with its own marker on the map. Follows orders.
C) tamed horse = no marker on the map. Doesn't follow orders even if bonded.

In order to reach a stable with three horses, you need to make B and C your temp horses in turns because the game only recognises one temp horse that will accept orders.

1) Get off your temp horse, move away a few steps so you get the prompt for orders and tell it to follow.
2) Tell your main horse to follow.
3) Tame a new horse and bond with it to level 1 so it will follow orders.

It becomes your new temp horse. Your old one still remembers to follow you but it won't have a map marker. If one horse won't follow, sit on it, get off it and tell it to follow.

4) Ride to a stable and tell your main horse to wait near the stable. Tell your temp horse to wait, too.
5) Ride the remaining horse into the stable. The other two (with map markers) will be waiting outside.

If you don't tell the horses to wait, you will lose the horse that doesn't have a map marker because it is not your current temp horse.

Careful: A savegame won't help as only our main and temp horse will be saved. The other one will be gone.

6) Sell or stable the horse. Leave the stable.
7) Sit on the waiting tamed horse so it becomes your temp horse (again, lol)
eight) Either ride into the stable to sell it or keep it as your temp horse.

I hope it helps you if and when the time comes that you want to do that. :anigrin:

I just sold my level 4 Kentucky Saddler (nice horse but.. $10 for a level 4 horse?) in order to keep an American Paint that happened to cross my path before. I couldn't let that horse vanish so I tamed it. Since it is impossible to keep two temp horses, I had to trick the game. Lead my old one to the stable so I can sell it AND keep the new tamed one so I can level it up as a temp horse. It is already worth $5.20 as a level 1 horse so I expect it to fetch a better price at level 4 than the Kentucky Saddler. :)

Prices depend on how many white bars in the acceleration and speed stats the horse got, as well as on level of bonding. A level 4 bonding with 3+4 in acceleration and speed will sell for $26.

Art Blade

Oh man, just had a weird streak of events.

Found beavers, finally. Packed three perfect skins. Horse spots a black bear. I pack the perfect pelt on my main horse. I see a bull elk, pack a perfect elk skin on my new American Paint temp horse. On my way to the trapper horses are getting nervous about three snakes along the path, I study a new one and get a perfect skin. Back on track to the trapper, horse spots a grizzly and I get a perfect grizzly pelt. I am one horse short. Save the game (with elk and black bear on horses) and swap out the elk for the grizzly. At the trapper I make a mistake and sell (rare) skins needed for the camp. Reload savegame, elk and black bear on horses, carcass of the grizzly is there but the pelt is gone. Decide to go for more snakes on the way and get attacked by a poor skin cougar, one arrow kill but well, poor skin. Lost too many small game arrows on snakes that I can't get good skins of, reload the save to spare me the hassle of crafting arrows. Sell stuff to the trapper and decide to go for just one more snake I need. I tell the horses with the pelts to wait (if a horse drops a big pelt it can get damaged) so they won't freak out with snakes or bears. I spot a poor skin grey wolf, not worth it. He calls his friends and a bow isn't fast enough for five wolves so I use my Schoffield Revolver. Time to head to the camp.

wolf pack
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Art Blade

Regarding 3 horses: (edit: I edited the corresponding post)

I thought I'd be clever and saddled my temp horse so it became my main horse (not stabled) and my main horse became my temp horse (which I thought would keep its "stabled" status and couldn't be lost) but when I caught a third wild horse and tamed it, I didn't pay attention to my "ex main horse turned temp horse" because hey, it was stabled, wasn't it. I arrived with my tamed horse and my not stabled main horse, sold the wild one and found out that the previously stabled main horse was gone, the stable empty. Great.. so, be careful. As long as you follow my instructions (keep all three horses around and make them wait in front of the stable) you should be good. I reloaded a savegame so I got my old configuration of main and temp horse back.

Art Blade

Another tip (or warning)

While you can sell/donate stuff to the trapper and the camp's cook so they will be available for crafting whenever you're ready, the fence doesn't do that. If you sell stuff to him, it's sold and gone. Apparently his stuff works from your inventory.

Art Blade

Binn found out independently what I had found out, too, but obviously none of us has mentioned it here so far:

The auto-save function can be disabled without having to worry about missions because the missions will have their checkpoints, regardless.

So, turn it off and save manually. WAY better than warning screens all the time. :anigrin:


That's a lot of info to digest, I'll have to go back to that once I get to that point, lol.

Did a little riding around, met the guy selling a treasure map, hope it's worth the $10 I paid for it. I could have just robbed him, but trying to stay at least a little nice. Also came upon a stagecoach robbery, shot the two guys doing the robbing and the guard thanked me and said if I want the money in the box, I can have it, he didn't care as he was glad to be alive. Of course, I couldn't open the box because I didn't have a lock breaker so I left it. I was hoping to be able to take the stage coach or the horses, but nope.

So I get back to camp and find the guy who's supposed to be tied up is facing the wrong way, he somehow got his rope from around the tree and could have just walked away, lol. Of course it was just a glitch:

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I should have known better because soon after that the game crashed for the second time in an hour. So that was it for a while for me.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

🡱 🡳

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