Red Dead Redemption 2

Started by PZ, November 30, 2018, 07:43:37 AM

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Art Blade


"No hay luz"

Art Blade

Art Blade

By the way, regarding that escape story and the calm/brave horse, I had a theory that it might be the horse brand that's doing so well under stress.

Today I finally found another Tennessee Walker, the same brand as Sweet Poor Thing, and had a similar experience.

The horse was ONLY at bonding level 2 when we were attacked by a pack of six wolves. Erm.. let me rephrase that for pun's sake: We were attacked by a sixpack of wolves. :anigrin: I decided to stay on the horse (despite the risk of getting thrown off and subsequently getting killed by the wolves) and used the Lancaster repeater to finish off all six wolves. The horse wasn't exactly calm but it did neither move nor throw me off so I could indeed keep my aim and finish off those wolves from horseback ??? :thumbsup: :bigsmile: It was complaining audibly but a few pats calmed it down and damn, he deserved a little snack for that. NICE O0

So.. if you're looking for a good horse, not a fancy one, that stays calm when it gets frantic around you, get a Tennessee Walker. :thumbsup:

2 Tennessee Walkers, 6 dead wolves
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I'll have to check what breed (lol, brand, Art) mine is, he does seem skittish around predators, but I don't recall him throwing me, maybe once. But that might have been the other one. I know I've fought off wolves while riding him, mostly shooting wildly with a shotgun pistol thing that I'm not sure where I picked up. The other time wolves came at me, I galloped off as fast as I could and fired one pistol shot behind me that hit nothing and they gave up luckily.

My Arthur is also underweight, and his stamina drains fast. I tried to run across the river and though it's only waist deep maybe, that drained his stamina to nothing and it never refilled. I was out specifically to get food and chasing deer. I ended up eating one plump turkey, whatever meat you get from pronghorn, and an entire white tail deer. Still underweight. Guy has a black hole for stomach.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

haha, mine is underweight again and I can't be bothered to stuff him again. :anigrin:

And lol, yeah, brand.. probably misread that when I checked the first mustang, must have been thinking cars ever since, and the Walker brand for Scotch doesn't help, either :D

The Tennessee Walker threw me off twice now (in the snow, I think he really hates snow) when wolves came out of nowhere and got so close that he panicked. I killed all but one from horseback, got thrown off when the last wolf almost bumped into us and had to kill him once Arthur had rolled back on his feet.

And man, those beasts are everywhere.. that's already the second pack in that area and this is what it looks like after the massacre, funny you can see all those footprints both from animals and Arthur :anigrin:

all wolves skinned
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Pretty cool, the snow physics is especially nice in this game, about as realistic as you can get without modeling each snowflake! That screenshot looks pretty much how snow looks when it's been walked through.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

yes, it's really good. Something for fragger to marvel at :gnehe:


Really cool guys!  :thumbsup:

D_B, what tankless system did you get, and does it supply enough hot water if more than one person is using it?


My main horse is a thoroughbred, no other name given. The other horse is a Tennessee Walker though. I had a rough time with him last night as I was using the railroad bridge to cross the river and almost didn't make it, but had to jump him sideways off the bridge when there was still a bit of a drop to avoid the train. I fell off and we both tumbled but seemed none the worse for wear, but he wasn't happy with me for a while, lol.

PZ, We have a Rinnai heater, I forget the capacity, but I never tried running two things at the same time, we could never do that anyway on the old tank heater either. I think you have to get a higher capacity or a system made specifically to run two things at the same time in order to do that. But the only thing I notice different is the time it takes to get the hot water to the tap as the heater is now across the basement from where the old one was, to make venting it easier. So an extra 20 feet of pipe for the water to run than it used to. But if you can put the heater in about the same place as the old one, that wouldn't be an issue. The other thing with on demand heaters is if you're one of those people who hand washes dishes, and like to rinse each one individually under the hot water tap, that doesn't w0#k very well with these as you get hot and cold water alternating as you turn the tap on & off, the heater turns on and off and the hot water only is made when you're running it. Look up "cold water sandwich" for more info. Basically, if you need hot water, turn it on and leave it on until you're done, or don't wash dishes like that, lol!
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

I'm essentially done hunting now :)

I only need some legendary animals for the trapper and a few animals that are only available in the "red region" meaning much later in the game with story progress. I finally killed my last moose. Man finding them can be a pain in the back. He was the last animal I needed: the camp is completely upgraded and decorated and I got all items from the trapper except those that require legendary animals that I either haven't found yet or that are not available when you're "only" in chapter two. Well, and a few feathers of tiny birds but they're mostly for hat decorations. I've got most of the trapper's garment outfits and clothing items and hat decorations anyway. Hunting is fun for a long time but it is so much stuff you need to collect: first you need to find, then to kill all those animals the cook and the trapper needs. Typically it means "perfect" skins so not all animals you kill serve for that purpose.. kill countless birds for specific feathers and legendary animals for all kinds of stuff like trinkets, talismans, and outfits) that it starts to become a chore.

Art Blade

oops, I need to get 2 more opossums, that kind of slipped my mind when I finally got those moose :anigrin:

Turns out that those bird feathers from small birds are not as easily to come by as one would think. They are essentially too small to even show up in eagle eye. All you can do is stand still somewhere and eyeball the environment. Preferably through a scoped rifle or at least put any small thing in the crosshairs. Good spots to look for them: river banks, they sit far away preferably on single rocks, or on telegraph poles, fence posts, rooftops.. that sort of thing. They're so tiny you really need to be close enough to see them but if you get too close they flap away. You may use that to your advantage and toggle off the scope so you can use dead-eye on multiple birds flapping away. Likely no perfect carcasses but probably quite a collection to pick up.

And there are those WTF-moments..

I was riding slowly into a lumber mill's area, through lots of trees, kind of obviously, when a bird of considerable size dropped literally right next to me on the ground, dead. I got off my horse and checked it: perfect condition, a pheasant. Probably knocked himself out on a tree top :D

I plucked that thing with a grin, like, not wanting to let that go to waste, of course I rip out the feathers and all the stuff that can be used :anigrin:

dead drop
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Art Blade

They finally did it! I had been wondering all the time whether or not a camp in the wilderness is safe with regards to animal attacks. Well, turns out that it is not. I had Arthur cook meats with one of my programmable keyboard's macros while I was in the kitchen fixing some food when I heard a massive ruckus coming from my PC, barking and growling.. not good. I don't know why Arthur didn't die before I got to my PC but he was just not cooking any more, his hat was gone and a pack of nasty-looking timber wolves had surrounded him, dancing around him and then I took over, whipped out the Lancaster repeater (it must have auto-equipped itself after the cooking session had been disrupted by those wolves) and killed them all. The last wolf is so far away because he tried to run away :gnehe: All in all, that whole episode was quite exhilarating :anigrin:

gatecrashing wolves
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house cleaning
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Dang, yeah, I thought you were safe in camp, I guess not!

I usually just wander around, and if I meet someone that has something going on, I do it, like racing with this one guy who just spent a lot of money on a horse, well, it was no match for my thoroughbred, even after I got stuck behind a tree! I had learned the drifting technique, but have no idea how to use it, the key combination for it flashed on the screen for two seconds and was gone.

I met the foreman at the lumber yard who buys food at a higher price than you buy it in the store, so I sold him some, wonder if it's worth the trouble to go back and forth a couple times, to make some money. I didn't take note of the price difference, I doubt it's much.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

you can go to the ESC - HELP - HORSE screen, bottom of the left column are the keys you were looking for.

I didn't compare the prices either but I was under the impression he offered LESS than I had to pay in a store, never really checked that. Too little money to be made with that if he actually does give you a better price.

Money comes from mission stories, treasures and from constantly looting bandits (try to find and take out bandit camps which can be seen from miles away thanks to the smoke columns but not all smoke columns are from bandit camps) as well as selling looted stuff to a fence. Of course selling truckloads of good and perfect skins is also a steady income.

🡱 🡳

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