Red Dead Redemption 2

Started by PZ, November 30, 2018, 07:43:37 AM

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Art Blade


Quote from: PZ on December 15, 2018, 09:12:36 AM
However, because of the gold bar glitch in SP, I can still harvest 30 gold bars per save, and have done so 5 times so far. I guess I can think of it as having saved $50 real dollars.  :gnehe:

Well, this is for the online mode gold bars ;)
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Well, here is another negative in the game - as I was exploring Saint Denis I wanted to visit a gun dealer to upgrade my equipment, and as I followed the map icon, I was thwarted four times trying to get into the building where he was housed. I had to keep searching around the building until I discovered the exact door which opened to his position (I had tried opening the most obvious doors only to be thwarted).

I do not like that kind of foolishness in a game. If there are four doors into a room, then there should be four entry points into that said room, not forcing the player to unsuccessfully try three doors before stumbling on the correct path. Again, another "old school" example of outdated programming that might w0#k  couple of decades ago when people were not expecting much in gaming.

All that does is lead to one more step where I leave the game to look for something better.

Art Blade

:undecided-new: that would be the right decision and at the time, a sad development.


Well, it's an Ubisoft game, umm, a flawless product from Rockstar! How dare you insult them?! :D

Well, here's another reason to skip this title on PC: R* can't/doesn't bother with providing dedicated servers for the online mode. I thought GTA Online would teach them a lesson regarding anti-cheat/stable connection infrastructure. Funny, other publishers can do dedicated servers without problems.
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Well, I'm not ready to give up on the game just yet because it is still visually stunning, and I have enjoyed wandering the countryside, sometimes finding places that are reminiscent of real places I've visited.

I'd say the annoyances are minor compared to the benefits of such a beautiful landscape.

I'm just the complaining type - some say I get that from my mother.  :gnehe:

Art Blade

complaints are secret wishes. You could as well say, "I wish..<what should have been>" instead of, "I dislike.. <what actually is>"  :anigrin:


Art Blade

cheers :) Just to make fun of that and to contradict the meaning, one could say, "I wish you'd stop fucking complaining!" :D



Oh Ubisoft Rockstar :angry-new:

Good video regarding PZ's complaints
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade

Art Blade

actually, something similar to that support behaviour in the vid happened to me in GTAV. It pissed me off big time.

Also, I had already quit GTAV for quite some time when Binn needed help in GTAV. I joined, stayed for a bit and happened to get those new DLC which changed the game into an urban warfare game. What I enjoyed was getting a lot of money working my arse off (car stealing and selling) because everything new-ish had already turned out to be so bloody expensive that the "old ways" (jobs, races.. even the original heists) would no longer be worth it. Too much hassle for too little money. I got fed up (again) eventually and gave up on GTAV (again) mostly because the changes made were only aimed at getting people's money by almost forcing them to buy "shark cards." With real money. Me, they kind of forced me to grind big time to be able to afford stuff that wasn't worth the money. They made me enjoy grinding rather than enjoy plaing. And I even fell for it, I've come to realise. No more..

They're apparently finally and already worth to be placed on my to-avoid list now. Cozy there, next to UBI*bleep*, EA, MS.. hehe.

There you go, no more Rapestar games for me.

Art Blade

oh, apart from all that, Rapestar has been failing to stop hackers and modders from ruining it for everyone.



Me neither. Btw, I watched the entire critique of the design. I agree with him, stealth in GTA V? Nah, forget it. Missions? Your typical linear GTA game. In other words, this is Ubisofting, but over a long period of time ::)

Yeah, they don't care about security, while all other companies do... Oh, the second video got some outro music after the 34 minute mark.
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

🡱 🡳

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