Red Dead Redemption 2

Started by PZ, November 30, 2018, 07:43:37 AM

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Art Blade

forget the cheats for RDR2. You need to discover them first, then activate them through a list in the menu, and if you do, the game won't save any more until you restart/reload obviously without cheats.

Borderlands main characteristic is the graphics style with massive black outlines like in a comic book drawing. While I don't remember cheating, I do remember save game hacks to tip the procedural creation of weapons in your favour.


I searched "rdr2 cheats ign" and there was a video on how to enter cheats for PC and good sized list of menu accessed cheats that don't require buying the newspapers or prerequisite available at level ends to use.  Having not played the game I can only refer info that I've read from a third party which in this case is IGN.

Quoting IGN, "Red Dead 2's cheat system from PS4 and Xbox One is included in the PC version"

From there it breaks down into:

    *Pause the game, select SETTINGS and press and enter the Cheats menu.
    *Enter a code from the list below.
    *Once you enter a code you'll see a message confirming that you've unlocked the cheat -- and if you save your game, you won't have to enter it again.
    *After entering a code you can toggle the cheat OFF or ON in the Cheats menu.

So in theory from the list of cheats: Run! Run! Run! - Create race horse (Spawns a race horse)

Then again I may be completely wrong.  :D

- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade

hehe, thanks for the info. I've never tried cheating in RDR2 but now, thanks to you ( ;) ) I will give it a shot to see whether it works. I'll let you know.

Art Blade

OK, the IGN-stuff seems to be accurate. Some cheats do have prerequisites and some of those even seem to be missable like for the infinite ammo which requires you to buy a newspaper in chapter 1. Sounds as if that newspaper wasn't available in later chapters any more but I don't know that. Just to make sure I tried this one ("Abundance is the dullest desire") without meeting the prerequisite and it told me so:

You do not meet the prerequisite to unlock this cheat."

Anyway, I tried one called "You want something new" which comes without any prerequisites and is supposed to spawn a random horse. I just have to mention here that you cannot simply copy-paste cheat codes, you actually have to type in the whole phrase letter by letter. Once I did that, the game congratulated me for unlocking a new cheat. I then had to scroll down an empty list until that one cheat showed up quite far down. I then had to select it and hit Enter. The next thing I see is what I had already heard and told you here:

By activating a cheat you relinquish the ability to save single player game progress, and unlock single player Accomplishments <sic>. Are you sure you want to activate this cheat?"

Not sure why they spelled that with a capital A but hey.. who at Rockstar reads their own stuff once it's filed, anyway..

So. Cheats in RDR2.

They're useless. :anigrin:


So it sounds like it kills all progress in story line leaving you with only the open world aspects of the game to thrash around in.

So I agree essentially useless.  Sorry for the wild goose chase. :(
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade

don't worry, mandru, it was worth checking it out :)

And I think you got something wrong.. the cheats don't ruin your whole playthrough once you used them. It only means: IF you use them, you can have fun (well..) with cheats but not take advantage of them. Once you're done with your cheating session (that you cannot save) you just quit to the main menu, load your last (or any) save, and proceed as usual. Since cheated stints can't get saved, loading any savegame puts you right back to where you were before you cheated. As in, cheats never happened. :)

Still useless. :anigrin:


Yeah why bother? That whole system must have taken a good while of programming to make it w0#k, only to be worthless.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

like many other things in this game :D


 :D :thumbsup:

I play on the PS4 so I don't think cheats of any kind are available. I mostly purchase games for the console these days because my PC hardware is getting kind of old, and I don't want to have problems running the newer games.

Art Blade

is it still the one you built for FC2?


Yes, I built it for FC2.  I love that game so much I purchased it for both platforms. I still recall seeing the PC version displaying in 16:9 whereas the PS3 (at the time) was 4:3

Art Blade


- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade

Back to the game, horses (what else, lol)

There's a Tennessee Walker in the farthest stable (Tumbleweed) for purchase and I bought it because its stats are better than the ones found in wild horses. So it's got 3 acceleration and 3 speed, same as my Sweet Poor Thing. But being a "normal" horse, it qualifies as a riding horse while my SPT is a "w0#k" horse. Having levelled up the purchased one, I went to compare the stamina and health stats. They're kind of mirrored, like 7/8 and 8/7 for health/stamina. In other words, SPT is still different from all other TW. She's got 8 health and 7 stamina which is outstanding for a "wild" (as in, not purchasable) horse.

In practical terms it means, with the snake saddle that gives 2/2 boosts for speed and acceleration and another 1 boost from winning three horse races, any 3/3 speed/acceleration horse can be boosted to 6/5. The best race horses get (with those boosts) the maximum speed of 10 but typically less acceleration, like 7 or 8.

The "engine" behind speed and acceleration is stamina. If the stamina is low, it can't run (or swim) for long. If the health is low, it will easier suffer from injuries like during shoot-outs and subsequent pursuits as well as from fall damage. A horse that collapses due to injuries will often stay alive for a little bit and can then be revived with a horse reviver potion.

Having said all that, my SPT had enough power to survive even freak accidents and epic shoot-outs and she had more than enough power to win the toughest challenge for horses there is in the game: A cross-country race from Van Horn to Blackwater in under 17 minutes without touching water (meaning you can't cross through a river or creek) and I didn't even need so-called horse stimulants that boost the horse's stamina for a short time. I was really happy that it was possible with that horse because if you look up that challenge, you'll virtually always come across the same recommendation: get the fastest horse you've got and during my 1st playthrough I used a 10-speed horse but this time I did it with SPT and still "we" won. :bigsmile: Which is even more satisfying because SPT really, really looks completely worthless and yet she wins the same race other people bought $1,000 race horses for. :D (that includes myself during the 1st playthrough, lol)

Art Blade

Quote from: Art Blade on April 04, 2020, 11:22:26 AMyeah, there are several random events with Murfrees (with and without horses) that may occur at any time.

I just had one near the trapper NE of Emerald Ranch, night time (as usual) and it was the one with two Murfrees driving a cart with two dead bodies in the back and a woman between the bodies, screaming how it hurt so much and calling for help. The "draft horse" was an SPT and I knew that event already because I had borked it once: Don't just cut the horse free because the road is downward sloping and the cart WILL overrun the horse and kill it. So I had to hop on the cart (cost me honour, which is ridiculous, killing Murfrees is OK but stealing from them isn't?) and turn it in a way that I could cut the horse free without having it overrun but that cart.

Now I've got THREE of those horses  :anigrin:

🡱 🡳

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