Red Dead Redemption 2

Started by PZ, November 30, 2018, 07:43:37 AM

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Quote from: Art Blade on April 09, 2020, 02:59:31 PM

Legendary predators like that huge Bull Gator (alligator) that may shrug off a long-scoped rifle shot.. I deal with them by using just one dynamite arrow. Boom, done. Actually fire arrows are perhaps even better because they burn the animal to a crisp without ruining the legendary skin or pelt and you can retrieve a fire arrow, funny as it is. I killed a couple of legendary animals with fire arrows. :anigrin: Same goes for poison arrows, you can retrieve them but I don't use them on animals because of the cruelty. I use them on bandits like the Murfrees :evil2: As a side note, you cannot retrieve poisoned throwing knives. They'll use up the poison and turn into conventional throwing knives that you can't even pick up if you've already got 8 throwing knives. Completely useless. The poison arrows stay poisonous after retrieving them, fire arrows can be reused, too. Dynamite arrows quite obviously get blown to pieces so they're single use only. :gnehe:

Ah, perfect weapon for me then  :evil2: According to online forums, bow kills improves your health in online and I am considering buying a bow just for that. And shooting fugitives with tracking arrows :anigrin:

Also, regarding my posse, I created a large posse so the payout bonus could be different from a 4-player vs a 7-player posse.
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade

I'm more and more convinced that the bow (in SP) is the best weapon of all. I experimented a lot with when to use regular arrows instead of improved arrows. I killed cougars and even a panther with one regular arrow. Boars as an exception for being quite small need improved arrows the same as any really large animal like a moose or a bear.

If you kill a wolf pack or several other animals, I found it to be best to run around and pick up the arrows first and then start to skin the animals. For some reason, arrows seem to disappear after a while so make sure to pick them up first. So if you kill a bunch of enemies, be quick about looting or run around for the arrows first and looting second.

While regular arrows stick in the targets, improved arrows go right through. I've had several occasions with arrows sticking in trees or posts a good distance away. Farther away than you'd expect, actually. So the best way to use improved arrows is either aiming down (like from horseback) so the arrow doesn't go far and sticks in the ground close to the target or shoot when something wooden is behind the target so you can pluck it from the wood, like a post or a tree. Plus, arrows are far better visible when sticking in wood than on the ground. I've only managed to see very few on the ground but walking around behind the target eventually caused me to automatically pick them up.

The only way to lose arrows is by shooting flying birds or by missing a target. :gnehe: You've seen my stats, with 96% accuracy and now well over 600 kills, I rarely miss a shot and therefore I mostly retrieve my arrows :anigrin:

As for birds and snakes and stuff like that, as long as you don't need them to be in perfect condition, use your revolver or pistol. You'll always find ammo for your sidearms. And whacking a stupid snake with a loud bang from your sidearm is quite satisfying :evil2: Also, popping some birds for flight feathers to craft something can be entertaining, too.

With all the above said, I barely lose any arrows any more and I barely use any other weapons any more, either. :)


Just like in the FC games :anigrin: I will use the bow for maxing out my health in RDO and maybe for the special arrows  :gnehe:
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade


I just killed a legendary grizzly bear, he needed TWO improved arrows to the head. Shows how tough he is. It was my 2nd time in a row, used a savegame: before that, I killed him with a thrown cleaver and had a nice fight up close and personal with him. I wanted to use the knife but the game had already drawn the pistol so he ate one bullet after some struggling with him before I could draw my knife, then he just fell over dead lol


"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade

just realised I need to clarify, the cleaver obviously DID'T kill the bear so I had to go into a wrestling competition with pistol and knife to finish the job :anigrin:

I killed a legendary cougar with a cleaver to the head but now that I killed the bear with TWO improved arrows, I understand why the cleaver didn't finish him :anigrin:


Ah alright  :)

Well, looks like the extra XP and double gold payout was a 1-time only thing :banghead: Did my 2nd Etta run and I only got the normal payout for gold and XP. Yes, I was in my Posse. Might be exclusive to the daily challenge (deliver a $$$ target or a legendary bounty), or just once per 24 hour.
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade

that's about the most annoying thing in Rockstar online games: limitations all over the place. Can't do X again until Y amount of time has passed, that's what's most annoying. Can't do what YOU want, only what THEY allow you to.


Yeah, some of the design decisions might have been made to encourage gold bar purchases.

How R* will run their company after the departure of the "frat boy" executives

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Bow headshot.

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Executing a wild horse with dynamite :evil2:

Regarding saddles, Binn tipped us about the Nacogdoches Saddle, which has +1 on both acceleration and speed. Combined with the hooded stirrups, it makes it the best overall saddle in RD Online. Works wonders on my Criollo.

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The Nacogdoches saddle stats. Speed/Acceleration stats are hidden, but you can see them under Player --> Horse in the menu

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McKinney saddle. A nice saddle, if you have Collector role :)
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade

blowing up a poor, harmless wild horse? Not cool :( I only kill animals for resources or to defend myself against them, with one exception: prevention of alligator attacks. If I need to go somewhere between lots of alligators (like, picking specific swamp plants or hunting birds in the swamp lands) I prefer to shoot alligators before they can attack me but even then, I skin them and keep the meat.


Most of the animals I see I don't bother with. Except for predators (wolves, cougars, bears, alligators) and the occasional 3-star animal. Or, I just want to experiment with a new weapon or do something silly.
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade

I was winding you up, then :anigrin: I don't think you take pleasure in killing animals for fun.


It's a video game, so you can do whatever you want :) Anyway, I do not condone or endorse animal cruelty in real life.
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade

agree, and I believe you without a shadow of a doubt. :)


Wolves were my nemesis last night, I couldn't go anywhere without a pack of them finding me. Then one time, I saw the red dots on the map, and just galloped away, figuring I was safe when the dots went off the map. Then a few seconds later an NPC came galloping along the same trial and what do you know, a pack of wolves on his heels. Of course, he got away and the wolves then focused on me. Too bad they really aren't worth anything if you skin them or take them in whole, you don't get enough money to make it worth the bother.
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