Red Dead Redemption 2

Started by PZ, November 30, 2018, 07:43:37 AM

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 :laughsm: :anigrin:

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Another bounty hunter group tried to apprehend me in my own camp. This unlucky feller got executed by Cripps as soon I dropped him on the ground :evil2:

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Well, I decided to turn myself in :-X To get arrested: In an unarmed state, "aim" at them and press E to surrender. They will walk up to you, grab the bounty money and run away.

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I got 500 XP and a buckle for getting jailed :D

How it's supposed to look like. For some reason, my game glitched out. No money was collected from me and the bounty hunters had no dialogue.

"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


So that's what you get for being bad!

So, Madame Nazar is paying +50% for eggs and arrowheads this week, nice chunk of change to add to the normal amount.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Sadly, no weapon discounts :(
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


How's your horse doing D_B? :anigrin:

I agree on the horse rage. I like the concept of horses, and I do like all the stuff they added to enjoy them, but in the long run I learned to hate them as much as I love them. They tumble and fall over everything, they dodge when they shouldn't and go head first when they'd dodge. They go left when I want to go right, and they stop and don't move when I want them to FREAKING MOVE!!!!!

I think I'm just too spoiled with $p@rts cars in GTA :gnehe:
"No hay luz"

Art Blade

I had actually been thinking about D_B's "horse problem" that seems to be based on how he uses them: as if they were cars. Get in, start engine, drive, stop engine, get out. Or even crash, doesn't matter, it's just a tool, a means of transportation.

And now you come up comparing your expectations with cars in GTA :anigrin:

I am totally different. I consider all horses in the game as individuals with a soul, feelings and everything that a living sentient being should posses. That way I accept that they need feeding, grooming, patting, and that they're not super $p@rts cars you can race for hours. Horses will stop when they are exhausted, they need to rest for a short while. It happens for example when you've been riding uphill a lot or in terrain that's demanding for the horse.

Just stop when the horse does, feed and groom it while it recuperates and you'll see, the horse will be willing to move again. I know it's unfortunate if they stop when you need them to move very badly but it tells me that you had been exhausting your horse too much before because else it wouldn't have had to stop moving.

I  accept that they don't like the presence of predators and that they sometimes behave in a kind of a "funny" way.

I believe the game is set up the way it is to make you bond with your horse, it's not just an achievement in four steps. All that so you AND your horse become ONE unit and that you trust your horse and vice versa.

Simply put: you're fucked without a horse.

So treat it well, care more about and for it, and you should be fine when you really need it. ;)


Well, I had a whole reply ready to go and accidentally hit some key combination on the keyboard and it closed the tab. Here's the condensed version.

I'm not riding the horse to exhaustion, it can have full cores and rings and I get on and it doesn't go when I hit forward. Hold forward, hold run, eventually it decides to move at a slow trot and eventually works it's way up to running. Don't know if that's a bug or intended but it's annoying. Also, riding along at a good pace, sometimes it will jump over a fence or obstacle on it's own, or move around a tree, other times, nah, plows right into it dumping me off and falling over, or it just runs headlong off a cliff, where other times it pulls up and stops at the edge. It's unpredictable to the point you can't trust it and have to micromanage the horse the entire time it's moving.

I'm faster and more maneuverable off the horse, especially when there's a threat around, and even when there isn't. I just can't run as far as it can, so I use it pretty much to get to a place, then leave it tied up somewhere and do what I need to do around the area on foot. I did find last night that you can hold the camera button and it will follow a marked path to a map marker in a type of auto-drive mode. Could have used that information a while ago. Takes the boring tedium out of riding somewhere when there's not a fast travel point nearby. So I keep a magazine handy and read that while the horse plods along the route and eventually gets there. Still better than navigating by hand and far as I can tell you don't get random attacks by wolves or bears on the way either, so that's a bonus.

Brushing, feeding and patting them isn't near as bad as all the other things that are weird about them, at least those are defined actions with a defined response, not some random thing that happens now and then like all the other stuff they do.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

the horse not wanting to move is independent from full cores and rings which, when depleted, cause the horse to die (health core) or it may buck you off (stamina core), that kind of thing is way more extreme than the "normal" not wanting to move because it's tired a bit.

And yeah, my horse ran full speed into a small fence and flew over it while the horse should have, as it normally does, jumped over it. And yes, they sometimes make a weird trip around a stone as if it wanted to bite them while other times they'd jump over it. Which is indeed why it's better to actively choose a path and manually manoeuvring the horse ("micromanagement") than believing in miracles :anigrin:

The camera thing you mentioned is actually part of the tutorial so you could have known it from the very start ;) And no, it's not safe. I had bandits and wolves pop up while the horse was on auto-mode, completely ignoring the danger and I had to pop out of the cinematic view in order to regain control and to kill the threats.

By the way, fast travel requires your horse to be in whistling range and apparently it does the same thing as in cinematic mode without producing the graphics. Meaning, the random AI encounters may still happen. I had one instance my horse came out of fast-travel nearly dead, both cores depleted (I think it drowned on the way if I remember correctly hearing the sounds of that) and more than once we came out of fast travel with my horse completely agitated, meaning there must have been predators nearby.

This game is really a bit different from the rest :anigrin:


The problem with micromanaging the horse's course is they don't steer fast enough to avoid certain things, especially at full gallop. They do OK on a road, but cutting across the open land you never know what they are going to do. Could also be certain horses are more nimble than others, but really they should all be able to sidestep a tree at a fast trot.

The cinematic camera mode has so far worked for me, and made the game that much more enjoyable by eliminating that much fiddly micromanagement. I have a live stream playing on my phone and watch that while the horse goes on it's way. So far there's been no encounters but I'll keep an eye on it.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Seems like those devs used the same mechanics for driving vehicles
Maybe you can get the horse to do a wheely, smoking tyres.....ahem, hoofs   :anigrin:
Respect is earned, not given.

Art Blade

you'll be surprised to learn that actually there are things like that available to level-4 bonded horses :)

You can do an emergency brake that makes the horse drift straight forward with dust coming up, you can do a 180 power slide (i.e. full gallop and whip your horse around to a full stop facing where you came from) as well as some sort of a wheelie (albeit not moving, it's rearing up your horse so it stands on its hind legs) and you can strafe with it (going left or right while still facing forward)



Craze, don't these devs get it, horses don't do things like that for crying out loud  :o
Respect is earned, not given.


Well, they made an over-detailed cowboy simulator so :gnehe:
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


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Fueling the local economy yet again  :laughsm:
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade


I'll come visit you and toss in a file baked into a cake, lol
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

🡱 🡳

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