Red Dead Redemption 2

Started by PZ, November 30, 2018, 07:43:37 AM

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 :laughsm: :thumbsup: ...fixing a snack in the kitchen while you're being attacked in camp!  I've been in that kind of scenario countless times, and had to  :ranting: %$&^% when I return to my device to find myself dead!

Thanks for the info D_B  :thumbsup: I decided to go with a regular water heater because I can only do electric, and it requires additional breakers in the main power panel, for which I do not have space. On an aside, I wanted to contract a plumber to do the w0#k, which included two water heaters, two faucets, and an outdoor faucet. I called an old guy I have used a couple of times before, and after two calls receiving no response I decided to do the w0#k myself. A pain in the a$$, but worth it. The old guy was getting ready to retire a couple of years ago and was preparing to turn over the company to his son. I guess his son is not as reliable as the old man, and this is yet another example of how the latest generation can't do responsible w0#k.

Art Blade

to be fair, when you watch a SPACEX launch and look at the young engineers presenting the whole story on a stream/podcast, then you'll have to admit that there are also young and responsible people of the latest generation(s) :)


Quote from: PZ on January 09, 2020, 10:41:56 AM
this is yet another example of how the latest generation can't do responsible w0#k.
I get it all the time PZ, that's why I do most things myself.
Respect is earned, not given.


Quote from: Art Blade on January 09, 2020, 11:32:00 AM
to be fair, when you watch a SPACEX launch and look at the young engineers presenting the whole story on a stream/podcast, then you'll have to admit that there are also young and responsible people of the latest generation(s) :)
Very true. Unfortunately having only one out of a thousand being competent is not enough to keep humanity out of the gutter.

Quote from: nex on January 09, 2020, 02:10:14 PM
I get it all the time PZ, that's why I do most things myself.
I have another water heater and various other plumbing issues, so I have decided to bite the bullet and do them myself. At least I'll have only myself to blame when things go south.  :gnehe:


I mentioned elsewhere that my parents recently had their roof gutters cleaned. There was a good downpour yesterday, the first real rain we've had for quite a while around here, and later when my Dad went outside, he found gooey, stinking black water all over the concrete at the back of the house around the water tank. Turns out the young guy who cleaned the gutters cross-threaded an access cover to the filter on the pipe leading from the gutters to the tank when he put it back on and filthy gutter water leaked out everywhere once the first good rain came along.

So Dad had fix it himself and clean up all the mess ::)

Now they just have to hope the guy didn't muck up anything else...

Art Blade

oh man, that's both horrible and disgusting, EEEWWWWww that guy should really be shot in the face with a sawn-off. :angry-new:

Art Blade

Now, back on topic, for a change.. :)

I thought I was about done with Chapter 2 and it was time to move on with the last mission, a yellow mission marker for Javier in the red zone near Blackwater. So I started the mission.

When it was over, a whole set of new missions and side missions were available, STILL in chapter 2 ??? COOL! :D

So I had not missed out on "pouring forth oil I" (for some reason people said it was missable) and I got a hunting side mission for a Bison with Charles (turns out that part of it was to find a pamphlet for poisoned throwing knives.. but I had already found that elsewhere) and a side mission to go fishing with little Jack (now I finally got my fishing rod and can go for normal and legendary fish, yay!) and right now I'm on a side mission with Javier to rob a homestead.. THIS IS GREAT! Totally unexpected, I thought I somehow had missed all of that!

OK, more chapter 2, then. :anigrin:

Art Blade

The side mission led me to that homestead I had found on my own earlier, that was where I had found a race horse which I later lost again. Now I abandoned my old temp horse (that stayed at the camp during this mission for some reason) in exchange for this much better American Standardbred race horse. Hehe :)

Also, I forgot to mention the mission with Micah that I completed, too. For some reason I got another Lancaster repeater out of it. Now I've got two. ??? :)

The race horse, lost and found.
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Art Blade

And as a tip or as a warning, or both:


For those of you who still haven't finished the "pouring fourth oil IV" mission (train robbery) it is that mission that "unlocks" the manual marking for dead-eye shooting. "Unlocks" means, it "locks" the until then normal auto-marking forever. No toggle. Only manual from then on.

So the tip is, as long as you want to enjoy just waving the crosshairs around and automatically mark everything your crosshairs come across, don't proceed beyond that mission part III (which is still before the train robbery) and make good use of the auto-aim.

It comes in VERY handy if you want to shoot those tiny birds. Just "touching" them while waving the gun around marks them and you can shoot flocks out of the air without any problem.

Later it is of course cool to be able to selectively shoot someone like ONLY in the hand and NOT riddle the rest of the body with bullets as well because you can't stop the auto-marker from pasting that target with markers. But as soon as you have to fight tons of enemies, the auto-marker is clearly an advantage.

Now you know how and when that changes.


On topic:
Cool! I finished Chapter 2 a short while ago so I just went through some of the side missions you mentioned. I then loaded an old save (100% completion of the story) and tried to replay an old mission. I was delighted to discover that I still had all my upgraded weapons and my Arabian. I had only a few minutes to play so I did not see how much of an advantage I had over my 25% character, but will do so today.

Off topic:
I feel your dad's pain fragger - I was successful with the water heater install, and now need to do a second on the main floor. I am expecting problems, but I sure did save a load of money doing it myself and I know it is a sound install. I always have a bit of angst when I try to hire something done.


Oh, so that's how dead eye works? No wonder I couldn't figure it out, I was trying to mark (right click, left click, etc) where I wanted it to shoot and it seemed to just do random spots. Eventually I just stopped using it. I can see though, after getting the ability to mark specific things to shoot at, it would be nice to toggle back and forth between the two versions.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

oh. Heh. Welcome, I guess :bigsmile: I was confused when looking at the key maps to see "Q" marks targets. They didn't say that it will be unlocked later.

Art Blade

another tip for dead-eye and cooking with herbs

you'll be using up dead-eye quickly and wonder how to get it back. Of course there's snake oil in all its variants and other tonics that affect it but kind of expensive or a lot of effort getting the ingredients and brewing them.

Then there's that stuff that destroys your dead-eye core or a different core, not the best choice. Like chewing tobacco, looks good but eats away the core.

I found a very good use of cooking certain meats in a certain way.

Big Game Meat is what you almost unavoidably keep collecting when you run into wolves and other aggressive stuff, so always skin animals, even if they've got "poor" skins. The skinning provides you with meat and sometimes other stuff that you can sell.

Now, cooking. Don't just cook what the menu tells you to. If there's a red frame with < and > left and right of the frame, you can scroll through recipes. Creeping thyme is what you need to pick up and collect to cook Thyme Big Game which provides you with a GOLDEN dead-eye core for one day. Cool!

Once you ate it, you can use chewing tobacco which will give you a full ring around the core and it's yellow (golden) too, "fortified" as the game calls that, meaning it lasts longer than normal.

Like that, you can go on hunting and killing sprees and stuff yourself with chewing tobacco and other stuff, the core won't get affected. :)

All of that makes a LOT more sense once you've got ALL SATCHELS from Mr Pearson, the camp's cook. The last one will give you 99 inventory space for each item you can collect. I'm currently mostly at 90+ chewing tobacco and like 30-50 thyme big game stacked, so I can always pimp up Arthur to the max :gnehe:


Hah! That's a good tip my friend! I didn't know it gives you a golden core! The big game thyme meat, I mean. That's something to keep in mind at my next shootout indeed :)
"No hay luz"

Art Blade

also the other herbs, for big game, give you golden cores for health and stamina :)

🡱 🡳

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