Windows Pictures

Started by BinnZ, January 05, 2019, 02:41:03 PM

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Hey friends,

Do you also have a little fun with the pictures Windows shows us every day when we fire up our systems?
At first, I didn't really like the idea of them sniffing out on what I like and what I don't, but when time passed I cared less and less. And damn, they really show beautiful pictures. I like to check whether they do a good job at predicting what I like. I always dislike pictures with so called long exposure effects to it; A shore that has become misty because of all the water movement captured together as a mash. I also dislike most of the pictures with civilized environment. However I do like some of the pictures with architecture on it, like bridges and sometimes skylines.
They actually do a good job predicting my likings recently. Sometimes they're totally off, and I tell them instantly by disliking. It's like a little game I play with Windows. I know I'm playing with AI, and I know they sniff me out, but I don't care. Today they showed me a picture of something I instantly recognized; it was a place where I've been on one of my holidays. You see a picture of a lake, surrounded by mountains, some a little snowy on top. It is autumn, no doubt, and I was there in summer. But I recognized the little island, with a house, and two small bridges to both sides of the island. Actually, on the picture you can't see it is an island. Part of it is behind some trees who stand closer to the photographer.
I was so sure, I called my wife to show her before I checked the name of the place; Glenn Affric, Scotland. Some 20 km away from Loch Ness. I was right. We rounded that lake back then. Took us 7 ours walking. We had to cross small rivers / streams that were running down the mountains. Man that water was cold. I even remember I brought bread with cheese, molten and packed in silver foil. Also some with fried eggs, I'm pretty sure. And I brought some beers. I always do that when we go on a trip walking. So that somewhere half ways we can have one and mesmerise on the landscape and long for the next beer when we come home :bigsmile:
There was a little village next to this massive lake called Cannich. Next to the village there was a camp site on which we had our tent. And in the village, 5 minutes walking from our temporary homes, there was a pub. Nice people. Good food. And beer and whisky. The first time you drink beer in Scotland you honestly think it's piss. It's so different. Doesn't have much taste, and not much carbonic either. They pump it up from the basement. These massive handles on the drafts there aren't just to show off; they are actual pumps. The beer won't come up by itself, not enough pressure.
By the time you spent 2 or 3 evenings in a pub like that you start to appreciate their beers. It's with all beer. You got to learn to love it.

So if Windows ever shows you a landscape so wonderful and pure, and you check for the name and it reads Glenn Affric, you know that I've been there :)
"No hay luz"

Art Blade

nice story :)

I've switched off those pictures right away but I did see some when windows 10 was new, they were nice indeed.


I love them! I look forward to the new pictures every time I fire up my machines. They are something new in the world to see without me having to do anything to enjoy a new display (I wish I had saved some of them).

Of course MS is harvesting preference data, but I do not care because they only know that someone from likes something - I might as well be from Mars. In any case, I do not mind my likes and dislikes shaping how they deliver information to me. I am careful not to link anything to the "real" PZ.

It's kind of like Facebook - I enjoy visiting and reading about various things, but I have a goofy display name, and ridiculous profile information; e.g., my education is listed as "The School of Hard Knocks" - not much they can gain from that.  I feel kind of like a Russian troll shaping their data understanding to my liking  :gnehe:

Art Blade


 :D Nice!

I'm not that sly, I just don't care much. However, I also wonder about the photographers. Who made these pictures? I am more concerned about their asses getting paid for Microsoft exploiting their product than I am that they might sniff some personal liking of me. Can you actually save those pictures? And have you ever seen Glen Affric, in case you remember?

Hah, I found it!
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"No hay luz"


By the way, in case you're searching for a picture you was sad not to save, if you can describe some of possible tags here you may be able to find it back ;)
"No hay luz"

Art Blade


Thanks BinnZ - I already found a couple of my favorites!


I enjoy those Windows piccies too, there are some amazing places and works of photography among them :thumbsup: New ones popping up all the time, too.

🡱 🡳

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