OWG turns 10 on Feb 28, 2019

Started by Art Blade, January 27, 2019, 03:04:32 PM

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Art Blade

To the day it was 10 years ago that our founder PZ posted his, and at that, the, first message on his newly created forum that soon would become openworldgames.org while back then it was dedicated exclusively to one of his all-time favourite games, Far Cry 2.

Here his first post.

Quote from: PZ on February 27, 2009, 03:58:21 PM
I just did the mission where I was instructed to get the bloody box from the shack in the middle of Weelegol. I tried a new approach - climbing the large rock on the north edge of town. Rode the bus to the southwest stop, saved the game at the safe house and then took the assault truck to the north edge of town. Crept around to the eastern side of the rock and found a narrow path to a ledge overlooking Weelegol. First I killed the sniper on the southern edge of town and then managed to snipe over 10 guards before I went into the village to mop up the rest. They never did spot me on that ledge. Weelegol formerly gave me a few problems, but not any more!

We've come a long way and it has been great to be part of this family,



Dang, it's been a long time but seems almost like yesterday. Despite my bad memory I actually remember doing the actions mentioned in that post.

It has been a long and fun ride, gents  :thumbsup:

Happy B-day OWG, hopefully with many more to come.  O0

Art Blade

I wonder when anyone notices that it's still a month to go.. we've still got some time left until February..



And 4 years, 10 months, 3 days later, I think I registered/at least posted on the old forum :bigsmile: First post from me dates back on December 25th 2014.
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade


From my observation (I was here from the beginning but only registered in April 2009) I think we have three types of members:

1) Joined when FC2 was all-consuming and left when they lost interest in FC2
2) Continued to stay with us since whenever they joined (the hard core members since FC2)
3) Joined, maybe posted, and were never seen again.

I'm glad that once in a while we gained new members like Binnatics and GKID who have ever since been loyal friends and kept posting O0


And those friends have been a blast to play with :gnehe:
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade


Because most of us played FC2 back then, It formed a bond between strangers
from all over the world, even from Russia, something world leaders cannot do.
Just a pity there's no other game that can take up where FC2 left off.
So, (wispering, thanks UBI*bleep* for developing FarCry 2)
Thanks PZ for starting OWG forum
and thanks to the people who made OWG a success, (damn, even I made a minor contribution)     :main_bow: 

Congrats OWG with you tenth Birthday
Respect is earned, not given.


Ten years? Huh, time flies. It has been wonderful meeting everyone who has come & gone and stayed around this place, a nice group of people to hang out with and talk games & everything else. Without FC2 it wouldn't have happened, Ubisoft caught lightning in a bottle with that one.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Oh one other thing I wanted to mention.
PZ, Art, D_B, fragger, mandru, BinnZ, GKID
and guys like JRD, mmosu, retiredgord, B33 ENN and of course
gibbed, the man who recreated FC2

Without you guys life would have been boring,
thanks for ten years of friendship
Respect is earned, not given.


So true D_B and nex  :thumbsup:

Too bad the world can't behave like we do at OWG. Sure, we may have differing opinions and beliefs, but I've never seen anyone hold it against anyone else.  O0

Art Blade


I was a serial lurker for almost a year.  During that time I don't remember how many runs I'd plowed through FO2 (possibly as high as 50+) with OWG as my principal resource when something stumped me.  Eventually I kept returning because I liked the congenial interaction of the members.

Then someone asked a question for which no one (active on the forum boards) had an answer.  But I did.

By that time I'd created fairly firm mental images of each of the members of the OWG gang and I'd received so many helpful hints and tips along with the enjoyment of observing the community I couldn't bring myself to leave that unanswered question hanging out there without resolution.  I created my account, my first post was on the self-introduction thread, and from there all that was left was to dive in.

It's been a ride gentlemen, it's been a ride.  :beer2:
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


It's an education reading your posts mandru
Respect is earned, not given.


What's ten years? Pfft :gnehe:

Probably like many others, a search for good FC2 maps brought me here (where I not only found them, but found the best ones of all - thanks Dweller :thumbsup: 8)) Like mandru, I lurked in the shadows for a while but was increasingly impressed by the civility and obvious warmth between the core members. I can't remember how it came about now, but there was an exchange which made it clear that those members were guys around my own age who were as keen on gaming as I was. After witnessing the depressingly puerile nature of many gaming forums during my map search and the kindergarten-level mentality displayed by some of the ratbags who inhabit them, this site really was the proverbial breath of fresh air.

I was never a terribly social creature online, nor am I in person - or should I say, I'm very choosy about who I feel like getting mixed up with. I'm one of those people who doesn't break ice very well, but once I do and I meet someone I can feel fully relaxed with, I go all in :gnehe: I had never tweeted, booked my face or ever had any kind of social interaction online with strangers before OWG (and still don't - this is it for my cyber-mingling) so I was a little nervous at first, but the cordiality of the welcome I received made me feel right at home in no time.

Some have joined and stayed, some former stalwarts have moved on, some have come and gone briefly, and a few of the estranged still stick their heads in the door from time to time. I can't see myself going anywhere anytime soon. You guys have made me laugh, entertained me and at times inspired me. I also like to think that we provide some useful info for those non-members who casually visit the site (I noticed the other night that the FO4 "Minutemen guide" I posted has been looked at well over 2,000 times - I don't think OWG membership alone could account for that figure, even allowing for multiple views. I really hope I helped some folks out with that and didn't give them all bum steers :gnehe:)

When the actual anniversary date comes around, I'll be hoisting a few brews in honour of all of you fine chaps :beer2:

🡱 🡳

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