Ride 2 (2016)

Started by Art Blade, February 07, 2019, 11:44:35 AM

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No worries :)

Incidentally, it's really easy to get that "crossfade" transition from one clip to the next. Let's say you have two bits of video in a Track (they snap together when you move them close - snapping can be toggled on and off in the Toolbar, the magnet icon). Simply click-and-drag the second clip leftwards so that the start of it slightly overlaps the end of the first clip, then release the mouse. A cyan-shaded highlight area of sorts (a "transition") will automatically appear where the two clips overlap. That's it, you're done - one click-and-drag, and you have a crossfade transition. You can then resize the transition zone itself by dragging its edge, making the crossfade longer or shorter, and right-clicking in the transition area will bring up a short menu of commands you can apply to it.

To get a fade to or from black, select the "Transitions" tab, and a menu of transition types appears. Choose the icon of the fade type you want, drag it into the Track where you video is, and hover it above where you want it to go (if you hover it near either end of a clip, it will snap to that end). By default, the transition fades in from black, so if you put it at the beginning of the video, that's what you'll get. But if you want it to fade to black at the end of the video, drag it there, then right-click on it and select "Reverse Transition" from the menu. Again, once the Transition is in place, you can click-and-drag its edges to make it longer or shorter.

I just chose the simple "Fade" transition (third one in the list) for the start and end of my videos.

Art Blade

yes, it is easy to handle.. I think Dweller will enjoy it, too :bigsmile:

Art Blade

I wanted to see Macau on YouTube, the race I posted twice, and here you go. I'm harmless by comparison.. :anigrin: Best go to 8:40 after you've seen enough of the immobile pile of cars.


I didn't realize how narrow that track was, there's barely room for two cars to go side-by-side, no wonder they have pile ups like this.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

absolutely. When I watched the start of that I was already thinking that they were crazy to race cars with extra wide body kits there and after the 01:00 mark, man, even one car had just enough room to manoeuvre around a little and they're going in as if fleeing from the tax authorities.

Art Blade

have a smile.. the clip is only 17 seconds long. :) And yes, you can control the camera angle during a replay which is what I did so you can see better what happened :)

Art Blade

and only today I remembered that the game allowed me to freely remap the keys on the controller. That's really not commonplace, cool. I did see it when the game was new but then I didn't know what certain things meant and decided to leave most of it on default settings. Now I can (and did) change the buttons for rear brake and tuck in, I mentioned in a previous post how stupidly mapped those keys were for my taste. Maybe I changed them myself back then, to buttons I wouldn't need.. and that turned out to be stupid when I was considering using them. Hehe.

Now, having changed them, it might make things easier and more difficult at the time. Getting used to new layouts is always something that easily causes confusion at first :anigrin: and manually tucking in means more things to think of and to control.. if I really want to do that, I might just leave it on automatic.

But being able to freely remap a game controller.. kudos to the devs :thumbsup:


Nice, I'm always one for remapping controls, so it's good to hear at least some devs are thinking about it.

Oh, and that jump was sick, nice maneuvering, though I take it that wasn't planned? lol
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

yeah, I think it's the only game I came across that allows a complete remapping of a controller.

And thanks, it was a sick jump, even more so that I didn't crash afterwards, which is why I recorded the replay to keep that moment and share it :) No, it wasn't planned, hence the video's title "accidental jump" ;)

And just to make sure people who are not familiar with the game, probably all of you, those two motorcyclists are both me. The one ahead who crashes into the tree was me in a prior lap which was faster than the ones before, that rider is called (your) "ghost" and is supposed to help you improve your lap times by chasing and overtaking it.. or cause different crashes as depicted in the vid :gnehe:


Re: that car-race video - well, that was a short race! Didn't even get a lap in ??? :gnehe:

It was almost cartoon-like, the way they all piled up like that.

Must have been sucky for the people who bought tickets to go and watch it...

Art Blade

ah man, yes, indeed.. imagine, some may have travelled there, booked hotel rooms, paid a fortune for some nice stand for a proper view.. and then it's over before the first cars have passed that stand. :gnehe:

Art Blade

Barf bags at the ready.. Epilepsy and Nausea warning! This is an "action cam" recording.. you've been warned :anigrin:

Here you can rock in your chair and try not to fall over. :gnehe: This is the same race track as in the "edited video" but through pylons marking the "perfect trajectory." I wouldn't call it a perfect trajectory to get around the track but it means you need to race down the path they prepared. Hitting a pylon results in a time penalty and you can absolutely not afford any penalties if you're headed for gold. I managed after many attempts. here it is O0


That was rather head-tossy ???

Me, late for w0#k :gnehe:

Art Blade

don't barf all the way there :anigrin:

Art Blade

Listen. Well, and watch this short edited clip :anigrin:

I found the sounds funny. Passing slow bikes at high speed, they reminded me of bugs :) I edited just the moments when passing. Have fun :)


🡱 🡳

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