Far Cry New Dawn

Started by LowPolyOWG, February 15, 2019, 01:43:02 PM

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Well, as I said, I would cheat tune the game to my playstyle. It feels like a mix between The Division/Assassin Creed and Far Cry 5. Thanks to Nex and Art for the video recording program. It works wonders :thumbsup: :gnehe: Some videos showcasing the overall gameplay and missions. Along with weapon upgrades and crafting. Sorry for failing on the missions, KB/M driving skills not the best. Minor HUD glitches on enemies too. ::)


Upgrading the base and some OP weapons :evil2:


Almost 1 hour of gameplay. First missions :)

"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


About what I thought - Far Cry does Fallout :gnehe: Workbenches, settlements, post-nuclear world...

Looks great graphically, but it's still pretty much the usual Far Cry formula - player runs into bad guy, player escapes from bad guy, player joins in fight against bad guy, with long scripted cutscenes along the way. For me personally, Fallout still seems far more spontaneous and open-worldy, with greater player freedom. I don't think I'd bother with ND, pretty as it is :gnehe:

I hope you guys have fun with it, though :)


Yeah, it is. At least it doesn't forcibly kidnap you a la FC5. The microtransactions are basically materials packs for upgrading and the other high-end items... I don't need them :anigrin: The upgrades are interesting, as I can add 5% more damage to every gun at lvl elite. I still wonder what the max value is, as I got the Buzzsaw at 160 (~800% more damage) :laughsm:
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


800%? Crikey :gnehe:

Just re-reading my last post, I didn't mean it to sound disparaging :) But I think if a game is going to be set in a post-nuclear apocalyptic world, comparisons with the Fallout series are kind of inevitable.

Art Blade

I agree with fragger's statements regarding the game and its similarities (or the lack thereof) to FO4.

However, the recording software.. hahaha, how cool is that thing, smooth as silk :anigrin: now nex who started it, you and I started using it almost at the same time and we're happy..

The best thing about it: When I asked nex about his new software, it was because I kept running into my own recordings that were stuttering, sometimes worse (dropped whole series of frames) so I was thinking to myself, well, seems as if I needed new and better hardware if I wanted to record certain games. Then comes nex, tells us how good it is, we try it and bang.. unbelievable, it wasn't the hardware. It was the software :gnehe:


Quote from: fragger on February 15, 2019, 04:42:55 PM
800%? Crikey :gnehe:

Just re-reading my last post, I didn't mean it to sound disparaging :) But I think if a game is going to be set in a post-nuclear apocalyptic world, comparisons with the Fallout series are kind of inevitable.

No problem :) Well, base damage is like 140 something and I upped it 160 times. Each time adds 5% more damage and 5*160 is 800% or so. I would say you're not disparaging in any way. As long you don't call me a *bleep* for enjoying Ubified digital junk food, it's fine  :)

Art, yeah a huge performance increase. Well, there is no preview of the game before recording and I guess that reduces CPU/GPU utilization for D3DGear, compared to OBS.
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade

whatever they did to program that recording software, they did a surprisingly good job :anigrin:

By the way, if you quit the game while still recording, the recording will stop the moment the game stops.. so no involuntary recording of your desktop. O0


I had a few hours in the game last night and enjoyed it quite a bit. Then I found you can add facial hair to your character, even if you're playing as a female:

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Don't know if that's an oversight or intentional, or they figure it's a post Apocalypse nuclear wasteland, people are probably growing all sorts of things in strange places, right?

Anyway, as far as the game goes, I think they did a good job on the world. It's not an exact copy-paste of the FC5 map, there are quite a few differences, even in the small area I explored so far. And not just in the destruction of buildings, the landscape is quite different. You start the main game after the introduction in John Seed's old ranch, now called Prosperity. The area around the ranch has changed a bit, more so than I think would happen from indirect nuclear explosion damage. The general lay of the land is the same, the rivers are where they were, etc, but the small details around are different. The landing strip is gone, and not just grown in with new vegetation, but gone. Same for the road leading in, his "YES" sign is still there, but instead of being on a small up slope along the road, it's now collapsed in a small gully. Things like that. One thing I don't care for and may be different in other places, is the out-of-bounds area of the map is smaller, and blocked by radiation. There used to be a nice hunting area south of the ranch, across the river, where you could hunt without too much interference from NPCs, either neutral or hostile. Now, you can't even cross the river, the radiation is blocking it. I would prefer they have left in that area and moved the radiation barrier further to the edge of the map where you used to be able to go. But that's a pretty minor issue, and mostly just my opinion.

The "RPG lite" elements aren't too much of a bother, and it actually gives you an idea of how hard an enemy will be to take down. Again, they aren't smarter or anything like that, just more of a bullet sponge. I went up against some kind of mutated buffalo right outside the ranch and ran through all my ammo and was down to my shovel and my buddy before we took it down. Got a valuable hide from it and some perk points, so that was nice.

The perk system isn't as extensive or complicated as the main game, and I expect I'll have it completed in not too long a time, as you seem to get perk points for a lot of things. For instance, the first side quest I found was to locate the spots a bunch of pictures were taken from, and I figured you'd get one perk point for completing the whole mission, but it seems you get one for each picture you find, and there's 8 or 10 of them. So I already have unlocked the two extra weapon slots and grapple and wingsuit.

Unlike GKid, I'm playing "unhacked" so I don't have 99999 amount of each crafting item, and I only have the starter weapons. Granted, because I pre-ordered and got the upgrade packs, and activated the bonus items in the Uplay store, I have some tier 2 weapons and vehicles from the beginning. This is from the Hurk pack, and yes, he's back, what Far Cry game would be complete without Hurk, right? So I have an armored truck with mounted machine gun, rocket launcher, a couple machine guns, sniper rifle, some other things as well, so going up against the higher level enemies isn't so bad.

Like GKid said, the story is standard Far Cry, so nothing exciting there. There are a few characters from FC5 who are back, Hurk being one. Grace is also back and I assume will be available as a buddy. Nick Rye is also back as is his wife and your first buddy is his daughter who was born right at the end of FC5. Joseph Seed is also around somewhere as one of his clan can be one of your buddies. So hopefully there will be some story continued on from FC5, which is what interests me the most about this game.

Like I said, it's pretty much what I expected, and will probably be spending quite a bit of time in it. There's a photo mode that I think was in the last game that I rarely used, and I took some shots with it, but not sure where it saves them, they aren't in the default screenshot folder. But it has the usual options for character position and expression, day/night, lens and camera options, etc so I'll probably be using that when a simple screenshot won't cover what I want. Probably also do some video now and then if I feel like it. Was going to live stream what I did last night but just never got around to it, I need to re-check my settings for streaming, I'd like to do higher quality if possible.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

nice informative post, thanks O0

regarding streaming and recording, nex, GKID and I are having a blast with D3DGear recording and streaming software. It is still on sale so maybe..


Steam wants $49 AUD for it, or about €32. Art, didn't you say you got it for €25 from Steam?


Would be cool to see your game play videos, D_B. While some is available through standard streaming sites, I trust OWG video much more because it is so much closer to my game play style.

Art Blade

Quote from: fragger on February 16, 2019, 08:11:52 AM
Steam wants $49 AUD for it, or about €32. Art, didn't you say you got it for €25 from Steam?



 :angry-new: Bugger. Wonder why we get slugged more in this country?

Got it anyway, but I'm hitting the sack right now. I'll have a poke around with it in the morning.


Umm, OBS works and is free. Well, more advanced, but I think Art will happily guide you through it ;)
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade

since he got D3DGear now, no need to :anigrin: Funny how nex set this trend here :anigrin:

and indeed, that's quite a sum on top, fragger :angry-new:

🡱 🡳

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