idiot neighbours, rant topic :)

Started by Art Blade, February 18, 2019, 06:29:20 AM

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Art Blade

gets out phone and dials police. "Officer, I think you should see this.."

Art Blade

I was thinking again about going down to see that idiot just to make him uncomfortable because there'd be a witness of his stupidity then.

Actually, don't you think it's worse right now? He thought he got away with it while in fact, his stupid act has become known literally all across the world and everyone is laughing at him. And he thinks everything is still under wraps. :evil2:


Tell him someone filmed it on their phone and there's now a viral video making the rournds :evil2:

Art Blade

what if he asked me to show it to him? I'd rather not lie about anything.. I much rather stay out of avoidable trouble. ;)

Also, I don't know the guy. All I know is the sound his car used to make. :anigrin:

Art Blade

woo-hoo, I just hit 29,000 posts before this one.


"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Whatever it was, it's dead now... :evil2:

Art Blade



Art Blade

🡱 🡳

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