Space Engineers

Started by Art Blade, February 28, 2019, 09:30:09 PM

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Art Blade

After some five years, it's now out of early access and priced about $20 (only)
I know Dweller played it and TerrZor, too, as did I. A sandbox game that lets you build vehicles and space stations and space ships.. a lot of mods are available for it as well.


I saw the 1.5GB update and it looked like it had changed a lot since last I played it which was years ago. So I fired it up and loaded the first scenario where it's essentially an introduction and shows you the mechanics of the game. I already knew a lot of it, but had forgotten them! LOL

So I got through it with some bugs I think. One of the scenarios was defeating an enemy space ship in a large factory place with drones coming at you. Either I did it wrong or it glitched, as I think you're supposed to force or coax the enemy ship into a giant rotating fan blade but it didn't seem to want to go in. I had already had the two ships supplied shot out from under me so I went in with my rifle. I kept shooting at it's guns until they were damaged, then started on the engines. The ship was stuck in a corner at this point and started to drift over the opening to the fan so I kept shooting at the engines hoping it would lose power and fall into the fan and die. It got stuck again and I kept shooting for several minutes, as I had thousands of rounds of ammo, but it never quite got destroyed. So it was just a hulk of metal at this point, no weapons or engines, so I went in with my grinder tool which you use to dismantle materials with and went to town on it, sawing it in half essentially. Once I got access to the power core and ground it to dust, the mission ended and I could continue.

I didn't try the online stuff as I was limited on time but it was a fun game back a few years ago, so I'll be trying it again once I get time.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

hehe, weird :) I'll yet have to start it and see what's going to happen :)

Over the last three years that I own the game, I put in 247 hours. That's not much by my standards but definitely more than nothing. Usually I played it on creative mode but sometimes, when joining TerrZor, on survival mode. The last thing I did was building a truly massive space ship. And I stopped playing when I hit the build limit.. yes, there was a limit as to how many units I was allowed to use. Lacking other words for it, but I mean essentially how many bricks you're allowed to use in order to build a house. That was annoying and I don't like that limit.

We'll see wether or not it still is in place, that limit, and whether or not I'm allowed to use my savegame with that ship.


I opened my last save game that I had been exploring a planet, but must have left at someone's base as it was shooting at me, lol. I'll try the other scenarios sometime, see how they go. The game has changed quite a bit from when you started on an asteroid with a simple platform and a couple machines.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

I hope my massive space ship won't turn on me :anigrin:


If you don't crash the game with it first!

If you want to try some co-op, let me know and we can get a game going. Hopefully it will be better than the No Man's Sky co-op.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

oh geez, that NMS connectivity BS.. yeah, we should try :)

Art Blade

I checked out the "new" game, briefly. After loading an old savegame (my latest, from June 2017) I got a message that the content of the savegame wasn't up to the recent game's stats so it kind of recreated the world of the savegame to match current stats.

Then I noticed a red label "Experimental Mode" on my screen, top right, and Shift+F1 would open details. In general, my savegame is from the early access state of the game, as are many out there. The devs didn't want to disrupt anything and also leave in certain features that are no longer available in the final product (let's call that the "non-experimental mode") so players used to those features could continue to use them. Aha, I'm in some kind of alien state now when playing respectively continuing my early access game.

Means I should probably start a new career.

Here a screenshot from June 2017 when I had reached the build size limit with that ship. I posted one back then, too, but will just paste it in here for convenience.

I do recommend maximising those pics (they're 1920*1080) for details as there are many. ;)

400+m ship, different angle
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and the "old" pic
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Art Blade

I just realised (and fixed) a mistake in this topic's subject. It's the game title and it's plural, "engineers," but well, no one here said anything and perhaps no one else had noticed, either. :anigrin:

Alright, space engineerS, then. :)


I noticed the missing S but was too polite to say anything.....   :D

That is some ship you've got there. I pretty much went with the pre-made ships that you got in certain scenarios they had available. I did build an attack ship that had a lot of front shielding and guns to disable passing ships so I could tow them back to base and dismantle them, but that was about it. I never had anything extensive in my old games and wasn't really tied to anything there, so I've just tried the couple intro missions and that's about it.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

creative mode is key for such massive builds. I know how much time it takes to gather material and building stuff in survival. That ship would probably have been a year's worth of gaming time :gnehe:


"You need 400 computer parts to build this cube block"

Really? I'm not building a Cray supercomputer, just a cube of metal!
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade


The holes we dug in planets and the amount of stone we got out of it.. enough for an asteroid belt :anigrin:


I never did much on planets, mostly in the asteroids. I did enjoy building custom ships, or really, adding on to the ships already there, to make them beastly asteroid miners, who's sole purpose was to destroy the entire thing and devour all the resources from it. I had stopped playing for the most part when planets were added, so I never did much on them, I'm not even really sure what you can do on a planet, I've just run the little combat scenario in the tutorial, so my experience isn't extensive.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

Planets have got gravity and atmosphere so you can walk on them without having to shut your helmet, they offer slightly larger build areas than your average asteroid if you want to build some kind of base, a large one at that, and they've got all sorts of resources scattered about. Maybe even all of them, I don't know that. And if you allow enemies, I believe spiders are among the ones available, well, you've got hostile life forms running around. I always disable that stuff.

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