Fallout 4

Started by Art Blade, June 22, 2017, 01:32:01 PM

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Art Blade


Yo.. I'm now member of the FO4 gang :bigsmile:

Quote from: Art Blade on May 31, 2017, 10:18:12 AM
base game €60
season pass €50
total €110

I just bought it on steam, summer sale.

base game      €14,99
season pass    €29,99
total              €44,98  saved 60% O0

(and I certainly hope that I don't come across too many bugs.. :gnehe: )


Art Blade

oh, any mods you guys recommend? And links to them, please? :)

Art Blade

(about to headbutt the mirror) "YOU'RE MINE, BITCH!"

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First impressions:

Installation went smoothly, no hiccups, started and.. it worked. Nice.

First rant: if your game controller is installed, the game recognises it but forgets that you've also got a mouse and a keyboard installed. So it's "either / or" which means I need to unplug the controller before I start the game :banghead:


Nice new avatar, AB  O0

I can't remember if I had a really cool mods installed, but will check on my gaming PC the next time I start it.  Unfortunately other games came up and I barely got into the game before I left it for different titles.  However, I still have it on my list of "to-do" games (which is growing exponentially)

The reality is that I will likely not live long enough to play all the games I would like to.


Cool, Art, I saw the steam sale and thought that was a sweet deal.

You don't need to unplug your controller, just go to the menus and switch to keyboard/mouse. But you can't hot-swap between the two like GTA, but there's no real need in this game, at least for me, and usually someone will decide on one or the other and leave it that way.

My mod list is quite extensive, but not as bad as some people who are running 200+ mods. Early game I was short of ammo so I installed an ammo crafting mod, but only used it a few times, ammo became a non-issue after a few hours in the game. I did install the unofficial patch, though. A few that I think should be useful;

Mo better scrap, revamps what scrap you get from various items so they make sense

Simple bug fixes

More display stands, though I don't think I ever used one, lol

Clean black pipboy screen, takes the shmutz off so you can actually see the display

Pre-war money is not scrap, so that pre-war money stays in your inventory when you "store all scrap" at the workshop, it's more useful as money than for the few cloth you get from it

Satellite world map, replaces cartoony pipboy map with a satellite type view, more detailed

Zoom out more in pipboy map

Power armor map fix, makes the map while wearing power armor readable

County Crossing crash fix, but this may have been patched later, but it was something to do with the Automatron DLC and the map icon, so if you get a crash while approaching that area, then use this, otherwise skip it

Companions go home, to send a companion back to where you found them if you've sent them to a settlement and don't want them there anymore

Hmmm this might be the satellite map I'm using, I grabbed a couple to test out

Turns acheivements back on when using mods, otherwise you get no achievements. Needs the F4SE loader to w0#k, if you don't care about achievements, ignore

And the F4SE (Fallout 4 Script Extender) basically you run this instead of the Fallout launcher from Steam. You still have to have Steam running though, as this is just an alternate launcher for the game and enables extended functions. I needed it to enable changing keyboard controls as some of them can't be changed in the game itself.

Spring cleaning, lets you scrap things in settlements that you normally couldn't scrap, to get rid of pesky bushes and stuff. Can be dangerous as you might scrap something you need later or, even the main world mesh, so be careful. I'd say get used to the settlement system first, then if you feel the need to get rid of something, install this.

Un-looted body detector. Makes bodies that still have loot on them glow a color you pick. Helpful for finding that one body you haven't looted that's lost in the bushes.

Loot detector add-on for the DLC

Settlement management software, has some cool functions for doing things in settlements, like assigning jobs and finding people. If you don't do much in the settlements, don't bother, a few of the more important functions were added by the workshop DLC

Manufacturing extended, adds some more factories to the workshop DLC, again, if you don't do a lot of that don't bother.

For the Vault 88 DLC, better lighting.

Find your companions anywhere, again, mostly the same functions that were added later in the Vault or Workshop DLCs

More obvious warning for when your settlements get attacked, it pops up a dialog that you have to OK to close, where the original notice was just a blip in the upper left and easy to miss.

Provisioner locator, find your provisioners and track them.

Another extended zoom out for the pipboy map

Visible companion affinity, tells you the exact level of a companion's affinity and how close they are to the level where you get the perk, also lets you know how much they like and dislike something so you can adjust your tactics to get the result you want.

Keynuker, moves all the keys you find to a separate menu so they don't clog your main menu, as you almost never have to access them anyway

Nuka Cola display racks, more settlement decoration stuff, for the Nuka Cola bottles you get in the Nuka World DLC

Expanded ballistic weave, lets you put ballistic weave on most any piece of clothing to increase it's armor rating

Place everywhere, another settlement building mod, lets you place stuff where the game would otherwise block you for no good apparent reason

Blink grenades, a grenade that teleports you to the spot you throw it, mostly just for fun

Nuka world quest advance so you don't have to raid settlements, one of the sticking points in the main Nuka World DLC quest is you have to take over the settlements you've already established, and that can cause changes in the main quest line if you haven't finished it already. I would say make a hard save to go back to, try out the DLC and see what effects it has, and go back and use this to skip that part. Otherwise, you can just shorten the Nuka World DLC by killing them all (the raiders) and not do any of it.

"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

oh man, thank you so much, D_B :)
+1 :thumbsup: for that mod list, CHEERS, buddy O0

And thanks, PZ :) Well, you'll have to start to live longer from now on. :anigrin:

Art Blade

I just read through all your custom descriptions and notes for the mods, D_B. Almost as if I wanted to drive a car and realised I had to take driving lessons first.. I'm almost afraid to use mods now  :anigrin:

In the main game menu there are options for mods and they're apparently linked to a Bethesda site and account. Do I have to pay attention to that or do I just skip it and use the nexus? Also, there's some kind of warning related to some policy when using mods.. anything I should be aware of and consider before going into modding the game?



"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade

hmmm. I think I'll have to see what's what, what? :)

Meanwhile, I've evolved from the vault and found Codsworth, the metal floating octopus look-alike robot, and walked around the neighbourhood (goddamn spellchecker is getting a fit over "-bor-" or "-bour-" again) with him some 210 years after they literally put me on ice. Codsworth suggested I was suffering from hunger-induced paranoia and therefore he was entertaining the idea of whipping me up a snack. I mean, he really asked, "perhaps I can whip you up a snack?" As if he wanted to whip me until I ended up on a snack. I really need to be cautious around him, I suspect.  :anigrin:

The game manages to make me feel uncomfortable. I expect any second some extremely powerful enemies to pop up and knock me to the next universe. I feel weak and underpowered. I have no idea what to do out in the wilderness of a post-nuclear suburban nightmare where roaches and blowflies and mosquitoes have mutated to match a sofa in size and colour. Damn. :gnehe:

I mean, I know that I'm supposed to find Shaun, the son who got abducted during the cryo-phase and whose kidnappers killed his mother and my alter ego's wife, Nora. Well. I might end up killing everything as usual and see who's still around to kill. :anigrin:

Art Blade

Aha! I found out about the ~ key.. opens the console. Works magic  :anigrin:

tgm = God Mode (infinite health, ammo, AP) :gnehe:


Quote from: Art Blade on June 24, 2017, 12:16:42 AM
tgm = God Mode (infinite health, ammo, AP) :gnehe:
That's the "mod" I'm using too.  O0
(Got the game at Steam, it was the same price some weeks ago.)

Have gotten a tad longer into the game than You, but won't make any spoilers.  ;)

Art Blade


Yes, god mode.. I was just thinking, it's been a while since I used cheats or, respectively, most games I spend most of my time with, I neither cheat nor mod. The last game I cheated was No Man's Sky, mainly because of the insane price tags on any space ship. Space ships were the only attraction for me and buying one basically took weeks of grinding. Yet there were so many.. then there is Space Engineers for which I use a few mods that increase the speed of the character's jet pack (space suit) as well as the speed of the space ships times three. Much rather travel up to 300m/s than 100m/s. All the other games I play either contain online parts (GTAV, Shadow Warrior2 and Forza Horizon 3) so better not screw with those or they're SO good (Hitman 2016) that I enjoy playing them vanilla.

However, it's nice to be able to mod and cheat in FO4. It's just so much better for me  :anigrin:


 :anigrin: I remember using console commands in the older CoD games. It's awesome to explore the maps/obtain weapons that's not supposed to be available to the player
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade

in my case, I've not only got unlimited ammo but also unlimited scrap parts (components) for building settlements. I could use other cheats to spawn stuff I wanted right into my inventory, such as weapons, but I don't think that I need that. At least, not right now. :)


The console commands are a game saver for me - allows me to enjoy the game without the ever present fear that I'll die and need to start over again

🡱 🡳

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