Fallout 4

Started by Art Blade, June 22, 2017, 01:32:01 PM

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Art Blade

Oh gee, I found the nuka-grenade and squirt gun upgrade manual!! I read about it some time ago only to realise it was way past my NW episode with the main character. Now I'll try to get it with him, too :)


Interesting way to go, Art :thumbsup: I might do that if I have another playthrough. If I do, I'm also going to make the Castle my main centre of operations instead of Sanctuary. The Castle is such a good location for a base. Preston and company can fend for themselves in Sanctuary :gnehe:

I finished following the Freedom Trail - or should I say, I finally found the bloody thing :gnehe: I didn't notice that red line leading away from the first marker before, and spent ages looking around the area trying to find something with "7A" on it - an address, a sign, something. There is a symbol painted on the ground on the other side of the fountain from the first marker and I thought that had something to do with it too. I tried standing there and looking around, in vain of course.

So I followed the trail, writing down the letters and numbers as I went. When I finally came to that rotating-dial puzzle thing, I fooled around with it for an hour or so trying all sorts of different things before I gave up and got the answer off the net. I can't be bothered with puzzles like that in this game - not that there's very many fortunately, just this one and that computer-memory thing at FH Island so far. I just want to get on with things and not have to spend too much time racking my brain with cyphers. I like puzzles, just not in this game.

Art Blade

Cheers, mate :) I assume you read the spoiler, then :)

Quote from: fragger on December 28, 2017, 06:18:27 AMor should I say, I finally found the bloody thing :gnehe:

:thumbsup: :D again you made me laugh :anigrin: I never found it, I looked it up and just as well as you did, the puzzle. Indeed, not many to solve but not fun, either. I like hacking computer terminals and lock-picking, that's enough of a puzzle for my taste  :anigrin:

Now that you mention a possible next playthrough, how about right now. I know you had quite a few things you wished to have done differently by now, so you might just as well hit it now before you go too deeply into the story. Remember the suggestion I followed then, the vid regarding the best ending guide? With the knowledge about NW, combine that and you're likely to have a perfect game. :)

I never thought I'd start a second one until I decided to see what NW was about if played properly, and now I found the solution (see spoiler a few posts up) that would have been perfect. Well, at least I can try and combine both characters' experiences :anigrin:


Same, I enjoy the hacking and lock-picking. I have to be in the right frame of mind for brain-teasers, and I'm never in that when I'm playing this game :gnehe:

Start again? Umm... I don't really want to yet. I've invested so much in this playthrough that I don't want to start from scratch at this point. I'd rather take things as they come the first time around, for better or worse. I'm enjoying the spontaneity and surprises, even though I'm probably missing stuff and could no doubt do things a lot better. I'm not too worried about getting everything spot-on at this stage, I'm having enough fun with the game as it is. Maybe after this go-through is done I'll look into how to go about achieving the best outcomes, but I'm not concerned about that at present :)

Art Blade

As long as you're having fun, you indeed ought to keep on going O0 There's always time for a new start. I think we started on opposite ends :anigrin: I'm about to do what you're doing now, let the game unravel itself and see where it ends, I don't want to pay attention to which missions to do or not to do in order to get a best ending, already done that, minus NW. :gnehe:

I'll grab that squirt gun and nuka-grenade manual with my main character and it's almost perfect :) The nuka-mine and grenade got nearly 700 damage if I remember correctly but I only had a recipe for the mini-nuke in form of a nuka-nuke version which was extreme (nuka-nuke launcher, a spiced-up fat man, was over 3,000 damage) and now I'll add the squirt gun upgrades which I never had. :anigrin:


It would have been cool if they had integrated the NW raiders into the main story line as another faction you could join, and complete the main story as a jerk raider, for those who want the "evil" ending. As it is, the three main factions are all pretty much the same outcome.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

indeed, just as an additional option, imagine one of the three gangs of the NW raiders dominated the vanilla world, perhaps along with the BoS.. lol

Art Blade

alright, folks :anigrin:

Quite a lot that I've done today. With my main character, I decided to collect the missing Nuka Cola recipes, in the mixer station will be 20 when you've got 'em all. And mixing all of them caused an achievement to pop up O0 Same for (finally) "display a weapon on a weapon rack, armor on an armor rack, and power armor in a power armor display," so another achievement. :)

I also found out three things about my weapons, so I changed (improved) them as follows. This is more about cheating, so hello mandru, and sorry fragger. :anigrin:

I'm not sure whether or not you guys know how to apply a specific legendary characteristic to a weapon, if needed, I'll go in detail, but for now, the short version.

I've got two Gauss rifles, one with "two shot" prefix, it fires two bullets but uses only one from the inventory. This gets its stats as high as 1,000+ damage per shot. And the other one with "instigating" prefix. This hits with double damage so long as the target is on full health. It means, that first shot deals almost 1,300 damage and if needed, consecutive shots around 650 damage. It has got a slightly better accuracy than the two-shot variant, though. The damage difference (1,000 vs 1,300) is due to how the game calculates the two-shot version, it's not 2x100%.

And I have a funny but extremely effective pistol with the prefix "defiant" (Far Harbor DLC required) which causes the final shot in the magazine to deal twice the normal damage. So that pistol usually deals around 200 damage. I removed all .44 ammo but a single bullet from my inventory (it looks funny because there's no count in front of the ammo name, so it's not "1 .44" but simply ".44") and now that pistol shows 400 damage per shot. Wow ??? However, it only makes sense with god mode as you won't lose that one bullet and can keep firing with it :anigrin:

Additionally I have a lot of perks that will increase the damage significantly, like a stealth shot can cause damage x4.7 plus headshot plus, plus, plus.. These three legendary prefixes are actually the most powerful ones for ranged weapons and for semi-automatic weapons or the combination of those that you can get in this game. :anigrin::evil2:


wow  ???

It sounds like you need to take lots of things into consideration in order to get the most out of the game.

Art Blade

in a way, yes. To get the best and the most out of it. After 1236 hours so far, I think I really like this game.  :anigrin:

I reckon that it's a little like you and your food. In order to get the best and the most out of it, you prepare it elaborately and it takes time, practice and experience. And consider the amount of highly specialised gear that you acquired and learned how to use in order to get that result. :)

Art Blade

Quote from: Art Blade on December 28, 2017, 07:02:20 AMI'll grab that squirt gun and nuka-grenade manual [...] The nuka-mine and grenade got nearly 700 damage if I remember correctly

I need to clarify that. It is actually a recipe for nuka quantum grenades and three different upgrades of the squirt pistol (called Thirst Zapper) which turns it from a toy into a radiation liquid spray or two explosion-causing variants of which the quantum version hits hardest with around 800 damage. A fun "pistol" that shoots a blueish squirt of weaponised quantum cola (just like the bottles you keep finding) and it explodes on hit like a blueish mini-nuke. :anigrin: Only it's more like a bolt-action than semi-automatic, let alone full-auto. So it's slow, like the other nuke launchers. But definitely fun. :gnehe:

The nuka mine and nuka grenade (without quantum) indeed produce 700 ballistic damage. But these also produce 100 radiation damage on top, making them effectively better than the nuka quantum mine and grenade. The nuka mine also tops the bottle caps mine which goes off with slightly under 700 ballistic damage.

The damage values are for my main character build and will most likely be different compared to your damage output but in general it should give you an idea about the effectiveness with the right perks.

Art Blade

I just had a funny moment with Porter Gage (the Taxi Driver guy) :D Somehow that situation reminds me of Pulp Fiction, when during a conversation in the car Travolta's gun accidentally goes off and blows out the brains of the guy sitting in the back. :laughsm:

Without spoiling the NW story, here's what happened right after I told a certain Cito that I didn't have time for him (I knew it was supposed to turn him hostile) Sorry about those colours which are a bit weird because of a radioactive storm tinting everything greenish and dark.

All the blood! And it wasn't me!
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And here you see what caused it -- my raider companion Gage didn't falter and blew Cito's brains out right under my nose before I could even select any body parts in VATS. You can tell I tried because it showed the stats of the late Cito. Yes, a tough guy with a rail gun for companion is quite funny, he actually hits something, more than once he saved me. Like, I was stuck in some dialogue when those worms popped up all around us (they're just another type of enemy) and started to attack me, Gage took out all of them while I was listening to that dialogue (I could still see the shenanigans going on in the background)  :D

trigger-happy companion and raider style Dogmeat, the remains of Cito
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Art Blade

fragger, I managed to create a somewhat similar situation compared to your hermit crab running from mine to mine :anigrin: I laid out a mine field and I had to refill it a few times to get all of those ghouls  :D

mine field
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Art Blade

Have you ever seen Fallout 4 Ice Age? :laughsm:

This is what happens when you use the Cryolator a little too close to your friends when they're being attacked.

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LOL @ Cryolator, heh. I barely used that once I got it, just stored it away.

You killed Cito? You mean person! I always felt sorry for his dumb *bleep* and his gorilla family.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

🡱 🡳

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