Fallout 4

Started by Art Blade, June 22, 2017, 01:32:01 PM

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Art Blade

lol 12% and a settler just said, "people are having to sleep in shifts, it's making everyone a bit cranky."  :laughsm:

and "nobody has enough to eat, can't you do something to help?" -- Sorry. And shut up, it's a test. I'll revert to a prior savegame.


Duly noted :D We have an idea of what happens now... I salute you for inconveniencing your settlers so that others, i.e. me, don't have to - to paraphrase our apparently long-lost member, Fiach.

I just wanted to post some thoughts on the game so far (warning – gushy, naked enthusiasm ahead, facilitated by a few New Year's Eve brewskis...)

Amazing, amazing, amazing :thumbsup:

Seriously, I wouldn't hesitate to recommend this title to anyone who loves a truly open-world experience with about as much freedom of action as you could ever hope to have in a game. I'm agog at it all - the deep scenario and character interaction, the ever-evolving storyline, the vastly explorable game world, the top-notch voice acting, the extensive ensemble of diverse characters, the incredibly detailed game world, the stunning graphics and atmospheric effects (including the best day/night cycle I've seen since FC2, with a sun that moves across the sky and is fully independent of player movement – yes, I'm talking to you, Ubisoft), a climate system that you can almost feel, a "sleeping" function that is tactically useful and can be utilized to the player's advantage, the fully dynamic weather system and near-photorealistic skies (foggy weather and sun-ray effects are incredible), the plethora of possibilities for weapon and armour modification, the depth of immersion, the breathtaking action, the multi-branching paths you can take, the brilliantly open-ended trading system, the flexible building possibilities and subsequent potential for indulging your inner architect if you're so inclined (as I am), the sheer number of things you can do in the game... I could go on and on.

This is what open-world gaming is all about. Nothing else comes close in my opinion – not the FC series, not the GTA franchise – nothing. It's in a class of it's own.

When I started playing this game, I was worried that the combat aspects might not be up to par, as is often the case in what is ostensibly an RPG game. But this is in fact one of the best shooting games I've ever played, with brilliant weapon effects and sounds, dynamic cover and a meticulously modelled combat system. Hearing a bullet whizzing past your head is enough to make you physically duck – as I have done on a number of occasions.

FO4 is simply an awesome adventure. Just awesome. I haven't gotten so stuck on a FPS game (or whatever you'd categorize this as) since FC2. And to think that I almost chucked it in at first... What a short-sighted fool I was :huh-new:

And to my very good mate Art, here's a +1 for two things – for all your enthusiastic input and sharing of insights and experiences in the game, and for putting me onto this wonderful title. You made my gaming year, buddy O0

Art Blade

very kind of you, fragger, thank you very much :) I'm glad to have you on board so we can share the fun O0

And indeed, it's nearly perfect and we all know how "perfect" is nearly impossible to accomplish. Well done, Bethesda, and never mind the bugs -- usually we can w0#k around them even if that means using mods. And that is one more positive thing, this game supports modding. :thumbsup: :)

I remember Fiach's "playing <whatever> so you don't have to" line :) I wonder what has happened to that old bugger.

However, I really enjoy playing FO4 and I'm glad, fragger, that you started with this. The prior FO games were different. FO3 was more linear and for instance modding was a tad chaotic. It was more RPG than shooter. I came across many different opinions about FO4 compared to FO3 and I understand most of them. I don't mind the changes. I like the fact that it's not so much RPG anymore yet still it provides you with several aspects of an RPG, like skill tree (perk chart) and character modification, including apparel. Indeed, it's a very nicely polished shooter aspect they added, albeit it's not a pure shooter, either. I too shoot enemies first person and aiming down the barrel or through scopes, it works nicely, and I really love how VATS has improved, I use that a lot (many weapons are way more effective using VATS) and I am so grateful that they abolished degrading weapons, I hated that the most in FO3.

So.. here we are, enjoying a good title together, sharing experiences and tips.. this is OWG at its best. :thumbsup: :)

Art Blade

one more little but important thing: this game comes with enabled console (to enter commands and to cheat) :thumbsup:

I mean, what's the last game you remember that came with enabled console? I think it was in times of Quake, so it's a long time. I love console commands and that they allow us, even encourage us, to use it :anigrin: :thumbsup:


Funny you brought that up, I was just about to comment on that.

The inclusion of a console and full support of built-in cheat codes was an inspired move. I don't know if FO3 had that (from your comment, I take it that it didn't), but I think it shows that Bethseda understands the desires of their customers. Make the game open-ended and accessible in that fashion and gamers will love you for it.

I didn't realise until I looked online that the original Fallout and Fallout 2 were isometric-view, strategy-type affairs, a tad similar to XCOM. I saw some screenies and from what I can gather, the series didn't become a first (or third) person affair until Fallout 3.

Figures, you can still glean the game's strategy roots from concepts like V.A.T.S. and establishing settlements and so forth. Bethseda has really built the title up into something special, despite its slightly glitchy quirks, which fortunately are few considering the game's complexity, and aren't game-breaking.

Art Blade

FO3 already had a console and also supported mods, but it's more polished now.

Art Blade

check top left notification in the pic. :gnehe:

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 :D That's so cool! How the heck did you do that?

Art Blade

cgf "Debug.Notification" "Hello there."


Art Blade


Ah, excellent resource! Thanks, bookmarked O0

Art Blade

you'll find everything there. I've been using that wiki from start, in my opinion the best source there is. :)


I've consulted that site a few times, haven't come across that page before though. Nice :thumbsup:

I love getting onto those high elevated freeways, they afford such a great view of things. Plus I often get to watch the Brotherhood of Steel doing their thing.
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The Brotherhood takes a near miss.
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And a near not-miss.
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Art Blade

nice. :anigrin:

as long as you leave the BoS alive and are a "member" of that faction, you will be able to fast-travel in vertibirds at any time. You toss a vertibird signal grenade and one of them comes flying over to pick you up, then you select your destination and fly across the wastelands. I love that. :)

Art Blade

actually, you need to play a little of their main quest to be given those signal grenades (restock on board of the Prydwen, that massive air ship) That, however, will appear only after some other main missions, not necessarily BoS-related main missions. So, there's a motivation :anigrin:

🡱 🡳

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