Fallout 4

Started by Art Blade, June 22, 2017, 01:32:01 PM

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Damascene Blade, she's a real hard asset.  ;)

During the Uranium Rush you mentioned fragger, my ex-wife's father spent several months roughing it in the New Mexico and Arizona wilderness prospecting for pitchblende.  To avoid encroachment he acquired a map of established claims and focused on searching promising locations that were at least several miles away from neighboring strikes.

He never hit a location worth filing a claim but (true to his notorious bad luck) took a bad rad burn that needed months of serious medical treatment and a physician's warning to get out of the prospecting business because he wouldn't survive another equivalent burn.  It seems that one of the dozens of base camps (where he wasn't actively monitoring his gieger counter) he'd set up his tent and slept on the ground right over a strike that was hot enough that it probably would have made him rich::)

- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade

wow.. heavy story and that is bad luck. At least he didn't die from it.

And yes, playing as Damascene is really funny because I get to see conversations I'd never have triggered when playing my first character. :anigrin:

Playing her, I try to be as honest and straight-forward as possible and don't shy away from sarcasm. :anigrin:

RR truth be told 02
(above what Dez said and this is the reply -- unpleasantly true for some :anigrin: )
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Damascene's best lines 01 (enlarge if you can't read them)
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"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


That's quite an irony-laced tale, mandru ???

lol @ Damascene's attitude :D

I choose some of the firmer responses sometimes, I don't always go with the "down arrow" answers. Sometimes I'll choose a different response because it seems more like something my character really would say under the circumstances. Like the "100 synths" question - I chose the same response that Damascene made. Often I'll choose the "up arrow" response to get more information out of whoever I'm talking to, and occasionally it pays off. As for the two "side arrow" responses, I steer clear of the sarcastic ones and any that might seem counter-productive.

Mostly though, my character in this game is a "down arrow darling" :gnehe:

Art Blade

yeah, that's how I started and kept playing for over a thousand hours :anigrin: It was now time to try a different approach, with a different character it was very easy. Particularly because said character started out as a raider  :anigrin: Even though, I still need to use up or down arrows. Sometimes. ;)


I've done almost all I can do for now before I get fully into the Brotherhood of Steel arc. My quest queue is clear except for Nuka World and Shadow of Steel (and the BoS' Haylen and Rhys quests, more below). I just maxed out Codsworth's affinity level, so now the only companion I've met but haven't yet had along with me is Strong. I know about Curie in Vault 81, but I haven't officially met her yet. I'll get around to her next.

As far as I can tell, Codsworth is the only robot that doesn't negatively impact settlement happiness (but maybe only as long as he stays in Sanctuary. I got Sanctuary up to 100% with Codsworth there the whole time). In view of what mandru and I wrote in our recent posts, now that I've maxed Codsworth out, I'll be letting him stay in Sanctuary. That's his home, and I don't have the heart to send him anywhere else :gnehe:

I'm currently taking advantage of the endless side quests handed out by the Brotherhood's Haylen and Rhys to speed up companion affinity and the earning of perks. Sometimes Rhys asks me to clear out a site that I've already done during my aimless ambling, so all I have to do is tell him it's done and I get the caps/XPs on the spot. Easy money :thumbsup: Some of that earlier exploring paid off.

Whenever I go to the Police Station though, Danse is standing in one place looking stern and I have to make sure I don't go near him and trigger the opening dialogue of Shadow of Steel. I have to sidle along the walls to avoid him in order to get to Haylen or Rhys :gnehe:

I came across a Workshop and potential settlement location, Coastal Cottage. I wasn't sent there by Preston or anybody, I just happened across it and found that I could use the Workshop immediately. I dunno though - there is what looks suspiciously like a Death Claw den right in the middle of it, and I battled one of those very close by on the way in. I don't want to have a settlement that a Death Claw regularly pops up in to wreak havoc... I scrapped everything in the build area, then raided the Workshop and took everything out of it. I have enough settlements, and I didn't like the look of that one. There was also a lot of debris there that I couldn't scrap, and the ground is very rough, making any kind of building problematic. So I'm leaving that one alone.


fragger, I believe Coastal Cottage is a raider occupied location that you take possession of once you've cleared them out.

I had a battle with the raiders there as I was following the road back from fighting the synths at the Mahkra Fishpacking plant.  The raiders stayed up on the cliff top using weapons of limited range and loads of taunting but I had a good sniper rifle and the perks to carry out a campaign of head shots that cleared them all out with minimal fuss.

It wasn't until I went up to pick over the loot from the bodies that I even realized that there was a settlement up there and the workshop was unlocked for me as well.

Coastal Cottage does have a deathclaw that spawns fairly nearby.  To the East of that settlement there's a shallow ravine that runs North and South.  The first thing you should see is the the bodies of two yao guais and a bit North is where the deathclaw typically hangs out.  Out of hundreds of hours there were only two times that the deathclaw came anywhere near the settlers located there and both times it was lured in by the noise from super mutants or gunners attacking.

My patented Wall-O-Death defense systems have managed to deal with all attackers many times over and even the deathclaws never got a foot set into the settlement.

Attackers on that settlement have three main approach tactics.  They'll try to come directly up the front driveway, they come in from the N.E., and they will post a couple enemies to throw cover fire on the settlement from the West but the actual assault most strongly is brought by a push from the N.W..  The cliff face that drops off on the South side of the settlement limits virtually all attacks from that direction.

There's also a mierlurk queen that spawns nearby to the South of that location that I like to beat up on.  But she stays way out on the sand near the little cafe and bait shop.

Another novelty for that location is the small gunner settlement up on an isolated piece of elevated freeway to the N.E..  You can see them from the settlement and there is an elevator lift that will take you up to the two gunners and one feisty bot (who likes to use stealth and energy bolts) similar to KL-E-O who works the gun shop in Goodneighbor.

- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


Hmm... I didn't have to battle any Raiders to get access to the Workshop at Coastal Cottage. Nobody was around, I just found it and was able to immediately use it. The only fight I had was with a Death Claw nearby, along the way. There were a few Raiders out on the causeway leading to the fish-packing plant, but they were quite some distance away.

My new Power Armor workshop and depot at Sunshine Tidings. The big, pre-existing shed there was ideal for it.
I also built a fusion generator for the settlement in there.
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My PA collection is growing. I still have my partially-complete X-01 suit back at Sanctuary,
along with a third complete BoS II T-60 suit and three blank frames.
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Near Coastal Cottage, I spied a Legendary Glowing One apparently enjoying a day out on the water.
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I scoped in to get a better picture, but it inadvertently looks like I'm about to literally blast him a new one. I did figuratively soon after :evil2:
He couldn't get off his pontoon raft. Ghouls don't sign up for swimming lessons, evidently. Guess he couldn't afford them.
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Art Blade

nice :anigrin: There's another glowing one of the same type albeit I don't think I've seen him as a legendary variant, yet he's also stuck on the same type of pontoon raft, over in Boston. Right now I don't remember exactly where but I think he's close to Hangman's Alley and he keeps respawning.

Very neat place there, fragger, what you made of that warehouse at Sunshine Tidings :thumbsup: At first there's just one power armour to be proud of, then there's another, and another.. until you start to run out of storage space. My collection has grown so enormously that I have one room packed tight with them. I don't have the space for the exhibition racks so I just walked into the room and got out of the PA, leaving it slumped down, yet arranged in a way those PA composed several files and reminded of a small Cylon army :anigrin: That's something that inadvertently had been growing to a point I had to stop collecting them or I'd have had to build a multi-storey museum for them :gnehe:

With my second character, it's a totally different story. I got two very special PA from NW the parts of which I picked off their frames and stuffed them into a container at the "head quarters" that had been given to me, along with other NW stuff that I thought was cool. I left that behind when I went to the Commonwealth. There, I don't collect more than what my regular carry limit allows plus a few items that I "fed" the dog with. :anigrin: I don't plan to collect anything that I won't use and it has to fit into my inventory without going over the carry limit. Makes it actually easier to play. However, I'll keep collecting stuff with the main character :bigsmile: For instance, he never disposed of any legendary item while she only keeps what really improves her stats and she hasn't made any settlement her home. The Railroad calls her "the Wanderer" which is what she is. :)

Art Blade

I just had the same conversation as before with RR Doctor Carrington, using the right arrow for negative and insulting replies (like "so you must be the head of the unwelcoming committee") but this time, I kept interrupting his replies with the right arrow. When he was about to utter, "charming," to the last insult as usual, just before he could utter that, Desdemona slipped in, kind of slowly, "*bleep*." :laughsm:

Because he's usually nearby when I'm using the weapons w0#k bench (this time, armour w0#k bench) he kind of bumps into me which triggers the conversation which he starts, regarding healing and so on. So this time, he opened the conversation right when I had opened the w0#k bench menu and then I heard him say, "if you're not injured, please bother someone else." Because I couldn't reply, he kept waiting. When I got out of the menu, he said, "delightful. Let's waste more of my time, shall we?" :laughsm:

These two, a match made in heaven :evil2:


Cool pics, AB  O0

... especially the glowing one on the raft

Art Blade

Thanks.. but that was fragger's pic ;)


Well, good pic fragger  :bigsmile:  O0


Yeah I had a battle with raiders at Coastal Cottage as well, it was tough as it was very early in my game and I was low level. I had made my way to the coast, past ummmm.... forget the name, Eden park or something like that, with the stone tower, and raiders and deathclaws that hang out there, then the death claw nest in the ravine, which is the one you return the egg to from the witchcraft museum, then the raiders at CC. A lot of fighting when you're less than level 20 like I was. But I also never did anything at CC as I didn't want another settlement and that one is a pain to build in. Too bad, a nice tower there with a view of the ocean would be a nice touch.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


I just completed the Covenant arc of the story (get it? "Covenant arc"? Sorry...) I'd forgotten that I hadn't been there yet, even though it was marked on my map as a hollowed-out "yet to visit" icon. That was an oddball quest, there didn't seem to be any really satisfactory way to complete it. I took Honest Dan with me to the Compound and subsequently had to fight my way in and kill everybody in the place (except Chambers who, even though she said "You're just going to have to kill me", I left alive. She took to nonchalantly grinding away at a workbench of some sort even while I was freeing her prisoners, and was still at it when I left). Then I went back to Covenant and had to kill everybody in there as well (which wasn't hard - I'd left Strong behind when I went to the Compound, and when I came back, he was stuck in the corner of a small yard, being a big green bullet-sponge and not fighting back while everyone was plugging him with abandon. I simply shot all the good citizens in the back one by one while they were so preoccupied, except for one anonymous settler whom I dispatched with a frag for being a cheeky non-conformist and shooting at me).

I chose to free Amelia. According to the Wiki, you can get the best reward if: a) you free Amelia after you've already gotten in good with the Railroad, and: b) you go and tell Old Man Stockton that his daughter is now free. But because I'd found old Stockton dead in the street quite some time ago, long before I went to Covenant, that option was no longer on the table.

I don't know about that quest, it was a bit off. It seems you get a bit of a Hobson's choice there - you can either let Chambers have her twisted way with Amelia and get into Covenant's good books, in which case you miss out on using it as a settlement, or you can do the noble thing for Amelia by setting her free and then go slaughter everyone in Covenant, and then you can use it as a settlement. Because I wanted to adhere to my Railroad principles and free Amelia, I chose the latter course and subsequently turned everyone involved, except Dan, against me. They were all suspiciously saccharine in Covenant anyway, so I didn't give much of one.

The final showdown at Covenant was given a slightly absurd hue by the fact that Lucas and his caravan was camping out almost right outside Covenant's gates, and gave no flips whatsoever about the noisy donnybrook going on a mere stone's throw away from them.

After all the inhabitants of Covenant were dead (except for Deezer, who seemed completely non-hostile and continued to flog his lemonade despite the corpses littering the ground around him), I went about looting everything that wasn't nailed down, even though it was all red-listed as stealing. But after a while, it seemed that I "stole" one item too many. I got a message that the "owner" was now hostile, and Deezer came after me, all righteous mechanical indignation and in no mood to dispense soft drink. Strong (who had been counting the daisies in his yard the whole time) finally roused himself and walloped the scrap out of Deezer with his big sledgehammer, I guess for getting oil on the grass.

Odd mission. Query: If the inhabitants of Covenant become hostile towards you, are their turrets supposed to turn on you as well? Because they didn't. They just kept chugging away without firing a shot at me. They're all still there, in fact.

🡱 🡳

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