Fallout 4

Started by Art Blade, June 22, 2017, 01:32:01 PM

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Art Blade


I edited in two more pics and some text, so please make sure to check my previous post again :gnehe:


Billy the Pathfinder.  :D
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


That's funny, and an ingenious use of an NPC. Thinking on it, a companion will also do the same thing, I think. If you dismiss them when you're lost somewhere, they will walk home, so just follow them. Not always guaranteed they will take the most direct or even safe, route, but they will get there. They also tend to stroll a bit so it might take a while.

I think I had something similar happen at Covenant, in that after killing everyone (I also set the girl free, to get the perks and loot, of course) in the town, Deezer didn't become hostile until I'd looted one thing too many. Then for a while he was a pile of scrap on the ground, then he was invisible for a while (several game days going back there) then I must has used the console to reanimate him as he is now back to his old self selling his "lemonade" (hint, it's not made from lemons). Everyone else there was taking part in a pile of bodies for a while, then I think I dragged them off, after doing some other reanimation experiments on them, of course. So for a while I had some zombie corpses walking around the place. But eventually they either bugged out or went hostile and I had to get rid of them.

I seem to also recall having an issue with the turrets not shooting at me until after I'd claimed the place as a settlement and started building my own defenses. I must have used the mod to get rid of the scrap as I built my own turrets in their place.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

cheers, guys :bigsmile:

D_B, that's also an interesting follow-up idea, dismissing a companion so they can be of help as a guide :thumbsup: :anigrin:

Covenant is special in various ways, it would seem. It used to be a place for me where I would kill settlers, unnoticed and unpunished, protected by guarded walls.. using the arena platforms :evil2: I too seem to recall some weird things with the turrets and that I couldn't scrap them was just one of several things.

Speaking of scrapping everything, today I realised that I had to disable the scrap everything mod when I went into vault88 as part of the quest was to scrap debris and rocks. I accidentally scrapped parts of the map which I wasn't supposed to do. Free-floating railway tracks and pieces of rock that only had a front side.. hmm.. so I disabled it not to run into those kind of problems again. :gnehe:

Note to self: must not forget to enable it again


Another quirk with Covenant is that even if you kill everyone in there, all junk items and beds remain red-lettered, so that if you grab or use any of them, it counts as stealing. So I made sure I scrapped all junk inside the place before I built a beacon to attract new settlers.

After a while, two new people showed up and I put them to w0#k. I then went out and scrounged around the surrounding area to snaffle more junk to take back to Covenant's Workshop. On the way back in, I noticed there were still a few red-lettered junk items in the little guard shack just outside the front gates, so without thinking it through, I snapped them up on my way in.

As soon as I got inside the gates, I heard a "Let's do this!" and both settlers opened fire on me, for stealing that stuff from the guard shack ::)

Needless to say, the population of Covenant is back to zero again... Fraggerina might be a nice lady, but she doesn't tolerate ingrates :evil2:

I also went around and did a "setOwnership" command on anything else I could find in the place that had red letters, like the safe in the office and the existing (and unscrappable) beds, before any more new settlers show up.

Art Blade

I used a mod that allowed to literally scrap everything. Including those beds. Alternatively, you could use markfordelete and disable on stuff you can't scrap or change ownership thereof.

Meanwhile, I completed vault88, did one thing that wasn't totally humane (soda fountain with mood-changing chems, it changes the colour of the brew to something red-brown, produces 15 happiness as opposed to simply adding caffeine to it which produces some greenish brew and 5 happiness) and because I did at least one thing the Overseer liked, I got and passed the speech check to make her stay. Unfortunately, she cannot be assigned anything.


Pretty sure a mod fixes that :gnehe:
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Art, I finally found a good spot to deploy and observe the inciting gas grenades you posted the ID# for.

I'm currently running with Piper.  We were near Wildwood Cemetery (North of Covenant) that has a lovely Feral Ghoul spawn and a building in the upper N.W. corner that has a fallen tree allowing safe and mostly unobserved access to its roof.  I commanded Piper to Stay back a ways to keep her out of the fray but close enough to observe.

Mounting the roof I temporarily equipped a low powered pistol I carry when I want to get someone's attention and winged one of the ghouls that was furthest away.  Alerted to my presence the entire group charged my position and that was when I dropped a spread of the gas grenades right in their path of approach.

It was glorious mayhem.  :evil2:

The swarm of ghouls appeared to completely forget about me and fell on tearing one another apart.  The funniest part of the whole affair was the Glowing ghoul that typically spawns at that location has far more damage resistance than the rest of the locals so he was systematically killing the other ghouls while gaining his own damages.

As the melee was wrapping itself up there was the glowing ghoul (now having lost both of his arms but still very much in the fight) and two other lesser ghouls one who seemed unaffected by the gas as it was still keyed in on getting to my position and the other who charged the eagerly receptive glowing ghoul.  I had to laugh as the armless glowing ghoul head butted the first attacker until he was dead and then went after the only other surviving feral on the field dispatching them in the same fashion.

With all other more easily accessed targets gone the glowing feral fixed his attention back on me but by this point his health was so diminished a single headshot from that low power pistol dropped him.

It was great fun.  :laughsm:

It was immensely satisfying to hear the "Ding!" that was indicating that every death that occurred from the Frenzy was running up my kill total and giving me the XPs for inciting the carnage.  O0

- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade

very nicely planned and executed, mandru :thumbsup: :anigrin:


There was an earlier discussion about convincing settlers to use beds or visit shops in the upper levels of barracks complexes and fragger had shown examples of the stairway layouts that encourage them to climb.  Around about that time I'd mentioned the additional build space available at the robot settlement Gray Garden having the elevated freeway that could be used if you created a way for settlers to get up to that new area.

Getting started in this new run through FO4 I recently spent some time rescuing Jake Finch (the wayward son) and establishing proper resources and security for Finch Farm.  Leaning on experience from my previous mistakes I kept recalling that there was one settler (a new arrival not one of the Finch family) who would continually find marooned up on the section of Freeway that runs over Finch Farm.  I started calling her Greta Garbo who uttered the famous line "I want to be alone."

So though I'm building smaller this time I didn't want to miss anything essential.  Recalling that the only way to get that wandering settler down off the freeway was to ring the settlement call bell and "POP!" she'd be back on the ground where she belonged and then it struck me.

I've seen settlers hang up on some invisible obstruction going up or down stairs or around obstacles followed by a quick graphic correction and the settler would pop up or down the stairs or to where they were trying to go so it got me thinking about Greta.  Going to Finch Farm I built a series of ladders reaching up to the freeway lining up with a broken out notch in the side retaining wall.  I was in build mode creating the ladder going up and while walking around on the freeway itself I found that there was still a sizable area I could scrap or build!

With the planter boxes made available by one of the additional game contents build items I could move the whole Finch family, farm, and settlers well up and permanently out of harm's way.  :thumbsup:

Looking back at it now it makes sense that this space would be available as the Gunners populating Hub City Wreckers are using an unattached segment of the same strip of freeway to the N.E..  :main_ideas:

I'm going to need to reexamine all the settlements to see if any others have this hidden acreage available.  It's purely out of 'the need to know' though because I'm out of the Mega Structure business this time around.  :bigsmile:

- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


Nice discovery mandru :thumbsup:

According to the Wiki, the settlement with the highest build ceiling is Abernathy Farm at a whopping 20 floors (reportedly), with Finch Farm coming in second at 13 floors.

I might move my Finch people up onto the freeway too. I only have the four of them there and the build area at ground level isn't terribly big.

Art Blade

sounds interesting, guys. I haven't done anything like that before so I'll keep that in mind for when it's time to build. :)

Art Blade

Just had something unexpected happening. Doing missions for the RR, this time "Randolph Safehouse 3," I was to pick up the dead drop which would then reveal the location I was supposed to clear. Turned out to be the Vim! Pop Factory which is located somewhere in Far Harbor ??? And this is how I'm going to drag a companion from Nuka World DLC across the vanilla game wasteland to Far Harbor DLC. Good grief, that's quite something :D

Art Blade

Quote from: Dweller_Benthos on January 07, 2018, 04:07:08 PMa companion will also do the same thing, I think. If you dismiss them when you're lost somewhere, they will walk home, so just follow them

I tried that with the dog when I was deep inside some factory. He was a very slow walker but found the exit :anigrin: Shortly before we left, I made him follow me again. O0

🡱 🡳

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