Fallout 4

Started by Art Blade, June 22, 2017, 01:32:01 PM

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Geez, looks like you've opened the lowlife floodgates there, Art :gnehe: The Minutemen are going to have their w0#k cut out for them... If they still exist.

Do you still have to provide food, water and beds for all those buggers? I would have thought they'd just go out and steal whatever they needed :gnehe:

Art Blade

I still have to. I'm their Overboss and they're lazy as f*** :anigrin: It is supposed to w0#k las follows (and VERY likely it is supposed to be played after you played the biggest part if not all of the main quests)

Select a few settlements and capture them for your raiders. They move in and keep having a party. They don't do anything (at least not enough) to sustain themselves. So I have to find more settlements, this time to force them to deliver their produce to the raider settlements so my raiders won't starve.

Only for the achievement, I needed eight (!) raider settlements. I started with one and one "supporting" settlement, then added seven more raider settlements. So Graygarden, the robots there, have to produce all the food for who knows how many raiders, perhaps over 100 :D And the raiders in Nuka World expect cash to flow in, too, which is also job of the "supporting" settlement. OK, I assigned a few raiders to do some farming but no more than two per settlement or happiness goes down the drain. They make money with booze shops and so on, so that works in a way regarding financial background.

I keep adding beds and now food, too. I prepared one normal settlement that I have claimed for myself (not with help of the raiders, so it's actually mine) and try to lure some normal settlers in. So far, only four. To make those happy, I needed to assign three of them to the soda fountain and stuff and one is farming. I urgently need some more farmers there so I can subdue the settlement as a new raider supply/support. :)

Art Blade

I think I'm enjoying that raider stuff because it made sense to use all of those dialogue options I wouldn't have used otherwise and it was a blast, and because of Gage. He's the best :D

Gage is the best (and wearing late Tinker Tom's hat) :anigrin:
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I think I might avoid that approach in any future playthroughs I do, doesn't really sound like a scenario that I'd like. If I go again, I'll do some things differently. But going the Raider route seems a bit too different for my tastes :gnehe: I don't enjoy being a bastard, even in a game.

Next time too, I'm going to play as a man, the way God intended :-X Interesting though how you can still romance other female characters when you play as a woman (I slept with Magnolia). I don't know if a male Sole Survivor can woo other men as I haven't played as a male yet, but I guess Lady SS either swings both ways, or she came out after the war - and I'm not talking about the cryo chamber :gnehe:

Art Blade

as a male character, you can indeed romance most other male companions if you are so inclined. I think I had more fun with Magnolia as a male character though ;)

regarding raiders: don't get it wrong, Nuka World is tongue-in-cheek and dark humour. You're never really forced to use violence, you can talk your way through the game and use persuasion rather than blood. The only raider group (out of three) that is actually hardcore are the Disciples. I played it so that they got the least attention (share of regions in NW) and of course they started a rebellion which allowed me (with some satisfaction) to wipe them out. The rest is essentially weird crazy stuff but still funny. You should definitely try. I think D_B mentioned several times that he kept NW intact as opposed to my first attempt (I wiped out all gangs without doing any missions for them) which is probably what you can do. First round, just kill 'em. Second playthrough, give it a shot. ;)

Art Blade

Oh and I have to add, the Railroad massacre was part of playing the Institute end game. It had nothing to do with the raiders. Gage was simply the companion I had kept with me, could have been any other companion. I didn't really feel good killing the Railroad members but the Institute required it.

I have a savegame prepared so I can play the Railroad and wipe out the Institute, and I can as well use that savegame to play the BoS endgame, which will likely be before following the railroad line so I get the railroad last.


Magnolia is the only character I've romanced. Since she isn't a companion, and because I was (ahem) curious about what would happen, I followed through on it, plus I also wanted to get the achievement. I figured since Magnolia is never a companion, there wouldn't be any "complications" (though there doesn't appear to be any anyway).

For those who haven't played, you don't actually see any hanky-panky going on. Not like GTA V... In FO4, if you succeed in romancing a partner, the screen just fades out for a few seconds, then it fades back in and it's all over. No sex or nudity or anything is depicted. This is a family-oriented graphically violent game :gnehe:

It is kind of odd how there is swearing (though minimal) and the game can be quite violent, with limbs and heads getting blown off and bodies tossed around by explosions, but anything overtly sexual is considered taboo. Not that I'm interested in seeing any. It just seems a weird state of affairs to me.

Anyway, regarding becoming boss of the Raiders, I might try it. I can always start again if I really don't like it, I guess. It'll be a while though, I still have a ways to go in my current game.

Art Blade

That's what I've been thinking in the meantime. You know, I had over a thousand hours of good guy gameplay and wouldn't even have considered playing a second through so soon if it hadn't been for you and mandru starting a new game.

Also, I still have got my main character, a good guy, with Minutemen, Railroad and Brotherhood of Steel still intact after the Minutemen ending. It is probably the best way to "end" the game regarding endgame. Now I've got a nice open world, I'm friends or neutral with everyone, and the bad guys are all dead. I'll eventually return to that character and continue playing from there, open world.

So I thought hey, why not, you guys started a new game, why not join you lot? And why not try something I hadn't tried before. That again was an opportunity to play something completely different and differently. Like, using the evil and sarcastic dialogue options (and I have to admit, they were quite funny as I didn't take it seriously) as well as playing the Institute line that supposedly everyone hates or let's say, favoured the least -- including myself.

Playing the institute (bad) however was a perfect match for a start with the Raiders (bad) which admittedly isn't normal at all simply because you're supposed to be at least level 30 to start Nuka World. It was also the last DLC that was released, so most players had likely already finished their endgame whatsoever and could now play the bad raiders for a change. I just turned that upside down and started where other players might have ended.

All in all, it's a way of seeing the whole magnitude of the game, playing all factions, and then revert to the good guy which I am, and play again as Art Blade where I left my original playthrough :)


I'm glad that you did though, as it allowed you to add a whole new perspective to the game for those of us who haven't :gnehe: I salute you for that!

In fact, I reckon that deserves a +1.

Art Blade

cheers, mate :)

I see it as an experiment and as such, I'm trying to get the best out of it. As Fiach used to say, "playing <insert game> so you don't have to" :anigrin: That's what I'm enjoying too, showing you guys stuff that is likely OK for you to read about and less likely that you're going to play it as extensively as I have been playing it, if at all. I want to point out very clearly here that despite playing as a raider, I abstained from unnecessary violence (well, you too kill all the time) and I can tell you, it worked. However, I want to encourage you guys to try it yourselves in whichever way you see fit, and take your time before doing so. It took me over a thousand hours and an additional incentive (you guys starting a new game almost at the same time) before I decided to try it. ;)


I've added a couple more screenshots to my Steam folder as public under mandru_owg.  Nothing earth shaking.

Art you were talking about importing food to keep Raider settlements happy so I thought I'd experiment with four of my chronically unhappy settlements.  Maybe those farmers were sick (as I would be) of a vegan d!et.  So I cooked up several hundred Yao Guai Roasts and Radscorp Omelettes and stuffed them in their workshops.  I picked those specific food items as they gave some of the best XPs for cooking with least least complicated list of ingredients.

After two weeks of game time I went back around to those locations (showing no change in happiness though one went down for other reasons) and all of that scrumptious food was untouched.  So it would appear that the true horrible mutation (worse than the super mutant's who didn't get a vote on choice of their change) of peaceful future holocaust survivors is that they have adapted to the diets of herbivores.  :sad-new:

I'm really coming to dislike those BoS A, B, and C holes.  :angry-new:

I've intentionally not contacted Dansk's group of holdouts saving them for after I'd chased out more of the Minutemen missions and the main story line only the minuteman missions dried out and even their radio alerts have stopped when a settlement is under attack.  :sad-new:

When you kill Kellogg and and exit the fort he's using as a home base that's when the Prydwin makes it's grand entrance.  That has been the source of a specific point of irritation for me.  Every time I go to one of my favorite spots to fight any enemy group a pair of BoS vertibirds swoop in and start stealing all of my kills by either picking them off with the vertibird mounted guns or dropping a squad or two of PA equipped ground troops.  :banghead:

I don't want to kill any BoS members as I want to keep that avenue of future missions open but having them mixed into any fight really cramps my style.  :banghead:

For revenge over their kill stealing (and their general snotty self-aggrandizing attitudes) when I encountered a trio consisting of a Paladin Knight in standard skin suit armor leading a pair of PA equipped grunts who were patrolling near one of my settlements right as a group of raiders were preparing to have a go at Greentop Settlement I knew just what to do.  :evil2:

Using Spray and Pray (Legendary exploding round sub-machine gun) I quickly mopped up the raiders before the BoS could get involved.  Then I waited and followed the BoS unit until they were a safe distance away from Greentop at which point I toggled detection (tdetect), ran a fair distance along their course, batch file dropped 20 of the tougher raiders (you kindly provided the code for Art  :) :thumbsup:) right in their path and scrambled for a semi safe place to watch the fun.

As the BoS trio were winding through the middle of the milling raiders I toggled detection back on.  :D

Once the BoS were wiped out I dashed into the middle of things to get the raider's attention before they could wander off and create havoc elsewhere and used the console command killall (which by the way gave me the "Ding" to show I got XPs for their demise).  Along with a few laughs I really got some good loot out of that experiment including two complete sets of BoS PA.  :anigrin:

On another experiment I crafted up 100 Berserker syringes and loaded them in the gun that fires them and almost immediately received a Legendary for a Long Scoped Inciting .45 Pipe Rifle with better accuracy and range that will do the exact same job but weighs almost 1/4 as much as the Syringer and 100 rounds of ammo.  ::)

- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade

very entertaining read, mandru :) I too dislike the BoS A, B and C holes  ;)

Meanwhile I noticed that the food stored in those workbenches kept dwindling, both the cooked food and the mutfruit. So apparently the raiders do consume anything that can be called "consumables" but I haven't tried stuff like Blamco Brand Mac and Cheese yet :anigrin:


mandru's story about the BoS reminded me of an odd thing that has happened a couple of times, once when I was just traipsing about aimlessly and once when I was visiting a settlement. On both occasions I saw a BoS Vertibird circling not too far away, then opening up on some enemies on the ground. Then my XP meter appeared with a ding and I got some points, even though I was doing nothing. It did this three or four times. Turned out that I was getting XPs for the BoS' kills :huh-new: Dunno how that works. A glitch of some sort, I guess. Not that I'm complaining :gnehe:

Some of those Vertibirds seem to crash for no reason. One was circling around nearby yesterday when all of a sudden it began to spiral out of control and crashed right on the roof of one of my settlement buildings at County Crossing.

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I just had a good poke around inside Cabot House. I haven't really done that before, I only ever went in there long enough to do that mission arc without looking around. It's a lot bigger than I thought, and reading Lorenzo's journal and Imogen's account of her pre- and post-war experiences was quite interesting, as well as shedding light on the family's abuse of the longevity serum that Jack created.

I also found the Ranger shack just near Sanctuary. I don't know how I managed to miss that all this time. Listening to that young lady's holotape about how she ended up there was the most moving thing I've struck in the game so far, made all the more poignant by the fact that her skeletal remains were laying right there on a filthy old mattress.

Art Blade

ah, those inexplicable XP for whatever random kills elsewhere, I get those as well. Suddenly a ka-ching, some XP, and no idea what that was for. I guess the reason for those is that someone who is allied to you (like settlers or roaming patrols) kills a mutual enemy. I haven't found out what it really is.

Strange that in contrast, our companions can actually steal XP from you if they finish off a target all by themselves. However, if you manage to shoot their target at least once, you'll get the XP if they finish it off and it doesn't matter who shot it first. I do that sometimes on purpose, in a way not unlike what mandru does when he lures someone to his batch file-spawned groups of raiders or some such: I use a weak gun that doesn't kill with one shot, sometimes only to *bleep* some animal or whatever into attacking us, and then let the companion do the rest for me while I watch and cash in on the kill. :anigrin:

Vertibirds are notorious for randomly crashing, often because they didn't pull up in time and scratched some tall building, but they also get attacked by Super Mutants and Synths and who knows what else is out there attacking vertibirds. I find it funny :)

The Cabot family.. that's a really cool side mission and you can get different outcomes depending on whose side you are. :) You can keep looting their house, stuff keeps respawning in there.

Oh and there are many moving stories you will come across eventually, scattered throughout the wasteland. Sometimes you find letters, then a holotape or some terminal log entries. Those are sometimes spread out across a building.

Art Blade

"Easy to find, that BBQ place."
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"Almost like a proper Australian BBQ. The fire, not the glad rags, though." :gnehe:
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