Fallout 4

Started by Art Blade, June 22, 2017, 01:32:01 PM

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Art Blade


The only exception would be the 2016 DOOM reboot. It runs like a charm and frame rate is very fluid with the new Vulkan API. Also, it's developed by iD Software, the original developers behind Quake, Doom, Wolfenstein and the iD Tech engine :)
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade

I remember ID soft from back then. DOOM & Co revolutionised the gaming scene. :)

I also remember this: John Carmack, programmer and co-founder of ID software, donated one of his Ferraris as a prize to Dennis (D11-Thresh) Fong, the winner of the Quake tournament Red Annihilation. I admired Thresh and used to watch demos (hell, it was before YouTube) that showed off Thresh and other stars of Quake II from back then. I never met Thresh but some big shots from MTW were players I actually played tournaments and matches with. Also guys like purri, they were machines.. hehe :) It was crazy playing with them and horrible to play against them :gnehe:

It was during that time that I played competitively online and once actually ranked #1 in the world (Quake II deathmatch, insta gib, it was rail gun only) even though it was only for one day. I quit shortly thereafter for various reasons. One was that my clan started to annoy me big time but mostly because people wrongly accused me of being a cheater, of using aim bots and such, they called me "noob" (me, a newbie.. sure) and other names.. I got kicked when they saw my name pop up.. just because they'd never met anyone who played a LOT better than them, they automatically assumed that those people had to be cheaters. Also, new players tended to be more and more of younger age, kids, who'd troll everyone.

It got on my nerves. I left the clan and started to play on password-protected and private servers with friends only. And indeed, the cheaters who used wall hacks and aim bots multiplied almost on a daily basis and became an increasingly annoying factor. Until today, those have been more or less the reasons why I usually don't play on open public servers anymore, no matter which game. Unless cooperatively.

All of that led me to end up here and I'm happy the way it is. :)


Indeed, until Valve insisted on making the FPS games have a linear story, rather than just an aimless killing spree just to complete a map.

"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Happiness is tricky. If you have any robots in the settlement, you'll never get the entire settlement up to 100% because robots are locked at 50% no matter what. So no settlement with a robot in it is going to get 100%. Even though the achievement says get 100% at a large settlement, it doesn't have to be large at all. I got it at Longfellow's Cabin in Far Harbor, and he was the only person there. I removed all the other beds I had set up so there were no empties (apparently empty beds make people sad just as much as not enough beds) and planted some crops and assigned Longfellow to tend to them. He already had a bed and I made sure he was assigned to it. Then I built a couple doghouses and bought a couple dogs from Erikson the super mutant who trains and sells dogs. Then I built a cat cage and trapped a couple cats, then dismantled the cage. I set up the dogs in their houses and put down some cat bowls and gave the place power, lights and a couple machine gun turrets for defense and let it stew for a couple game days and it popped to 100% fairly quickly. The rest of my settlements I don't care much what they are rated at, as long as they have enough defense to fight off most attacks with me just standing around, I'm fine. I left a lot of them empty just so I wouldn't have to tend to them all the time.

As for stairs, yeah, they are tricky. The settlers know they are something they can climb up, but if you have the stairs set just in the wrong place they can't navigate them. I usually try to make sure the bottom step at least is buried in the ground, and not have the actual bottom of the stairs above ground. If you can picture what I mean. It seems if you set the stair bottom directly on the ground, the settlers see that as stairs, but that bottom step is something they can't navigate, so they just stand around like dummies. Moving the stairs down even slightly so that the bottom step is closer to the ground makes it so they can walk up it. There might also be differences between the different stair types as well, some may w0#k better than others.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

thank you very much, I'll try those things you mentioned :)


Quote from: Dweller_Benthos on July 24, 2017, 08:01:29 AM
The settlers know they are something they can climb up, but if you have the stairs set just in the wrong place they can't navigate them... It seems if you set the stair bottom directly on the ground, the settlers see that as stairs, but that bottom step is something they can't navigate, so they just stand around like dummies.

:laughsm:  Sounds like my wife's poodle when she tries to navigate the stairs into the RV


After watching the video on achieving the best ending where all three factions (Underground Railroad, Minute Men, and Brotherhood of Steel) survive and are at peace with each other I followed Right Clicked one of the available links that popped up and Opened in a New Window which dropped me on Youtube.  After watching a few subsequent videos I came across this video about an actor who didn't know he was doing voice w0#k for FO4 and how the effects game makers' attempts to protect the secrecy against leaks have resulted in soured relations between voice actors and the game makers .


If neither an actor or his agent know the magnitude of a franchise and potential sales there's no way they can establish fair contractual compensation agreements for the actor's efforts.  It's an interesting dilemma if you consider the needs of both sides.

- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade

mandru, that's crazy ??? Makes it sound as if the whole industry was a big rip-off

Quote from: PZ on July 24, 2017, 07:41:31 PM:laughsm:  Sounds like my wife's poodle when she tries to navigate the stairs into the RV

Better than the one dog we used to have: whenever he'd learn he had to get into the car for whatever reason, he'd start to retch rather violently and once forced into the car, he'd puke his guts out for as long as the ride would take. Just great. :anigrin:


The part where it was exposed that if a game sold 1 million copies the voice actors were paid an extra 4 days worth of pay but there was no additional compensation even if the game sold 16 million copies was particularly odorous.  ::)

Then again I can understand the game makers need for secrecy so there's no leaks about upcoming releases before they are ready to announce them.  There's a real need to find equitable contractual solutions found to protect all parties involved.
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade

not exactly an easy business

Art Blade

I just had one of those moments that make me go..

oh Gee Zus.

I'd just entered Nuka World's World of Refreshment which you do by simply moving towards a dark wall that is supposed to be an entrance to some sort of cave. Just moving towards it will start the loading screen. Which, of course, is one of those that take a while until finished loading.

I just finished loading when I realised that we kind of started right in the face of some Nukalurk (big crab the size of a mini cooper) and of course I get slapped by it. It knocks me back a bit. And again. My couple of bullets from my revolver however don't seem to even scratch it. So I want to change weapons when I realise another slap I received in between was pushing me backwards yet again and.. and all went black. Loading screen -- ??? That little bugger actually made me touch that black wall I just came in through so I went,

oh Gee Zus.  ::)

Yes, a loading screen. You know, one of those that take a while until finished loading. Of course it wasn't on my mind to leave so soon, I actually wanted to go in and find something (a star core..) so I'd have to head right back in again, touching that black wall. Before I could, I realised that crab came right after me, along with Piper and Dogmeat. So we're all in front of that cave and get collectively clobbered over the head by that aggravated version of a mutated crustacean. Nice.

We killed it, in the end. A massive nuka grenade did the job. And then.. back into that cave. And another flipping loading screen. Yes, one of those that take a while until finished loading..  :banghead:


That kind of loading is darned annoying  :banghead:

Art Blade

Oh it gets better.

So I've got that guide open to find those 35 star cores, needed for some quest. I had collected a ton on my own already but didn't know where to find the last 10 or so star cores. So with about 25 star cores, I started to use that guide. Picked up 4 new ones, that #29 was deep inside the aforementioned Refreshment World when a message pops up and I read,

help defend Nordhagen Beach, oh Gee Zus.

Having learned my lesson, I decided to leave the place immediately. Of course, fast travel is impossible from within an indoor location. So I run all the way back until I hit that dark wall that is supposed to be the exit of some sort of cave and all goes black again. Why not yet another loading screen. You know, one of those that take a while until finished loading. :banghead:

Once outside I'm not sure whether or not "fast travelling" is actually a fast way of travelling. I never took the time but I know that if you use the fast travel option, in-game time will have passed when the loading screen disappears. Like, you decide to fast-travel at lunch time and you arrive for dinner. Not exactly fast but that may or may not depend on how far your travel. I know that I can run pretty fast and that might be quicker than the alternative. So I run from almost the northern end of Nuka World to the southern end of Nuka world, take the lift to the platform where that transit train waits, headed for Commonwealth, hit the activation key and.. loading screen. I think time passes, too, when using the transit. Might have to check that but I can't avoid it, anyway.

I arrive at the transit station in Commonwealth which is in the far west of the non-DLC world map. Nordhagen Beach is to the far east of the map. Excellent. I decide to drop a save and choose the fast travel option -- if it fails, I can still reload and try to outrun the fast travel. However, fast travel to Nordhagen Beach means.. another loading screen. I think I keep seeing more loading screens than actual game play these days.

Dogmeat, Piper and I arrive who knows what time it was at Nordhagen Beach, can't say what time because the skies looked like mustard mixed with baby poo. A rad storm. Fan-tas-tic.

I kill off a couple of Supermutants and manage to get a mission success.


*bleep* weather
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Art Blade

I might add that I had already gone for those star cores before (the first and only time) -- it was when I got that type of message for the first time while playing the DLC and it was the "help defend Sanctuary" message which I didn't take too seriously and in the end I was too late. So I had to load a savegame way back and lost quite a bit of progress at Nuka World in order to go back in time just enough to successfully defend Sanctuary. Which caused me to lose track regarding what I had done already and what not, over at Nuka World. With that guide, I realised I indeed would have missed out on one star core that I thought I already had. Well, in a way I did, but thanks to the reload, I lost it. So today, when I thought, "what if yet another 'help defend X' message pops up?" it actually happened. I had been watching the screen constantly where that message might pop up. I was not exactly afraid it might pop up but I wasn't exactly relaxed, either. And, it did pop up. Makes it real fun to play DLC missions when non-DLC events keep interfering :banghead:

🡱 🡳

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