Fallout 4

Started by Art Blade, June 22, 2017, 01:32:01 PM

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Art Blade

delicate, that about sums it up just nicely :anigrin:

I keep thinking about one mission in particular, with old man Stockton and that synth girl, which was mentioned somewhere in between, like "if you haven't played it yet, do it now, or the mission won't be available anymore." There were a few like that, I think. Stockton however relates to Bunker Hill and somehow to the Covenant, and those are things to look into. I wonder when to best do them and perhaps in which order. Very early in the game, already? I'll have to check on that.


That can be another guide for another time :gnehe: This guide I'm putting together is rather long, but there's no way to shorten it without leaving out any important points. I'm playing (and all too often, reloading from prior saves) while I'm compiling it and I've already discovered a few fine details that have not only made a difference to how things turn out, but have necessitated a couple of re-writes. I want to make it as comprehensive and accurate as possible, because the game gets hellaciously knotty in the third act and one mission, or even one step of one mission, if played out of the sequence required for the Minutemen ending, can alter things dramatically. It's quite a fragile construct, like building a house of cards :gnehe:

Art Blade

That sounds as if a lot more effort was needed than I anticipated. Therefore I started a new topic for the guide so it will be easier to keep track and expand the guide. :)

Edit: Two guides now.
Please click here to open my short guide and to view fragger's expanded guide please click here.


Just an update: I'm almost finished the guide, but it's getting late here. I'll get back onto it first thing. It's going to be a huge post, but it has to be to include all the finer points. There are a lot more little pitfalls and things to keep in mind than I thought, and I've had to do a fair amount of backtracking. The sequence of mission, and the order of steps taken between the missions, has to be precise or you'll miss out on other ones.

That video left out A LOT.

Art Blade

you've already earned a +1 :thumbsup: for all that, mate :) Thanks a lot for the effort and time you put into it :)

Art Blade

Just for a change..

bird's nest
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Art Blade

one more..

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 :laughsm: :thumbsup:

I have a name for that hair-do: The Shaving Brush :gnehe:

Thanks for the +1, Art. It was a labour of love...

I've finished the story with the Minutemen. What an epic adventure! 550 hours on a single playthrough - and there's still more to do O0

Oh, but wait - there's even more! I STILL HAVE ALL OF NUKA-WORLD TO EXPERIENCE! I haven't even been past the entrance yet 8)

Bye bye, Institute! The world is finally safe from danger!
Well, except for the Raiders, the Rust Devils, the Gunners, the Forged, the Children of Atom, the Super Mutants, the Trappers...

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Art Blade

..and fragger... :gnehe:

hehe, cheers, and you're welcome mate. :)

Have fun with Porter Gage :thumbsup: :anigrin:

Art Blade

I'm currently playing the Vault88 missions with Preston as my first and only companion. Well, I met Strong but left him right where he was. In the vault are the candidates for the overseer, including that shady long-haired guy whom you may reject if you want, but I kept him again (played both versions before, keep him and reject him) because I knew he wouldn't be a problem. Funny enough, that shady guy just surprised me, I've never seen anything like this happen before. It happened right after fast-travelling to the vault, we almost bumped into that guy.

celebrity Preston
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They even had a conversation going, here a transcript

Settler: Well, I'll be damned. You're that Minuteman, aren't you? Garvey? Good to meet you, pal. You're one of the good guys.
Preston: Oh, uh, thanks. Glad to hear it.
Settler: Keep on keeping on, alright?

(at this point I couldn't capture the dialogue because I took more screenshots in quick succession than my PC could handle -- it was still saving the previous ones -- so I don't have the exact wording for the following line which really is annoying because that is what made it even more special)

Settler: "Here, I've got something for you."
Preston: "Thanks"

(from here on I got screenshots again)

Settler: I'm sure you'll put it to good use. <moves a little>
Preston: <triggered by the moving> Hey there, friend. Preston Garvey, Commonwealth Minutemen.
Settler: The Minutemen are always welcome around here.
Preston: Good. Just send word if you ever need our help. That's what we're here for.
Settler: OK, I'll keep that in mind. Hey, it was awfully nice to meet you.
Preston: Take care.

I didn't even have an auto-save from entering the vault but one just before I fast-travelled there. So I did it again to see whether or not I could trigger the same conversation. Unfortunately, I never got to see the one when the guy gave something to Preston, but there are quite a few varieties between Preston and him regarding that "mini chat." Crazy :)

You might have wondered, just like me, what on earth that guy had given to Preston. So I opened the trade dialogue with Preston. He had given him two stimpacks  :thumbsup: :)


I know you don't play as Damascene anymore, but I decided to Google that up. It means two things, either something from Damascus, Syria or this: "used in reference to an important moment of insight, typically one that leads to a dramatic transformation of attitude or belief.
"in light of his recent statements, it would appear that Fisher has undergone something of a Damascene conversion"" :anigrin:

Did you thought about the latter? :gnehe:
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade

no, I didn't even know that. But it's amazingly fitting :)

When I picked that name, it was a reference to Steel from Damascus, particularly swords and knives made from it, to give the last name "Blade" something like "an edge" :anigrin:


Ah I see. Yeah, there is a thing called Damascus Steel ;)
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Art knows all about Damascus Steel, eh Mr. Blade? :bigsmile: ;) I knew why you chose that name, which was very clever, but as you pointed out after GKID's revelation, it was also remarkably apt.

I still have Nuka-World to do, but I'm already looking forward to playing through again. I may keep Sanctaury as my main base of operations again, only now that I know what to expect, I'm going to plan it out entirely differently. This time I'm going to build my residence, workshop, storage etc. in one bloody place, so I'm not running from one end of the settlement to the other all the time :banghead: By the time I got everything up in my current game, I had to put this here, that there, because it would have been too much hassle to rearrange everything. So this time, I might kick all the settlers down to the SW end of town and I'll keep the prime area around that loop of road at the NE end to myself. There are three good housing slabs there and they're close together, as opposed to the other end where there are only two and they're further apart.

Only thing is that enemy attacks usually seem to be directed at the NE end of town, so I'm not keen on putting my important infrastructure up that end. So instead I'll locate stuff like power generation in the middle of town, on the slab behind that yellow house with the Workbench in it, and concentrate most of the defense towards the NE. We'll see whether this plan keeps the mice and men content.

Walling off the whole settlement leaving only two entrances (one right at the bridge and one at the path that leads to Vault 111) worked really well last time - no enemies ever got inside. So I think I'll repeat that strategy.

I might even try to get Vault 88 started fairly early so that I can get access to the Vault building menu, and build my personal facilities in high-tech Vault style. Until then, I'll sleep on a mattress in a wooden shack :gnehe:

I'm also going to rethink how I establish supply lines. Last time (er, this time), I have them all converging on Sanctuary, like this:

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Which inevitably leads to situations where most or all of the Provisioners will show up at once, causing a small herd of Brahmins to accumulate, clogging up the road, making a racket with their mooing, getting in the way and dropping turds everywhere (well, they would if the game depicted it, but I have an overly-vivid imagination). I've seen examples of supply route systems online where people have done this instead:

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which seems to me to be a better way. It means that I would never have more than two Provisioners in any settlement at any one time, instead of having all of them converging on one settlement - namely, my main base of operations. In fact the reason I didn't establish more supply lines was precisely because I didn't want any more flipping Brahmins piling up in the main entrance.

I wish I'd thought of doing it that way the first time. It's too late in this game because once you establish a supply route, there doesn't seem to be any way to re-route it.

I still want to get into Nuka-World, but I'm chomping at the bit to get myself refrozen and begin a new adventure. As Bob (and Carol, and Ted, and Alice) would say: "Consider the possibilities" :-X (I guess only old farts like me would get that...)

Art Blade

entertaining read there, fragger :) I'm only about your age but I can't make the connection; I suppose it was related to a TV show. If so, then a few years difference in age do make a difference :anigrin: Also, I only had access to English (as in not dubbed) versions when DVDs arrived and by that, included the original versions. TV shows were usually not among what I watched.

Anyway. Now I strongly recommend you play Nuka World as long as you've got that career that you're about to throw away anyway so "no harm done." Plus, you might gain knowledge that might come in handy when you're on your new career. Like me. Not knowing about your plans until now, it amuses me that I did what you want to do: I have just finished Vault88 before even starting a proper settlement. Well, there is Sanctuary, of course, but I didn't do anything there except what was necessary. And this time, I'll wait with Nuka World until after my endgame :anigrin: Also, I did what I said earlier, this time I switched off the settlement beacons immediately after switching them on. That included vault88, Sunshine Tidings and Outpost Zimonja. All of them were part of missions and required a beacon each. So I only got three settlers in the vault (I vexed the Overseer Barstow by doing only "nice" experiments so she walked away scowling :gnehe: ) and only one in each of those two other settlements. :anigrin:

Something else is different this time: I've decided that I won't use Sanctuary as a base this time. I'll use vault88 instead. There I can build proper vault structures if I want and it's made for just that. I hope to run into less problems than elsewhere. My goodness, the frustration with Starlight when building an "open-air" vault, no no no, not again. :anigrin: Also I am pretty damn sure that no mission will interfere with the vault, not even Nuka World.

I'll likely set up shop in a room you may not even recognise (because I used a mod called "scrap everything") and it so looks like a pub.. imagine a billiard table and a bar there.. :) It is one of those side entrances to the vault. I might just slap down a fast travel mat in that room :bigsmile: I don't have to worry about any attacks because I've got a mod called NSA, no settlement attacks, that works 100%. O0

This is "university point pharmacy" after tidying it up properly.
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