Fallout 4

Started by Art Blade, June 22, 2017, 01:32:01 PM

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Cool :thumbsup:

Just FYI, "Bob and Carol and Ted and Alice" was a dumbass movie made in the 60's about a pair of suburban nitwit couples who decide to have an orgy. "Consider the possibilities" was the film's promotional catchphrase. Uplifting stuff, huh? ::)

Never saw, never will, couldn't give a - fig about it. Dunno why that reference even entered my head. I'm pretty sure neither of us missed anything :anigrin:

Heh, I remember that room, I was actually in there not that long ago, likewise scrapping everything, albeit the hard way :gnehe: I was amazed at how far the build radius extends inside Vault 88.

I'm tossing up actually whether to make Sanctuary my main base next time, or the Castle. If I went with the Castle, I'd have to turn that damned radio off. That music would get on my nerves after a while :gnehe: I prefer jazzy DC radio, not Radio Freedom's paltry selection of 3 or 4 pieces of 18th century chamber music playing over and over :banghead: Anyway, I only ever heard one "Minuteman alert" on that radio throughout the entire game, so I don't much see the point.

...Nah, on reflection, I'm going to stick with Sanctuary again. It's a good location. But anyway, that's for later. Right now, I'm off to Nuka-World 8)

Art Blade

thanks for the info about that flick. I'm glad we missed it :anigrin:

Vault88 is something that I didn't play much with, either (as with Nuka World, until my last playthrough) and yes, the build space is extreme. By the way, vault88 can hold 10 people more than any other settlement with the same amount of charisma.

Hehehe, I too prefer Radio DC and usually there's at least one radio with DC on in my settlements :gnehe:

Oh man, you're off to Nuka World. That will be quite the experience. It's completely different from the rest of the game but really, having played it through, I liked it more the longer I played it. I didn't like the "gang behaviour" of the other bosses, but everyone else I had to deal with was quite OK but I kept contacts at a minimum so I didn't have to listen to the raider macho lines all the time. I particularly disliked the Disciples. Just give them next to nothing when it comes to conquering and assigning territory so they will be the ones you're going to wipe out, the two other gangs will remain. Well.. you'll see. However, most of the stuff, if taken with a grain of salt, was actually quite funny. I almost always went for the non-violent solutions despite the quite bad choices during dialogues :anigrin:

And Porter Gage is the best. Dress him, give him a good weapon, and use him as a companion, he's a good shot and very easy to get along with. He made me laugh and smile more than any other companion, his lines are not annoying and he doesn't try to romance you all the time.

I'd say, it's not easy to get into it, but remember how much you disliked the vanilla game at first and later you discovered how big it was. It's about the same with Nuka World, if different. The same but different, yeah..  :anigrin:
I hope you're going to have some fun with it. :)

Art Blade

This is what it looks like now when I fast-travel to Vault 88, that's the spawn point view. :)

Vault 88 pub "drug store" :anigrin:
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Art Blade

Ah, sod it.. I made a little tour of that part of the vault. I cleaned it up and put a lot of light everywhere. I created a space with all workbenches close to the pub area and its own generator. It's nice now. But man, trying to get back to the main area or from there to the pub is quite a challenge if you're not running around there all the time. Because it's a maze, I ran around through the whole tunnel system to find the shortest way to the actual main vault area and put candles as "breadcrumbs trail" on the ground so I won't get lost :anigrin: Now it's actually a good place, that vault 88.

1 when you walk across the pub, there's the staircase and left of it, the toilet/bathroom
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2 halfway down and looking back, you see the pub left and the workbench area right
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3 workbench area. Weapons and armour, down right PA workbench
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4 looking back, to the right chemistry station and the cooking station
(can't see it, it's in the corner to the right) and you can see that black gap,
that's the exit to the shortest path to the main vault area
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5 downstairs, looking back up. Ahead, opening to the staircase leading to the generator.
Behind me is the exit through the tunnels to the "normal" vault area.
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6 that's after going to the staircase and down, the generator just fits into that small room.
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Wow, sweet setup mate :thumbsup: And well away from the settlers, so they won't be getting in the way or using your workbenches. I like the pub, I wouldn't mind knocking back a few in there myself 8)

I did notice that Vault 88's population goes higher than the other settlements, but didn't know how high it would go. Mine got up to 23, when I thought that the max should have been 20 (10 Charisma + 10). I wasn't expecting that and only had food and beds for 20 people. So I kicked some out to Sunshine and put in more food and beds for when more arrive.

Heh, I stuck all my Vault 88 settlers in those blue jumpsuits you find a ton of. Looks very Brave New World in there now :gnehe:

When I first went into the main cavern of the Vault, I was wondering where I was going to put all my stuff, until I realized I could scrap trains and even whole structures. Once all that stuff was gone, there was enough room in there for them all to have a game of football :gnehe:


Actually, I've taken to Nuka-World quite quickly. I haven't done much yet - just run the gauntlet and taken out that Cockney overboss, and gotten a few side missions from people, like the girl who is a Nuka-Cola fanatic and one from a holotape I found on the body of Tiana, the dead trader's daughter. So I'm keeping my eye out for enough Star Cores to reboot the Galactic Zone mainframe because it looks like it might get me access to a sweet - and complete - X-01 PA suit. I can see it through a window but can't get to it yet... I've been trying to get a complete suit of that since very early in the game, but could never find a right arm a right leg. I have the rest.

It kind of worked out well because the first post-ending quest I was able to get from P.A.M. required me to go to Nuka-World and take out a Courser. So here I am :gnehe:

I really dig the design and the detail that's gone into this map, it's awesome. It has tons of character, plus it's a lot bigger than I thought it would be. Excellent, another whole region to explore :thumbsup:

Entering the Galactic Zone section of Nuka-World. Cool, I have a whole amusement park to play in with no hordes of noisy brats!
Just noisy bad guys :gnehe:
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And lots more adventure and exploration to come.
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I think it's indicative of how much I've come to love this game that normally, when a game's story is over but I can continue playing in it, such as with FC4, I very rapidly lose my enthusiasm for that particular playthrough and prefer to immediately begin another. This one's different - the story as such is done in this playthrough, but my enthusiasm for continuing on has not abated one whit. Even without Nuka-World, I could still happily go on for some time with this 'thru. And even if I did start a new game, I'd still keep this one available to return to, either to keep going or to reload that key save point and pursue a different faction ending. It has enormous replay value.

Oh, and I finally hit Level 100 8) Should I gave gotten an achievement for that? I got ones at levels 5, 10, 25 and 50. I would have thought that reaching 100 definitely warranted one, but I don't see one on my Steam achievement list. Bugger.

Art Blade

nice one, fragger. :) No, no more achievements for levelling up anymore. Still, there are tons of achievements to get. Even I haven't got them all yet. And indeed, the game is still worthwhile even after finishing the main quest. I reckon even if you managed to finish all side quests, there would still be enough to do and random encounters and respawning enemies that it wouldn't get boring. Hell, I spent like 1,200 hours on one career and it wasn't over. Only this time, I'll do a few things differently, so after all the time spent on my previous runs (including the "test" career of Damascene) it's the right time for my new playthrough. And I'm enjoying it :)

Hehe, Nuka World is impressive. There are so many indoor maps (buildings / areas) you'll be surprised. And new enemies (creatures), too, that only occur in NW. The PA requires you to get all those star cores, it's a quest. Usually you'd be missing the last one until the main quest leads you to powering up the whole theme park but as D_B pointed out long ago, some of those cores respawn so you can get the PA ahead of time. And it's unique, not just any PA. :) There's another unique PA in The World of Refreshment, in a locked cage-like room right next to the Nuka river that's actually more like a creek, you can't miss it when you enter and follow that creek. There's a terminal that unlocks the door of it, sort of diagonally across and up after entering through a gap in the wall next to the PA.

In a way the whole gangs in NW are like pesky nasty kids that fit rather well into the ruined theme park :anigrin:

Art Blade

Because you said you liked the "pub" I thought I'd give you a few more screenies to drool over. :anigrin: I used the console command tfc (toggle free cam) to get a better angle here and there and that's also the reason why you see me sitting at the bar across the room :)

Drugstore Pub, a look-around.
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Cool build Art.  :)

I'm loving some of these building items that I've never had access to before.  The 100 power unit generator was an instant favorite as well as the 10 unit water purifier that can be placed anywhere in dirt for settlements that were previously dependent of a small forest of 3 water unit hand pumps. ::)

I'm barely starting to get my head around the Warehouse and Barn assembly materials (plus all the additional miscellaneous objects) and now that I've finally figured out how to apply the Wire, Carpet and Sign/Wall Decoration Glitches I'm fired up speculating about future construction projects.

In my previous play through the settlement at Someville was one of my most plagued by attacks (usually super mutants).

I took two big hits by raiders and super mutants there early on in this round of play mostly because it was one of the first "a settlement needs help" mission issued by Preston.  For some reason (drawing from experience for this location) it seems that the main thrust and spawn point of almost every attack there is launched from within the fenced in garden patch.

Sick of repairing a plot of corn and carrots and knowing that I was going to eventually rip all those .5 (yield) food items out so they could be replaced by mutfruits anyway the thought occurred to me to move the farm completely out of the garden patch. I've closed that one single section of missing fence so there's no exit ringing it with elevated laser cannons so that every square inch (2.4 Cm) is covered by a potential rain of death from multiple turrets and personally re-dubbed that former garden with the affectionate name The Killing Field.  :evil2:

Since those initial two attacks and the implementation of this defensive posture I've anxiously awaited the next hit on the settlement but at least so far, it's never come.  ;)

- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade

thanks, guys :)

Hehe, nice tactics, mandru. :) And yes, that's a lot of stuff that comes with all those DLC. I thought you might like those extra build items :)

Attacks on settlements are long past because since I installed the NSA mod, I haven't had any. For so long I can't even remember (over a thousand hours gaming time) but I do remember how bloody annoying those attacks were. I particularly hated it when they occurred while I was FAR away, like Far Harbor far and Nuka World far. I had to get out of a building, then across the map to the exchange point to get to the wastelands, and from there to the attack. And then all the way back again. :banghead: So.. no thanks, game, I really don't need that. :anigrin:


Nice stuff, I never had the patience or creativity to do a complete theme build like that. The closest I did was some vault room parts with armor stands in them, well aside from the atrium parts I used to create a building for all my power armor.

Fragger posted about supply lines. That was the way I did it, having loops to most of the settlements I had any interest in. I didn't have one big loop like that though, I had smaller ones and skipped some settlements entirely. One problem with having one big loop like that is if one of your provisioners gets killed. It does happen, and if it does, all the settlements "down loop" lose their supply line until you get a new provisioner. I used robots almost exclusively, as you can pretty much build them as needed. I put them on robobrain treads so they were fast and gave them pretty powerful weaponry. Almost never lost one, but I did lose them once in a while. Usually the one that headed down south and had to go past gunner plaza, I think he got caught between the gunners and super mutants down that way, or a random Rust devil group. But I found him dead there right outside gunner plaza and he was no pushover either. But I had a northern loop north of the river and a southern loop for the part of the map south of the river. Only one or two were anchored in Sanctuary, the rest were all stationed in other settlements and went to the next closest settlement where the provisioner from that settlement went on from there, etc.

The X01 power armor in Nuka world is also Nuka Quantum branded, so it is unique to all the other X01 types. I don't recall if you can update the paint job on it or not. There's also what I consider a glitch in that one of the star cores respawns. You can get all you need to open the case without finishing the quest. Normally you have to complete the last quest in order to get to the place that has the last star core, but if you do like some people do (I would never cheat the system like this, no, never) and go back and pick up a couple copies of the one that respawns, you can complete much earlier.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

cheers :) It's the first time I came up with a theme. That room, when it was cleaned out, almost demanded it. :anigrin:


Looking good, Art O0 Pity you can't replace the broken door in Pic #4. I hate it when you get stuck with something like that. Like at Zimonja, there's a set of exterior wooden steps that I can't get rid of, not even with the console. I just had to build around it.

Interesting, D_B. I've never had any Provisioners die, except once when I accidentally shot one during a battle. You're not playing on "Survival" mode, are you? Because apparently on that difficulty level, Provisioners do not have "essential" status, and thus can be killed.

The Wiki claims that on any lesser difficulty level, Provisioners can only be killed by the player, either intentionally or accidentally, like settlers. But I've known Wikis to be wrong sometimes... As you know, usually if a Provisioner/Settler takes enough damage they "sit down" until they recover, but some folks claim that while they're "sitting", if an explosion of any sort goes off near them, that can kill them. I can't confirm any of this.

mandru, if you love the 100-power Fusion Generator, wait until you get access to the Vault-Tec Reactor (150-power) and the grand-daddy of them all, the Vault-Tec Super Reactor (500-power).

These goodies come with the Vault-Tec Workshop DLC, as does the Vault 88 location itself. You won't actually get to enter Vault 88 until you reach Level 20.

To get access to the new stuff, you must visit Vault 88 and/or complete the quests for the Vault's Supervisor (I'm not sure which of these actions gets you the goodies). Vault 88 also gives you access to a whole new expansive category of structure-building options, as well as new decorations and some other cool stuff.

I won't spoil anything for you by telling you this next bit, but it can be quite crucial to know before you go into Vault 88. Art saved me a lot of potential woe by alerting me to this:

Vault 88's Supervisor quests will require you to build four different pieces of "experimental" apparatus, to test their effects on the settlers in the Vault. When you build one of these and are ready to fire it up via a terminal (which you must also build and connect to the apparatus), the terminal will present you with several choices of test "parameters" for that particular type of apparatus. You can only choose one of them, and it's a permanent choice. What that means is that once you build this "prototype," you will then be able to replicate the same piece of apparatus in your settlements, and every time you do, the apparatus will have the same operating parameter that you chose for it during the Vault experiment. That parameter cannot be changed once you've set it during the prototype run.

Some of those parameter choices can result in settler fatality whenever settlers subsequently use that piece of apparatus in a settlement.[/i]

It's highly advisable to read up somewhere (such as the Fallout 4 Wiki) on the effects on settlers each of these parameters will have (each piece of apparatus will also have at least one "safe" option, i.e. non-lethal to settlers).

Art Blade

thanks, fragger :)

I can confirm that settlers can't die even on the hardest difficulty (which is not "survival difficulty") and that they indeed sit down, recover, and get back up again. And no, nothing can kill them except the player. I don't know about supply lines, I have never had any.

Regarding the Vault88 tests and the apparatus, it is really important to do just humane things because once you're done, those items will be available for settlement building but you cannot change what you did during the test. I.e. if these things are lethal, they'll stay that way as long as you play as that character / that playthrough. Fragger pointed it out before but I just had to repeat it to make sure. :anigrin:

Alright, I myself had a weird if funny experience just moments before but of course, I first had to read and reply to your posts before bursting out with my stuff :) So here goes.

Please don't take it seriously, I will say as much in advance, when you check the pic. However, except for the obvious editing, it really happened as you see it and I didn't prep anything. I had actually gone through all the stuff with Preston and obviously only just now maxed out his affinity, without cheating. :)

As fragger once said, paraphrasing, companions tend to come up with epic dialogues when you least need it. That is why I was just staring at Preston, gobsmacked, when he told me all that stuff and finally the message popped up. I repeat, I didn't prep it. He was completely well outfitted (armour, minuteman outfit, welding goggles and all that stuff) and only just when he started his speech, did he look like this. Really. It wasn't me! And then I felt a bit uncomfortable when I got to see this. :laughsm:

united we stand

united we stand
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Of course I checked his inventory right after that, and strangely enough, everything was still there. Why he was wearing only his hat and white underpants when starting that speech, I really don't know. It's the first time ever that a companion "undressed" like that. :laughsm: Also, being black, naked, and at a plantation in the fields, that is so weird and not politically correct, it's really crazy.

And sorry, I didn't intend to offend anyone with the pic but on the other hand, you just had to see it for yourselves or you'd never have believed it. I hadn't even changed the camera angle, it was exactly like that what the game did there. :D

Come to think of it, the Minuteman Hat is the only apparel of Preston's normal outfit. Somehow the game must literally have stripped him of any other apparel that wasn't his own.

🡱 🡳

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