Fallout 4

Started by Art Blade, June 22, 2017, 01:32:01 PM

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 ??? You mean, he was fully - "equipped"? :-X

Why would the devs include that particular detail, I wonder? I always thought that the characters' underwear was part of their built-in mesh texture, essentially "painted on". Didn't realize there was actually anything underneath that.

Art Blade

nope, I edited it to imply he wasn't wearing anything. Without editing, you'd have seen his white underpants and then the message window wouldn't have implied anything, either. ;)


Oh... NOW I get it :gnehe: I'm not too sharp this morning, haven't had coffee yet :gnehe:

Art Blade

 :laughsm: still, crazy, isn't it? Imagine my face! If I had had a coffee that moment, it might have been all over the monitor a split second later :D



I threw another quick guide together. This might benefit us all, since the game itself doesn't tell you about any of the negative effects.

Effects of Vault-Tec "Prototype" Parameters

Power Cycle 1000 Parameters
Additional Power Production – Produce 4 units of power (5% chance of settler death per day)
Sustained Usage – Produce 2 units of power (2% chance of settler death per day)
Peaceful Environment Simulation – Produce 2 units of power (non-lethal)

Soda Fountain Parameters
Mood Enhancer – Generate 15 Happiness for the settlement (non-lethal)
Appetite Suppresant – Generate 5 Happiness and 1 Food (1% chance of settler death per day)
Regular Caffeination – Generate 5 Happiness for the settlement (non-lethal)

Phoropter Parameters
Subliminal Messaging (req. 6 Power) - Generate 15 Happiness for the settlement (2% chance of settler death per day)
Vault Monitoring (req. 3 Power) – Generate 5 Happiness for the settlement (1% chance of settler death per day)
Improved Eye Care (req. 3 Power) – Generate 10 Happiness for the settlement (non-lethal)

Slot Machine (all req. 1 Power. All parameters are non-lethal)
Indentured Servitude – Generate 3 Caps per Settler*
Customer Profiling – Generate 1 Cap and 5 Happiness for the settlement*
Lost Revenue – Generate 15 Happiness for the settlement**

* Details are hazy on this one. I don't know if the caps are per day or what. The caps generated will be stored in the settlement's Workbench.

** Each "Lost Revenue" Slot Machine will cost 500 caps to build, in addition to the other required materials.

All "prototypes" can be scrapped inside Vault 88 once their associated experiment is complete.

Art Blade

Nice :)

I wasn't aware of those 500 caps additional costs for the slot machine. Not that it mattered, but still :)

one more thing to add there:

the real Overseer's (Valery Barstow's) desk is the only one that adds happiness. You'll have a copy of it available in the build menu, not the "special" part, that doesn't have the happiness effect.

Also, you cannot rebuild Barstow's desk. If you scrap it inside Vault 88, it's gone forever. But when in build mode, you can pick it up and carry it around so you can place it elsewhere inside the vault.


Thanks Art, didn't think of that :) :thumbsup:

I'd still advise consulting the Wiki as there are a few other caveats. Follow the link below and scroll down about a page to World Objects / Settlement Objects / Special:


Art Blade

Welcome :)

The wiki is very good. I keep using it for all kinds of research. :)

Back to Vault88,
I was just thinking, if you guys new to the vault DLC run around down there, maybe run around once more with build mode enabled and look at dead ends and walls when close to them because..

..if you see "landslide" it can be scrapped and opens up a new tunnel
..if you see "barricade" in the subway part, it opens up an additional entry/exit (a ladder to a gully in the road) close to Milton General Hospital.
..if you see "barricade" inside a house-like, staircase type of structure, it will open up the additional entry/exit to the University Point Pharmacy where I created my "pub"

However, those secondary exits will allow attackers to get inside the vault and then get lost in the maze of tunnels, making it hard for you to find and likely to run into them when you don't need it. So if you leave the barriers alone, attacks will only happen from one direction and therefore it's easier to fight them off.


Yeah, I didn't find all those additional areas until later.

You'll also come across big walls of Limestone down in the excavation caverns, which can be scrapped to reveal more large caverns beyond (there are also smaller deposits of Limestone on the ground that can be scrapped. Scrapping Limestone yields Concrete). But have your best weapons at the ready, because there are often big nasties lurking inside those caverns. One has a Deathclaw in it, one has some Radscorpians, and one is infested with Molerats. There may be others, can't remember exactly at this remove.

Art Blade

anyone who leaves their best weapons behind somewhere, deserves to get mauled and chewed to death :evil2:

Art Blade

I'd call it a "fatal error" to forget to bring one's best weapons.

This is what might happen if you forgot to bring them:

fatal error
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Just remembered something else about Vault 88, which might be helpful (I wish I'd known about it before I went in). At one point during the Vault 88 quest line, an optional quest appears instructing you to "mine" Nuclear Material (I think you need to get 25 worth). When you pass through the initial corridor/lab complex inside the entrance to the Vault, you come into the big open area with the trains. Directly across this space from you and to the right a bit is a railroad tunnel leading away and down. Go straight down, and on your right you'll find an opening in the wall with a small storage space inside. At the back of that is a scrappable Limestone wall. Beyond that are a few more large caverns and big Limestone walls. This area is rich in Uranium deposits, which can be scrapped to yield the Nuclear Material you'll need for the optional quest. Scrap as much as you can find (don't forget to check the cavern ceilings). You'll come out with a boatload of Nuclear Material.

I missed all that the first time around :banghead:

Take plenty of RadX and Radaway with you, as it's quite radioactive in there. But as you scrap the Uranium, the rad count will drop until it disappears altogether, once you've mined out all the Uranium (you can use your built-in Geiger counter to find all the deposits). And watch out for the Radscorpions and Molerats!

Art Blade

not to mention Mirelurks, Ghouls, and a massive Sentry Bot.. :gnehe:

You can as well scrap tons of nuclear material. Literally. There are loads of yellow radioactive barrels everywhere, many of them in the subway station. :)

I too wanted to add something, regarding the tests. More precisely, the Power Cycle 1000

Build that thing a good distance away from anything you don't want to repair. :anigrin: Good old Clem will manage to set off a massive EMP blast, rendering everything a wreck whatever is within striking distance of that power cycle. :anigrin:

When I first played that, he took out not only the cycle but just as well the biggest generator available which I had built right next to him. And defence turrets, lamps, I think even mutfruit trees. It was quite the strike against the core of the vault  :D

So, just place it isolated and away from fragile stuff :)

What I did this time, I built an elevated vault room that I crammed with those experiments, after the blast. Here a picture of the magic moment. You can clearly see how it whacks everything, even below the cycle, which is above that white energy field (it expanded across the whole area in a split second) and Overseer Barstow can be seen in the lower left of the pic, illuminated, at her desk. I should have positioned her desk right below the power cycle, so Clem could have taken her out as well :D

power cycle accident
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Art Blade

fragger and mandru, regarding Nuka World,

I assume both of you want to play it without unnecessary violence and bloodshed, especially when the time comes to going back to the wastelands and there "claiming" settlements. I hope none of you have been that far in the story so I can give you one advice: make sure to talk to the boss of the Operators until you receive a recipe for persuasion grenades and I think you'll receive a few of them as well. Also, try to maximise your charisma so you can easily go through any speech checks and successfully use persuasion.

Even if you don't favour the Operators, the persuasion grenades make speech checks a lot easier and you can convince settlers to simply surrender their settlements without any fights. Always choose the "talk" (down arrow) option so you can do it on your own, throw a grenade to soften up the settler and then talk them out of their settlement. I never had to use any violence that way and I guess you appreciate that option just like I did. ;) The only exception occurs if there are no humans (e.g. robots) so you need violence, attacking the settlement, as persuasion won't be an option. However, in that case, you won't kill settlers (even if they're robots, in any case it will only render them incapacitated for the time being, they'll be alright moments later) but instead, you will kill their hired guns (a couple of gunners).

Unless you want an achievement for claiming eight settlements, it's enough to do only what Shank asks you to do which will be only three settlements ;)

🡱 🡳

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