Fallout 4

Started by Art Blade, June 22, 2017, 01:32:01 PM

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Art Blade

same here. It's the one thing that's annoying, having to claim settlements that are, at that stage of the game, probably all your own settlements. It might be different if you hadn't claimed all, which is what I'm intending to do, only what I really wanted or what I'm forced to, with the Minutemen. I might get lucky and have three plus one (support) spare settlements. Halfway good about Shank is that he will tell you "are you sure, it appears to be your settlement" (along the lines) so you may choose another one.


I might do what you did and try going the Raider-route in Nuka-World in another game entirely, and before meeting Preston. For now, I've cleared out all the theme parks, so I might clear out all the Raiders as well with Open Season. There's still more exploring for me do to there first though, so I'll keep Gage around for a while longer before I drop the bomb, so to speak :gnehe:

I finally got a full suit of X-01 Power Armor. I spent the whole game trying to find one arm and one leg for the other partially-complete X-01 suit I had,
and here was a complete Mk. III suit just standing there bold as brass out in the open on a flatbed in Nuka-World,
ready for the taking, complete with a fully-charged core  :huh-new:

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Art Blade

"'*bleep* happens,' as the French say" <sic> -- as a friend of mine used to say :anigrin:

With your high level, there's one waiting for you on top of one of those pale green tall buildings in the city area of Boston. I came across it quite some time ago and posted about it, I remember that much but not exactly where that was. I'd have to search this topic for it, or the wiki, or some of those green buildings. :)


I had a funny "encounter" near Fort Hagen today. I came across a rocket engine on a flat bed truck and a terminal next to it so I could test it right there and then. I'm not sure whether or not it's a random encounter or always there.

The terminal warned me that a catastrophic failure was imminent. I had anticipated something like that and, of course, I still had to do it :anigrin:

Ada, snooping around there, unaware of what I was going to set off, kept bumbling around close to the rocket engine.. while I was running away from it like hell and then, right after that exceptional blast, from somewhere in the middle of that wall of fire, I heard her complain about her arm. And when she emerged from a thick cloud of dust and smoke, swerving over to me, I noticed she had had one of her arms blown off.. it shouldn't have been funny at all, but when I noticed that sparking stump where her arm used to be and that she seemed to pretend nothing had ever happened, it bloody was :D

rocket engine "accident"
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I saw that rocket engine and intended to fire it up to see what would happen, then I got sidetracked by something and forgot about it - until now :banghead: That sort of thing happens to me sometimes in this game. Very easy to get sidetracked!

Thanks for the green building tip, I'll look out for that one.

I only just came across Forest Grove Marsh. Blimey, how did I miss that? I've been to the water treatment plant nearby and must have passed within a whisker of this place on a number of occasions, but somehow managed to never see it. It's quite a good-sized little town too, dunno how I missed it after two months of playing :huh-new: Considering that it's not an enormously huge map, there's a ton of stuff packed into it, and yet you can still find new places and things after weeks and weeks of playing.

Art Blade

that keeps happening to me, too. I still keep finding places and locations (not named or marked ones, though) that I hadn't visited or checked out before. :)

Regarding that green building, it's Court 35, an unmarked location, there's your PA. Run around the building, there's a lift (like, those yellow platforms) on the outside, so look up to see those two arms stretching out from the roof.


Art Blade

my pleasure :bigsmile:

Of course you can go in through the front door like everyone else, but I remember that on my way down, I used that lift and slapped my forehead because why.. didn't I see that before I went in. :anigrin:

Art Blade

I finally finished the Automatron quest line and had both robots join the Mechanist in her lair. All the mods on those bots I either picked up (most of them) or was able to craft them without any perks. :)
Jezebel and Ada
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That rocket engine is always there, not a random. Funny though, how they would have a terminal on the truck ready to light up a rocket engine, I mean, were they going to drive down the road with the thing as it was going off?
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

they were perhaps competing with the USS Constitution. :anigrin:


I assume it was a method of guaranteeing that if it fell into the wrong hands it would destroy itself.  ;)
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade

sure, and set up a terminal right next to the parked truck and all there is, is an option to run a test. And the moment you hit enter, the system tells you that a catastrophic failure is about to happen. Nice way of preventing it to fall into the wrong hands :anigrin: There is no way that whole setup there could have endured over 200 years with the terminal still powered and ready for input. So I think it's one of those little gems for the player to have fun with. "What's that? Let's try it" and that, indeed, worked for me. :anigrin:

Here, I had fun with a synth in a boxing match.

And POW!
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whoa, that little fella really goes far up. :laughsm:
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 :D KO'd!

Well, I went and did it. I went Open Season on all those lowlives infesting Nuka-World and wiped them all out. Now it's just a dull Trader town :gnehe:

This meant of course that I had to bump off Gage as well. I felt bad about that because during one of his milestone dialogues he went on about how his trust had been badly betrayed in the past and how I was the first person he'd come to trust for many years. So what did I go and do...?

It was a heavy scrap, with every mug in town coming for me (according to the Wiki, there's about 80 of them in total scattered throughout the Nuka Town USA area). I wore the X-01 that I'd found on the truck (which I'd fully bumped up to the Mk. VI version, with Titanium Plating), and made a stand from the elevated Fizztop restaurant. After offing Nisha up there, I was able to drop a hard rain of Mini-nukes on all of her scum and villainy in the plaza below. Still, they managed to shoot up my PA pretty well, the buggers, completely knocking out one arm and one leg. There are two PA Stations up there, but I didn't have the materials on me to repair the suit, so I left it there, went out and mopped up the rest of the town in my Marine armour.

The toughest bit was dealing with the Pack inside their compound. Those guys are tough and it's rather close quarters in there. I went through a few Stimpaks before they were all laid low.

One benefit of doing Open Season was that I was able to restore the power to Nuka-World earlier than I otherwise would have been able to, had I gone the settlement route. This allowed me to get the final Star Core from the top of the tower in the Galactic Zone and power up Star Control, which in turn gave me that sweet Quantum X-01 PA suit. It also allowed me to use the Workbench at the Red Rocket near the bottling plant, so I assume I can get a settlement going there.

So long, Gage. Sorry mate, but it's for the greater good. My greater good, that is.
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Nice, finally got that Quantum X-01 that's been taunting me through the Star Control window all this time.
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To think that I searched high and low for the parts to complete a single X-01 suit in the main game,
and now, thanks to Nuka-World, I have three complete ones (I found yet another full X-01 somewhere in NW, maybe inside the power station, I can't recall).
The three complete suits are now proudly on display here, at the Castle (plus Danse's suit, far right). I still have the partial X-01 back at Sanctuary -
the one I was never, ever able to find the two missing left limbs for.
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The Red Rocket near the bottling plant is a pretty good settlement site, with fairly flat open ground around it and a very generous build area.
As you can see here, I have Piper along with me now. She looks good in road leathers, instead of that ridiculous trench coat.
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Art Blade

nice :) I think you can still get one more PA, with a red Nuka Cola paint job on it, if you check the coke river in The World of Refreshment. :)

Ah, maybe it's not X-01, but the one in 35 Court sure is.


I went through the river, must have missed the suit. I'll go back and check. I have the one with the red Vim paint job from Far Harbor, but it's not an X-01. It's a T-60, from memory.

In total, I now have 16 complete PA suits in various versions, with enough spare armour parts and frames to put together about six more, and over 200 fully-charged Fusion Cores. A PA shortage isn't going to be a problem :gnehe:

Next plan: Get a settlement going at the NW RR, then check out 35 Court :thumbsup:

Bottlecaps aren't a problem either now, with the Luck/Fortune Finder perk. On Level 3 of that, I'm finding caps everywhere - in lockers and other container-type objects (including ones I've built myself) and on most bodies. With all the caps coming in to my Workbenches as well, I'm starting to fairly roll in them :gnehe:

🡱 🡳

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