Fallout 4

Started by Art Blade, June 22, 2017, 01:32:01 PM

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Art Blade


I found 35 Court, but couldn't find the yellow platform/elevator thing, neither at the top of the building nor at the bottom :huh-new:

Got the X-01, cool. Four complete sets now, and one partial :thumbsup: Once in the suit, I didn't need the lift to go back down - I just jumped off the roof. BOOOOMMMM :gnehe:

Art Blade

yeah, that's cool about PA :D

I might have taken a detour down so I came across that lift.. or I confused it with something. Whatever, you got it :)


Man, I found yet another X-01 in Nuka-World, at the Morton Residence. This one was missing a torso and a right arm, and the remaining pieces are a mish-mash of versions, but I have spares for the missing bits. That will make five full suits and one partial.

Geez, these suits are lying around everywhere in NW 8)

I like the 7.62 combat rifles you find in NW (which to look at are very obviously psuedo-AK47s). Once you mod one of them up with an Advanced Receiver, it becomes the hardest-hitting ballistic rifle in your arsenal, more powerful even than a 5.56 Assault Rifle. It's now my ballistic rifle of choice (and the one I have is the special that was given to me - the "Problem Solver". I got rid of the hideous paint job it came with :thumbsup:)

Even though I cleaned out all the gangs in Nuka-Town USA, it's not like the whole map is now totally empty. I still run into roving groups of Operators, Disciples and the Pack out and about. In fact, there is a house a shortish distance away from the Red Rocket where there always seems to be fights going on between members of one of the three gangs and Super Mutants or Gunners. Every time I fast travel to the RR, I hear gunfire going on around that house. Which is good, as I get to clear them out and rake in some more 7.62 ammo.

Art, you were right what you said a while back about not going into NW until you've levelled up a fair bit. Those guys are TOUGH. I thought the Gunners were bad - they're pushovers compared to the NW mob. I found an area I missed before, a side entrance to Fizztop Mountain at ground level. Inside, the place was still full of bad guys. I had a hell of a time with them. There was one bugger whom I had to blast about twelve times with a combat shotgun at point-blank range before I could bring him down.

Shaun is proving to be something of an asset. I let him stay at the Castle, and whenever I go there, I talk to him and he asks me to bring him back a particular item on my next visit, like a Hotplate or a Microscope. I do that and give it to him, and on my next visit after that, he presents me a unique weapon that he's made from the item. He gave me this (and no, I didn't give it that name, it's the name it came with :gnehe:):

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It has unlimited capacity, i.e. never needs reloading, like the one you find at the University Credit Union, and it has some pretty respectable specs. Now I carry two - the UCU pistol which I modded into a full-auto rifle, and this one, which I'll leave as a semi. Thanks, boy genius 8)

Art Blade

yep, I too was given that wazer wifle  :anigrin:

And yes, near Red Rocket, there's always a "gang bang" going on between some raiders and Super Mutants.

The hard-hitting rifle you got, the Problem Solver, damage increases after every consecutive hit on the same target: I made the smallest possible build of it, the largest drum magazine, and the fastest possible auto-fire (137 rpm I guess) which turned it into something like the buzzsaw of FC4. I was able to mow down almost everything with it in seconds. :) There was a virtually identical gun sold at the NW market, the Splattergun. Same stats, same type. I gave that to Gage. :anigrin:


The wazer wifle is a reference to the one in Fallout 3, isn't it? Don't you get some kind of weapon like that from one of the kids at Little Lamplight?

And the power armor in the bottling plant isn't X01 but a custom paint job on a lower level set. You have to turn the power on to get to it, along with the closed off section of the research lab there.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Quote from: Dweller_Benthos on January 27, 2018, 08:58:12 AM
The wazer wifle is a reference to the one in Fallout 3, isn't it? Don't you get some kind of weapon like that from one of the kids at Little Lamplight?
Yes, You could get it from Biwwy (Billy). :-)

Art Blade


broad shoulders
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- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade

The Finch Farm is a place I kept having sort of troubles with, like Jake ran away and Daniel died somehow. Only this time I found the perfect solution. When you have to help them, Abraham Finch will be the quest giver (recover the family sword) and I used to dash off right after he told me to. This time however, I looked around and inside their shack Abigail Finch gave me an optional quest, bring back their son Jake. I also talked to Daniel Finch. I retrieved the "sword" (a Shishkebap) and Jake waited next to the Farm, and everyone was alive. I got that sword as a reward. I just came past that farm, they're all well. :)

Art Blade

It has been a lucky playthrough so far: I found three legendary Gauss rifles on raiders and the likes. The first one I found was even completely maxed out except a medium night vision scope. It has got the frenzy perk but it never works, targets die before they can frenzy :anigrin: The other two aren't maxed out but still, good enough. I'm almost level 47 now but I don't have any perks to mod weapons, so I take what I get. I only cheated the silenced pistol that looks like a 6P9 and the assault rifle with silencer and all, plus bleeding effect. I'm still playing on hardest difficulty to balance the god mode a bit. However, I like to have at least those two cheated weapons. ;)

After playing with Codsworth as my companion and getting his maximum affinity, I am now playing with MacCready whom I gave one of those spare Gauss rifles. He's a good shot, so he'll appreciate it.

I just played The Secret of Cabot House. The first time (first career) I played it by the book, so to speak, and now it was for the second time so I wanted to play it differently. I actually freed Lorenzo. However, if you play that through siding with Lorenzo, you end up with two murders. So I changed my mind, reloaded the savegame, and had to kill Lorenzo inside the Cabot House.

Of all the weapons, the Gauss rifle is certainly the most powerful one. It only took a few, perhaps four shots, to kill him, and he's one of the toughest opponents in the whole FO4 universe. With a savegame, I tried the incendiary Cryolator (did almost no damage) and an Assault Rifle with bleeding effect which I really like because it can kill everything, however it took a whole lot of bullets and time to wear down Lorenzo's health.

When I sided with Lorenzo, not only did I have to kill the family, I also head to deal with the guard sentinel robot and other robots that came in through the front door and along with them, a whole lot of Rust Devils, it was insane :D After reloading and playing alongside Jack, having killed Lorenzo, I went outside. There the guard robot had just started to shoot up those Rust Devils and hostile robots, so apparently it was a random encounter that for whatever reasons brought them inside the house the first time around :anigrin:

Cabot weird incident
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Can't you kill Lorenzo by throwing those four switches outside of his cell? I never had to shoot him. Or do you mean your reloaded the game after you'd already let him out?

I did the option to save Jake Finch and bring him home, but only because after talking to Abraham, I spotted Abigail inside the shack and decided to go in and talk to her, which gave me the "save Jake" option (or she may have spoken first when I went inside, I can't remember). Otherwise, I wouldn't have known about bringing Jake home and probably would have done what you did and charged straight in. It was just dumb luck that I spotted Abigail from outside the doorway.

I'm keeping my current playthrough, but started a new one. I'm staying true to my gender this time :gnehe: It might sounds funny, but after getting out of Vault 111 and going to Sanctuary, it actually felt quite lonely - no other people, not even the dog yet (I had to go and get him from the Red Rocket just to have some company :gnehe: Codsworth is there of course, but he tends to stay in his spot outside the old house). It was kind of an eerie feeling. And it was so quiet - no voices, no radio, and no sounds of equipment working or people doing stuff. It also made me realise just how much building I'd done in my last game.

This time, I went in with Sanctuary generally planned out in my head already. Now that I know what's what, and what to expect, I can make a much more efficient settlement there, and less of a fragmentary hodge-podge. I'm avoiding Preston and Concord for now and instead concentrating on building Sanctuary up into a strong and productive settlement first, but I have ventured as far afield as Diamond City and Bunker Hill. I cheated up the building materials in the last game so that I could experiment to find out how they worked (I could have just gone god mode and gotten infinite materials - live and learn), but I'm not doing that this time, so it's a struggle to get the building materials - namely, concrete - that I need to build what I'm envisioning. I already have a ton of steel and wood from the hour-long job I did scrapping everything in Sanctuary that I could find, but concrete is in short supply. So I've been venturing out mostly to make contacts at trader locations (the Abernathys, Drumlin Diner, DC, Bunker Hill) where I can buy concrete shipments. Carla showed up very early in Sanctuary, before there were even any settlers, so she came in handy for that.

Of course, trading means having stuff to trade with, so I'm doing lots of scrounging runs to get things I can trade. Drugs and weapons are good, they have high trade/barter value.

No pointless hoarding this time, either! In my first game, I was stocking up on everything I could find, because I didn't know what a lot of it might be for. So by the time I learned, I had so much *bleep* stuffed into lockers and trunks that the thought of selling it all was too daunting (all those trips back and forth... :banghead: ) So I just kept accumulating things, to the point where I ended up with over 900 Stimpacks and god knows what else. THIS time, what I don't want or need or use gets sold, to pay for concrete and ammo at present, and whatever else I might need further down the track. I'm going to try to be more efficient this time around.

All the building is also getting my XPs up nicely. I hit Level 10 pretty quickly :thumbsup:

Art Blade


I let Lorenzo out, I thought I'd go for the life-long supply of mysterious serum. Then I realised it was murder to kill the family, so I reloaded from when I got back to Cabot House. There I had speech options to turn it around, and killed Lorenzo there and then.

I've been paying attention to my murder stats, still zero. Whenever I think something might result in murder, I check the stats and if necessary, reload a savegame. For instance, the Cabot sentry. Unrelated to the story above, I came past near Cabot House and saw Rust Devils and their combat bots. Going through targets using VATS, every bot was red as in that's an enemy, so I killed them all. Then I had two murders in my stats. What? The Cabot sentry was obviously in the midst of them and I didn't notice. I found that more than once targets appeared to be hostile but killing them resulted in a murder. For instance, that sentry. He even attacked me without me attacking him, so I returned the favour and killed him -- murder. So after the reload I decided to stay out of combat and just watch. Weird. Also, you can't "trick" the game by having someone killed by your companion. See Brother Thomas and his idiot sect there, in that open-air tribune shaped like a quarter ball near the river. I tried to provoke him so I had an excuse and have my companion react and kill them all. Nope. You get the murder count, nevertheless. You're literally accountable for your companions' murders :anigrin:

During my current playthrough I'm mostly strict regarding dragging useless stuff around and hoarding everything. Usually I am carrying my gear and some chems, and that means I usually see something like 200/340 capacity so there's plenty of room for stuff I might come across.

Those special robes and armour and legendary special attires I come across, I mostly don't even pick them up. With a few exceptions. For instance, I outfitted one female settler with the Mechanist's armour, she looks funny running around in it :anigrin: And I got three mannequins, the Minutemen General, the Yangtze submariner and Lorenzo Cabot. These look quite cool. I did't kill the submariner, I found the hat on a ghoul (first mate) and cheated the submariner outfit because just a hat on a mannequin looks silly. :gnehe:

Art Blade

Just had a situation I had been waiting for, for a long time :gnehe:

A group of four super mutants, one of which a suicide bomber. They hadn't spotted us and had their backs turned on us. I aimed at the arm holding the nuke.. one shot.. and the massive explosion took out all four of them. YES! :laughsm:



I'm going to be selling nearly all that Legendary stuff this time around. By the time I got to where I ended up in my first game I had about 50 Legendary guns, about the same number of melee weapons and about the same number of armour pieces, and I hardly ever used any of them. A couple I did, like a laser rifle that caused 50% extra damage to Super Mutants for example, but they were the rare exceptions. The rest all just accumulated in drawers throughout the game.

Legendary items are worth good money, so I'll be grabbing them just to sell them. I need to keep buying concrete shipments, I'm going through tons of the stuff.

🡱 🡳

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