Fallout 4

Started by Art Blade, June 22, 2017, 01:32:01 PM

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Art Blade

on what difficulty are you playing?

They say the higher the difficulty, the better the loot (spawn rate of legendary enemies / items) and I think it's also player level dependent. I'm on hardest (albeit not survival) and I barely found any legendary stuff until I had ranked up to the twenties and above. Now I keep finding that stuff around every corner, so to speak :anigrin:

During my first playthrough I never threw any weapons away until I realised it was getting way too much in all my dozens of boxes and cupboards and so on, but I kept collecting every legendary item I came across. Must have been hundreds. Now, I only keep what I really want to, sometimes I check my few items and then throw stuff that I hadn't used in any way away (stash it in dead bodies so it gets deleted along with the bodies) :)


When all FO4 content is loaded the game really tries to force you into all the fracas at once.  ???

I waited until after the Prydwin had arrived before hooking up with Danse at the Cambridge police station expecting to get a lot of side missions from Knight Rhys and Scribe Haylen to help build my levels and stack up a few more key perks.  Unexpectedly Rhys on the 9th assignment instead of keeping things in the confines of the Common Wealth sent me packing off to Far Harbor to clear out the Super Mutants at the Vim bottling factory opening up that whole can of worms.

In Far Harbor every time I touch one thing I get two more quests padded onto the Island to-do list.  So far I've reached the point in Far Harbor where now infiltrated the Children of Atom base at The Nucleus with that set of loyalty checkpoint quests and recovered DiMA's which has now tossed in three fetch and retrieve missions.

That's not including the more than a dozen hops back to my settlements to fend off the swarmbots.  ::)

I still haven't been back to Rhys to let him know the Vim factory super mutants have been dealt with and there's no way I'm going pick up another Scribe Haylen mission (which would also be the 9th from her) or I suspect I'll find myself hip deep in Nuka-World content before I'm ready.

Nick came along with me as I opened up the Far Harbor missions to be able to proceed onto the Vim factory clean out but quickly had to park him back at his agency because of some of the unsavory content that he would hate built into Far harbor's story line.  After wrapping up Far Harbor I next need to get to Nick and run out his side quests bringing justice to Eddie Winter so I can get the perk from Nick for maxing his affinity.

- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade

Nick should be fine with whatever missions there are at FH -- at least I had him with me all the time when I did all the FH stuff and it worked well.

And indeed, those "radiant" missions, or random side missions, tend to pick locations from all over the shop. In my case, the Railroad sent me to Far Harbor and I don't recall who it was, someone sent me to Nuka World. That was during my last playthroughs. In my current one, I haven't had to leave the wastelands but at the time, I have contacted neither the Railroad nor the Brotherhood yet. It's a bit silly to get sent into those DLC worlds before you have discovered them the normal way.


Only playing on Easy, Art. What can I say, I'm a wimp :gnehe:

I got sent to FH on only my second of Haylen's radiant quests, and that was long before the Prydwen arrived :huh-new: It was quite early in the game, in fact. In addition, during the course of my travels, I had come across the Nakano family, whose quest also required me to go to FH, and there was yet a third side quest that had popped up during a visit to DC to locate a bunch of chems aboard a shipwreck on FH. So I had three pendings racked up there. I held off on all of them until I was ready.

mandru, as far as I'm aware, neither Rhys nor Haylen will send you to Nuka-World during any of their radiants. I did an absolute boatload of those guys' quests while building up several companions' affinities and never drew a NW destination, so you shouldn't get sent there. The only time I had to go anywhere near NW was during a quest for the Railroad (I think) and even then I was only required to go to the NW Transit Center, which is part of the main map and not part of NW proper.

Don't quote me though :gnehe:

Art Blade

hey, you're not a wimp! That's my title, as I'm the one playing on god mode all the time :anigrin:

Once I fired up the game, loaded my savegame, and then went afk, perhaps for some tea. When I returned, I started to play and ran into something that attacked me. I fired a couple of rounds and that was when I realised that the ammo count changed and that my health bar changed. That was also the moment I nearly had a cardiac arrest when I realised I wasn't on god mode. :anigrin:


That's why I always pause when I leave the computer :gnehe: Believing myself to be in a pretty safe place, I left FC4 unpaused once to go to the toilet and came back to find that a leopard had made a meal out of me :banghead:

Art Blade

hehe, yes, I also always pause the game. I simply don't want to miss out on anything. In your case, "help defend settlement X" would be one of those things you don't want to miss. :)

Art Blade

In case you're still after PA, the mission "The Big Dig" given to you by Bobbi No-Nose in Goodneighbor allows you to "dig around" and in one cave quite early after the digging, you'll find a PA (in my case X-01 without legs) -- it's in a "dead end" cave. ;)


Cool, cheers O0

Collecting PA suits is another thing I'm not going to go crazy with this time around :gnehe: I'll keep a few for special purposes (like a lead-lined one for FH and the Glowing Sea), and maybe a few other "specialized" ones. Generally though, I intend to sell off earlier model suits whenever I find something more advanced.

Art Blade

welcome :)

I simply don't need them. However, one thing is cool, you should try it: Make a PA helmet that makes living targets visible and then put a companion into that PA. All of a sudden, you will see everyone around you, including turrets, glow red :anigrin: It's got to be a bug, but it's cool.

Art Blade

A funny thing to do is: anything you can use, be it a cooking station or a pommel horse, can be used by your companions (supposedly not by Strong and Codsworth, though :gnehe: ) so if you want to just watch them cook or exercise, tell them to "sit" (yeah, sounds funny, sitting on a stove to cook.. but it actually reads "sit") by pointing them to whichever item they should use. It's fun to watch them at a chemistry station shaking up some tasty stuff or have them whirl around on a pommel horse.. I find it quite amusing once in a while.

The more useful part of that is, you can check whether or not said item was placed correctly. For instance the pommel horse. Once you're finished exercising, you'll kind of flip and jump off to the right of it. If you companion does it right, settlers will likely do it right, too :)


Here it is - my new nerve-centre in Sanctuary.

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I learned my lesson from the last game - no more this here and that there, and no more running back and forth across the settlement to do stuff. Now everything is (and will be) under one roof - storage, manufacturing, workshops, PA depot, power, the works. And of course, my living space is here, in the overextended top floor. It's time I upgraded to a penthouse apartment :gnehe:

No more junk items as decorations either. I'm sick of picking stuff up and putting it back all the time :banghead:

The Fortune Finder perk is coming in very handy for getting extra caps. This structure, plus the settlement's defensive walls, cost me a bloody fortune in concrete :gnehe: I incorporated the existing houses and hedges in the wall, so it was way more cost-effective this time around.

Art Blade

that looks cool, it took more than one glance to recognise Sanctuary O0


Cheers :) I'm still fitting it out inside. It'll take a little while, gotta get the perks and dough up that I'll need for everything I want to put in there, like a Fusion Generator.

Now that I've built that and the walls (and one other building at the other end of town for the marketplace), I'm not doing much else in concrete this time. Since there's wood galore in Sanctuary, I'm getting to grips with the "barn" construction set. It's a very good set actually, very versatile and there's lots that can be done with it. Looks nicer than the standard "wood" set too. Plus I believe you can use those elevators with it, but I haven't experimented with them yet (I know the elevators won't fit with the standard concrete, wood or metal sets). I think the elevators will also w0#k with the "warehouse" set, because that set has the same size and shape pieces as the barn set.

Finally, "Art vs. Art" makes sense to me. In my first game, I never got to talk to either of them. I would hear a gunfight going on somewhere, I'd walk towards it and I would find both Arts running around shooting at each other. I would always shoot the "bad" Art, but when I tried to talk to the "good" Art, he would just say something dismissive and walk away. I must have come across them a dozen times or more in that game, and it was the same thing every time. THIS time, the scenario was how it was supposed to be - good Art holding bad Art at gunpoint, and I was able to intervene.

So that's what that was all about. It was glitched out in my first game, they were always fighting each other.

Art Blade

🡱 🡳

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