Fallout 4

Started by Art Blade, June 22, 2017, 01:32:01 PM

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Art Blade

QuoteTurns achievements back on when using mods, otherwise you get no achievements. Needs the F4SE loader to w0#k, if you don't care about achievements, ignore

I'm not sure, does it activate achievements if I'm using cheats (console commands), too?
Independent of that, I created a sub-folder within FO4's Data folder -- there's a already a folder called Data.
steamblahblahFO4\Data\F4SE\Plugins\achievements.dll is where I put it. Is that correct?

edit: solved -- yes and yes /Art

Art Blade

oh man, I just had a weird episode -- my first accidental side quest. At first I thought the game was glitching out on me: near the Sanctuary (first location) at the lake (or shallow and wide river bend) I was looking uphill because my VATS found something there. The target's name was green (friendly) and the name was "Art" -- wtf ??? I had just sort of restarted the game, I used yesterday's savegame which I had created while still in the vault 111 shortly before leaving it. I wanted to do some things differently, specifically I wanted to use the console to bypass a locked cabinet that was too difficult to hack (bobby pins lock pick) which I managed. Just open the console, click on the cabinet and type "unlock," enter, unlocked, done. It contained a gun. Some cryo something, basically a massive ice spray that freezes enemies. Alright, got that, changed a little of my character's appearance and left the vault. I was hoping that I'd now be able to pop some achievements (yes, somehow one did pop up, related to the base building I did yesterday) so.. not sure when or why, but I got one for leaving the vault before I cheated and then the other one, supposedly when I started the game without having the first cheat of today activated. So.. I thought the game was keeping my former self in the savegame and I was encountering myself now. Weird.

When I got there, there were even two Arts. One was on the ground begging for his life, the other Art was aiming at the first Art with a shotgun. They told me the respectively other guy was an imposter which made it even more spooky.. as if both of them were mocking me. One was supposed to be human, the other one a synth (I believe is what they're called) and I was to find out who's who.

Unfortunately, my persuasive powers weren't yet developed in a way I could defuse the situation. So I had to choose. I threatened the one with the gun. He assailed me and I froze him in place. Then the other guy took a swipe at me so I froze him, too. Then the first guy thawed and started to assault me, so I had to freeze him over once more -- and he croaked. Considering that for a second, I thought it better not to waver and I ice-coated the second joker while he was still stiff as a poker. His spirit was gone the same instance.

Art's art of ice-caking, I suppose. Also, "there can be only one." ME.

Then I looted the snow-white bodies, one of which had some gear that read Synth or some such, and I believe it was the guy with the shotgun. So he was the liar. Well. Can't really tell. But.. you know my motto..

"whatever it was, it's dead now."  :anigrin:

Art Blade

I found a great tip regarding those weapon and whatever crafting -- the junk you need to scrap first and use for crafting later. It is cheating - create a batch file and run it from the console..


player.additem 001bf72e 5000
player.additem 0006907a 5000
player.additem 000aec5c 5000
;Ballistic Fiber
player.additem 000aec5b 5000
player.additem 000aec5e 5000
player.additem 0006907b 5000
player.additem 000aec5f 5000
player.additem 00106d99 5000
player.additem 0006907c 5000
player.additem 000aec60 5000
player.additem 0006907d 5000
;Fiber Optics
player.additem 00069087 5000
player.additem 000aec61 5000
player.additem 0006907e 5000
player.additem 00069085 5000
player.additem 000aec62 5000
player.additem 000aec63 5000
player.additem 000aec64 5000
;Nuke Material
player.additem 00069086 5000
player.additem 001bf732 5000
player.additem 0006907f 5000
player.additem 00106d98 5000
player.additem 00069081 5000
player.additem 000aec66 5000
player.additem 00069082 5000
player.additem 000731a4 5000
player.additem 000731a3 5000

Paste into a text file in game directory, name it something easy (1.txt or similar), open console in game, type 'bat 1' to give all those at once. Probably best to stand near a container first as it'll equal around 13k weight.

Got really tired of messing with junk, heh.

Art Blade

 :laughsm: -- that tip coincidentally answered my question:

achievements w0#k with the mod if you cheat. And yes, I placed the dll into the correct folder.

I just unlocked the "Scavver" achievement. I saw it popping up while the console was still open :laughsm: :thumbsup:


 :anigrin: I remember using the console command in MW2 by editing the config file. Managed to get all trophies related to completing missions on veteran difficulty :gnehe:
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade

Art Blade

QuoteIncidentally, if you ever need codes, just type 'help term 0' into the console, where 'term' is what you want to search for. So 'help steel 0' would give you a list of everything in the game that uses the string 'steel', with the base id code to spawn it. Works for everything, like perks etc

woo-hoo :thumbsup:

btw, it's a zero, not an O

Art Blade

Well, enough for this night. Levelled up, to level 5 now, and start getting the hang of it. It's fun now, having had access to the weapon w0#k bench and gun nut perk level 1 and.. all the junk materials to make upgrades of. I'm glad I kept all the stuff like 7x pipe pistols.. they can be converted really nicely into a sniper rifle, an SMS, and more. I upgraded whatever I had. Meanwhile I found a minigun and a laser rifle and other stuff that I still need to check out whether or not they are upgradeable :anigrin:

Art Blade

I don't want to use the console all the time I come across a safe that's too difficult to crack. Soooo...

QuoteFor lockpicking specifically, you'll want to enter the following:

player.addperk 000523ff (for Level 1 locksmith - Advanced locks)
player.addperk 00052400 (for level 2 locksmith - Expert locks)
player.addperk 00052401 (for level 3 locksmith - Master locks)
player.addperk 001d246a (for level 4 locksmith - unbreakable bobby pins)

**NOTE: If you already have Locksmith of any level, you just need to add the perk for the next level. For instance, if you have Locksmith Level 2, you can enter 00052401 for level 3.
**You can only level up the perks progressively. That means, if you don't have any points in Lockpicking, but you want to get it to level 3, you need to add level 1, then level 2, then level 3. You can't just add level 3 directly. ALSO, once you add the perk, you have to exit the console and unpause the game, so that it registers that you unlocked it. Then you can go back into the console and unlock the next level.

And YESsss. Plus, no more snapping bobby pins :gnehe:


Good stories AB!  O0

Nice console cheats as well  :thumbsup: +1

Art Blade

thank you, PZ :)

I upped the difficulty to the hardest but not to survival. Since I'm cheating anyway, I might as well fight some badass tuffies instead of some wall-eyed mellow marsh mallows on hind legs. :gnehe: I don't cheat my level so there is at least some kind of feeling of achieving something. Also, going through the level-related upgrades and abilities is more interesting because I want to do stuff to level up in order to unlock new perks. :)

There was a farmstead nearby and I got paid for plucking melons off the ground. I was then offered a job to retrieve some kind of amulet from a bunch of raiders living under a huge satellite dish. I made a mess there as well when I took the mini gun off a dead raider.. :gnehe:

Meanwhile, I found the power armour. I thought, hmm, maybe I can fast-travel to the Sanctuary and use the power armour w0#k bench so I can repair and upgrade it before going back to the museum. That was a good idea, it worked. :anigrin:

I then came across Ness, some scavenger or gunner woman who wanted my help. Kill some raiders at a plane crash site. On my way there, I happened upon my first bunch of feral ghouls. I made a total mess out of them, testing out my new weapons :gnehe:

At the crash site, a bunch of die-hard raiders. Then I claimed my payment. Ness hadn't told me about the secret compartment she was standing in front of, in the plane wreck. So I picked the lock and looted it right in front of her. That pissed her off big time and I had to off her.

It really seems to boil down to "kill everythin' you see."

Well, sometimes I enjoy a little chat first. :anigrin:

Art Blade

I decided to ramp up my computer hacking skills the same way I did with lock-picking. I get XP every time I crack a safe or hack a terminal, so that's better than using the unlock command via console. :)

I found General Atomics Galleria, a shopping centre of sorts, heavily guarded by robots. I pretended to be the overseer and had to present myself to the director robot. He didn't like me so I had to kill him. At that point I had to use the console to unlock the main computer and later I got the idea of ramping up my skills instead. However, I set the program to open up the shopping centre and at the time turn the robots friendly (servants rather than guards)

Then I entered a bakery or coffee shop, they didn't have any fresh food except "fresh" coffee, and the robot called Bean kept asking me to sample a cup. There was a conversational choice of mentioning a gas leak, which he confirmed, he had asked for someone to fix it some 50 years ago, already. Well, after he had asked me again about whether or not I was going to order a coffee, I gave in and ordered one. He said it would be perfect, at exactly 200°F. He said I might want to stand back.. I had a feeling that it was a good idea and I stepped out backwards, ended up right outside the shop which I was still facing when a massive explosion rocked the building. The whole shop burst into flames and they came shooting out the windows and out the door, one giant fireball trying to get out. WHOA  ??? Without the power armour (and god mode) I would have been turned into a caramelised muppet with an ungodly expression of disbelieve on its face.

Bean too had survived the blast and turned hostile towards me. Maybe he had forgot that gas leak and the fact that he himself insisted on making fresh coffee in an open industrial grade furnace or whatever it was, which ignited the gas and blew up the shop and him along with it. Clever. And then he was raging in there, with metal flakes and debris hanging from his battered carcass. I put an end to that by shredding him with an automatic weapon.

There was also a bowling alley and in there some pool billiard tables. Reminded me of D_B's adventure of getting all the balls for a complete set and adjusting them on the table. I might end up doing the same  :)

OK, only two dead robots this time. Let's see where the next carnage will take place..  :anigrin:


Since you like mayhem, you should look up the "any mod any weapon" mod :evil2: :anigrin:

Is the game still on sale? I might give Bethesda Bugtesda some $$
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade

yes, it still is O0

And I'm mayhem incarnate, already  :anigrin:


My type of weapons  :anigrin: :evil2:

Sounds great  O0
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

🡱 🡳

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