Fallout 4

Started by Art Blade, June 22, 2017, 01:32:01 PM

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My Steam screen captures now show the missile launcher installation at Oberland and the Somerville killing field.

Guys, I apologise.  With the most recent system rebuild which involved full hard drive replacements and the complete loss of the previous computer before that I've lost all my notes and instructions of how to post images as well as the picture editing program we here at OWG were using.

I'm afraid I'm starting to lose track of and forget things at an increasingly alarming rate.  That's why I've not provided images with my posts for a while now.  At least no one is moving the buttons on my keyboard around when I'm not looking so I'm at least still able to continue playing.   :sad-new:

- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


Here's a quick tutorial, mandru:

Click on "Gallery" from the OWG main menu near the top of the screen.

You'll see some buttons near the top. Click on "Add Picture".

Click on the "Browse" button near the bottom to find the image you wish to upload. In the "File Upload" window that appears, navigate to the folder where your image is located, then either double-click the image thumbnail, or click on it once to select it, then press the "Open" button at the bottom-right.

Once you've done that, add a title in the "Title" window at the top (this title won't actually appear in your post, it's just for indexing purposes). You can also enter a brief description in the large window in the middle - that's up to you, it's not necessary. I prefer to put a caption within the post itself.

Click on the "Add Picture" button at the bottom.

You'll then see thumbnails of all the images you've uploaded, with the most recent ones at the end. To insert an image into your post:

Double-click on the image thumbnail. The full image will appear, and below it will be three "Image Linking Codes" boxes. Click once anywhere inside the top one to put the cursor in it, then press "Ctrl+A" to highlight the whole line, then press "Ctrl+C" to copy that line.

If you've already typed, or are still composing, your post, keep hitting your browser's "back" button until you see your post again (whatever you've composed so far will still be there). Put your cursor where you want the image to go in your post and press "Ctrl+V" to paste in the line that you copied.

You'll see something like this (I put an asterisk at the beginning so that the site won't actually paste in an image. LEAVE THE ASTERISK OUT):


If you want to display the image in your post as a smaller size for readability, as many of us do, leave a space after the first "img" and add "width=600" (this addition must remain within the first set of square brackets). You don't have to specify a height, the image will scale automatically (most of us use 600 as the display width), so that the line now looks like this:

[*img width=600]http://www.openworldgames.org/newowg/gallery/197_11_03_17_2_32_19.jpeg[/img]

People reading your post can click on the small image and it will then display a larger size in its own window with a "close" icon in the top-right corner (an "X" in a circle). You don't have to specify this functionality, it's built-in.

If you want the image centered in your post, highlight the whole line, then click on the "center" icon in the top line of the edit controls (the 7th icon from the left, after "Bold", Italic", etc). It will then look like this (once again, ignore the asterisks):

[*center][*img width=600]http://www.openworldgames.org/newowg/gallery/197_11_03_17_2_32_19.jpeg[/img][/center]

Repeat the above procedure for each image. It's more cumbersome than what we were used to on the old site. There's nothing to be done about that, unfortunately.

Art Blade

mandru, when you're looking at steam where your game is, using the top menu "library," you'll see at the bottom your screenshots. Click on "view screenshot library" to get a pop-up window with the screenshots of that game. There will be thumbnails and a preview. If you double-click on a thumbnail, your favourite pic program will open it. In my case, IrfanView. That's how you can edit and/or save the pic. I give the pic a few keywords and perhaps a number for series as filename and save it in a folder of my choosing, like "upload OWG" and inside you could create a subfolder "FallOut4" and that's where you save your pic. So you can find what you uploaded later or prepared for uploading.

When I upload a pic as fragger described, I do that in a 2nd tab so I can switch between my post and the gallery. I use the filename as description. You don't even have to type it. The moment you choose a pic to upload, just copy the filename, it's already there, and paste it into the description field.

If you name your pics (filenames) like FO4 defence wall 01, FO4 defence wall 02 etc, makes it easier for you to keep track. Say, you uploaded three pics, FO4 defence wall 01 - 03, and the description equals the file name, the "find" option in the gallery comes in handy. Just paste the last filename again, into the find field, but like this "FO4 defence wall 0" so you don't see the rest behind the 0 (delete it in the find field) and hit find.

Cool thing: the gallery will present you all three files as thumbnails. Because ALL of them match "FO4 defence wall 0" as a search string, all descriptions contain that part.

Using two tabs, it's easy to do what fragger described, find and copy the image code in the gallery tab, and paste it in the post tab. Rinse and repeat.


Since getting Preston into Sanctuary, I've been going through his numerous missions to help out settlements. The Abernathys are really copping it this time around. The wife has been kidnapped twice, and the daughter once, and I've had to rescue them each time. Maybe I should pay the Raiders to keep both of them and save me the hassle :gnehe:

I built this thing, I guess you could call it a decontamination booth (there's a turret tower right behind it which isn't part of the structure).

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It's just a simple shed built from the "Barn" construction set, with a single concrete foundation block, walls, roof and a door. It's got a Decontamination Arch in it, and a drinking basin. If I return from a mish with only a little bit of rad and physical damage, I go in, turn on the arch, walk through it and drink from the basin. Saves me wasting a whole Radaway and Stimpak just to fix a minor amount of damage.

For some reason though, the Decon Arch will remove all but one point of rad damage. A barely visible hair's width of red will remain at the very end of the HP bar, just enough to keep the bar from going away.

The arch requires 2 Power, and I used the "wiring trick" to connect it through the wall.


Other than in Far Harbor at the Children of Atom's Nexus I've not seen the decontamination arches.  Must be something I can look forward to unlocking.

Old dog new tricks.  I've read both image posting guides 4 times now and I'm still scratching my head.  :(

The only thing I know about Tabs is that they hide content from me when I'm collating information between multiple pages or web sites and I can't Alt-Tab to scroll through them so I never use them.  I've not been able to see any advantage of tabs over new windows and they make no sense to me so I've set my comp to always open links in new windows never tabs.

I think I'll just enjoy playing the game.

- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


Sorry mandru. I can think of no simpler way to explain it, because there isn't one :gnehe:

You should have the option to build the Decontamination Arch already. I believe Art gave you the Season Pass, which should include the "Wasteland Workshop" add-on, which the arch comes with. As far as I'm aware, I did nothing to unlock it, it was there all along. In Workshop mode, look in the Power/Miscellaneous menu. Scroll to the far right, the arch should be the very last item. It requires power, but has its own built-in on/off switch. You just need to turn it on - it then sprays some kind of misted liquid inwards, until you turn it off again. You just need to walk through it, and the rads be gone.

Bloody hell - Connie Abernathy got kidnapped again :huh-new: That's three times for her now. Must be because I don't have very many settlements for the game to pick from for Preston's missions, although I have twelve. That woman must be getting awfully sick of being abducted...


Maybe she's really sneaking off with a paramour.  :anigrin:
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade

mandru, that arch, you have seen them before in HalluciGen, Inc. -- close to the exit is a decontamination chamber.


mandru :D

Maybe hubby should be hiring Nick Valentine to look into it, instead of me :anigrin:

Art Blade


Yay, finally got to Level 41 and Science Rank 4, which allowed me to build my Fusion Generators in Sanctuary. I already had everything in place and wired up, now I finally got to throw the master switch. I would have liked to have to cut a ribbon with an oversized pair of scissors, but que sera sera.

And, voila! Let there be light! Sanctuary is now an oasis of illumination in a dark world.
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The Nexus, all lit up and fully functional. Now we're cooking!
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Everybody went to the bar to celebrate. Looks like they're having a good time in there, except that they're all so flipping quiet.
Geez, somebody go "Hurrah" or "Woo-hoo" or something...
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Art Blade

very nice, fragger, good job :)


Cool upgrades on Sanctuary Hills fragger.  O0 +1

I've recently become aware that the further away your settlements are from Vault 111 the more powerful your automatic machine guns turrets become.  If you look at the two side housings on the turrets you can read which MK level you are placing when setting up your defenses.  At the right distance from 111 the Heavy machine gun turret kicks over to the MK 7 firing explosive rounds which I now have judiciously installed at both Greentop Nursery and Sommerville among the mandatory heavy lasers. :evil2:

There's supposed to be a way to toggle through the MK levels of the turrets but I haven't uncovered it.

I've been using the Mechanist rogue bot missions to round out some of my settlements that have low populations.  I was under the impression that you could only receive one rescued settler at best from some of those missions where settlers were near the bots that needed to be eliminated but I had assumed wrong.

I'd encountered locations where after dealing with the bot or bots the first settler I spoke to gave me the opportunity to offer an invitation to join a selected settlement of my choice and when speaking to any additional settlers there I could only ask them to trade.  So I thought I was only allowed to get one settler from that group to join up.  Precious cargo needs to be packaged properly.  When I invite a settler I upgrade their kit with ballistic fiber gear.  A Newsboy Cap (lvl 110 Def) & Military Uniform (lvl 115 Def) and then to round things out to insure a safe journey I provide them with a high power plasma or gauss rifle.  Still, I was surprised at my settlements when even though all my recruitment beacons were turned off (or nonexistent) I was getting additional and unplanned for settlers arriving.

Especially when multiple humans were showing up at The Slog which I am fighting to keep pure ghoul.  ???

It was only after one specific rogue bot run that I'd invited and equipped one of three settlers who were holding up in a nearby ruined building to come join Greentop.  To kill time between Roguebot missions I wandered off a short distance to kill off a raider outpost with good scavenging opportunities that was close at hand.

After that quick detour to mop up of the raiders my path happened to go back past the ruined building where I'd invited and equipped that one settler.  I was shocked to see all three of the settlers moving through the rubble all in a line like a bevy of quail and the settler wearing the kit I'd given her was leading the way.
Mystery solved on the appearance of unexpected settlers.  If you invite one, you get all!  :main_ideas:

I traded with the other two upgrading their equipment and (as much as I typically hate escort missions) happily spent the time playing an aggressive guardian angel to walk them safely to Greentop.  Upon arrival I outfitted them with Marine Assault Armor to welcome them to the settlement.  :bigsmile:

- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade


I had the sort of the same experience, I was allowed to ask one settler to join (vault88) and all the other settlers I met (not many, though) only offered "yes?" or "hm?" but neither trade nor joining any settlements.

I never knew about Mk VII turrets, got to check that.


I found this on cycling to get MK7 heavy machine gun turrets in Sanctuary.  By the way there are MK levels 1, 3, 5, and 7 possible.


- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

🡱 🡳

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