Fallout 4

Started by Art Blade, June 22, 2017, 01:32:01 PM

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Art Blade

she might refuse to go :anigrin:


Well, that was weird. I got a message saying that I'd completed "Reveille" (the mission to investigate the Prydwen) - but I was way over in Cambridge at the time! I saw a couple of guys fighting with Super Mutants some ways off, so I plugged the SMs from a distance. But then that "completed" message came up. Turned out the guys fighting the SMs were BoS. But why would that count as investigating the airship? I was flipping miles away from it!

I did earlier inadvertently stray into the airport perimeter and got the "discovery" message for it, but I didn't go any further in - I only took one step over the boundary, as it were, then immediately moved away again. I went nowhere near the Prydwen. So I'm guessing that once you "discover" the airport, the Reveille mission will auto-complete as soon as you have any subsequent contact with the BoS, no matter where they are on the map, nor however fleeting the contact. I didn't talk to those BoS guys or anything, or even get anywhere near them, but as soon as the last SM went down, the "Completed Reveille" message came up.

So I reloaded from a save point before I discovered the airport. But that experience doesn't bode well for anything tremendously novel happening there. I'm still working on Curie's affinity. It's taking a while, but she's nearly there.

Art Blade

that's some of the weird stuff in FO4. I think you're right about what happened. Maybe the last bit was coincidence. I think it could have been a timer (end mission) that had run out the moment you snuffed the SM. :)


I've had an oddity pop up in FO4 that I had never seen before.

I was trying to build a structure at Abernathy Farm to a house some additional shops for a group of three additional settlers that I was sending there as the results of one of the Mechanist rogue robot missions.  Blake Abernathy with the concern that they had a Synth Infiltrator and asked me to suss them out.

There were only eight settlers at that settlement before I'd sent the as yet additional three to Abernathy and I had thoroughly vetted each and every one of the previously existing settlers as they arrived using the console code "getav cff76" fragger had posted and as soon as they were cleared I armed and dress each new arrival in ballistic fiber military uniform, newsboy cap and the marine armor chest, arms and legs awarded in a quest from Far Harbor.

A quick check at the Workshop indeed showed that there was now a Synth in the settlement.

Fortunately (my time wise) a settler standing right next to the workshop who even though he was dressed as a uniformed and vetted settler was acting seriously twitchy.  I made a save and killed him finding that there was a synth component in his inventory but it brought the entire settlement down on me so I had to make a quick reload to settle things down but now knowing exactly who was the synth.

After reloading I used the console code tdetect and killed the synth with no further incident.  I had no idea that a proven clean settler could be grabbed by the Institute out of a settlement and replaced dressed in all of the recognizable gear that I had literally spawned from an item ID# to create a standard uniform that all of my settlers wear.  He even had on the black rimmed glasses I had originally given him when he first arrived at Abernathy Farm.

- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


I think the game just picks a settler at random and makes them a synth. That's why I had the synth detector mod, just flip the switch on it and it will glitch out any synths and you can dispatch them. It fit in with the game for me more than using a console command but the result is essentially the same.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

in all my time playing FO4, I never cared about synths in my population. And I never had any problems ignoring them (if there were any)


I only had that one incident where synths attacked Sanctuary, and one of my settlers, who was a synth, apparently joined in with the attack. I think - I didn't see it happen, but she ended up a smoldering pile of ash on the floor behind the counter where I'd had her working. I know the synths didn't kill her, it had to have been one of the other settlers, and in that case, I can only assume that it was done in self-defense. I wish I could have seen what happened there.

Otherwise, synth settlers never seem to cause any trouble.


Well, I did that Reveille mission. All that happened was that the first BoS person I spoke to at the airport directed me to Cambridge Police Station to meet Danse. So, nothing novel there. There was no way I could get aboard the Prydwen, of course.

From the Wiki:

"This quest [Reveille] can be completed by going straight to Cambridge Police Station or just by simply listening to military frequency AF95".

Even so, the mission can also auto-complete the way I reported earlier, when I helped out some BoS guys who were fighting Super Mutants. I was in the Cambridge area at the time, but nowhere near the Police Station. Incidentally, sometime after I reloaded to a point before that encounter, I was wandering up that same road, and when I reached the same point where I'd seen the BoS fighting with the SMs, Reveille auto-completed yet again, without me doing anything at all - no BoS in sight, and no fighting :huh-new: A location glitch, I suspect.

This is the approximate spot. As you can see, I'm quite a bit north of the Police Station.
The Reveille mission auto-completed both times when I reached this spot, and at neither time had I yet discovered the Police Station.
(I have since, which is why it shows up on the Pip-Boy here).
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Looking north-east. The first time, the BoS and the SMs were fighting around that building on the right.
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The strange thing is, I'd actually been a lot closer to the Police Station than this, in the open area with the diner and railway station entrance that is almost literally just around the corner and close enough to hear the ruckus of the BoS fighting off the ghouls, without Reveille auto-completing. Only when I moved away and reached the spot shown above did it do that. Twice. Odd.

Anyway, nothing greatly different is involved with the Reveille mission, you just get redirected to Cambridge.

Art Blade

it's funny at times how some missions play out. :anigrin:


In FO4 I've had an old problem rear it's ugly head again.  ::)

I've built up my character to start to pursue some more of the main story line as I'm about to join with Danse and go to the Prydwin but took the time to explore and complete the Vault 88 portion of the game since I stumbled over the vault entrance accidentally and got that ball rolling.  I'm also currently paused in progressing beyond the point in the main story line where I (this time) go to the Minutemen to find how to build the transporter to enter the Institute and by following fragger's post for achieving the all factions at peace game ending.

What I'm experiencing is I'll be playing along just fine and something will trigger a bug where I completely lose the ability to move any faster than movement allowed when over encumbered.  That's even when in godmode.  :banghead:

I've not been able to identify what is causing this so I can avoid getting bogged down.  Sometimes it kicks in while I'm making upgrades in one of the workshops for weapons or clothing.  While other times its when I'm working in construction mode and I don't discover that I'm jammed up again until I leave workshop mode and try to move somewhere quickly.  Of course that leaves me in the position of having to Quit to Desktop and hope that my last save wasn't too far in the past.

I tried the easy path of loading a previous save but the bug isn't removed without a full exit of FO4 and re-start hopefully finding an uncontaminated reload for a previous save that hasn't been infected so I don't have to do a rinse and repeat with an older yet save point.  This same problem caused me to kill my first time through the game (where I was enjoying the perks enjoyed by being at level 240 or so) and make a fresh start in my current run through.  I've also had a few times in the last couple days where the game has crashed out which before now has been a rare occurrence.

I'm going to try reducing my setting levels to bare minimal to try limping this round through (if possible) and maybe running a complete wipe and fresh reload from Steam before I start another run at it.  It's frustrating for this to pop back up as I'm barely now reaching the gear, stats, and perks where I was starting to feel confident enough to take on Nuka-World.  :(

I thought about the possibility of making a copy of an unaffected save point to paste into a fresh reload of FO4 but I suspect that there's some small contaminating detail hiding in my current game files that would be reintroduced and bugger up any attempt at solving this problem with a clean reinstall.

If I learned anything from history it's that sometimes the only way to stop a plague is to burn everything the infected have touched (clothing, bedding, hovel, and neighborhood) and rebuilding your town somewhere else.  :'(

- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade

sorry to hear that, mandru.

I'd like you to find out whether or not that bug is actually saved along with the rest. In order to do that, you'd simply have to save your game when it's bugged, then do your thing to get the game running as it should and THEN load the save we know you created when the bug was present. IF it was saved, you should get that "speed" lock-up after loading that save. If your speed doesn't lock up despite the supposedly corrupted savegame, then you know it's something else and you can try to tackle it from there.


Typically in normal play I will check to see if I can sprint before making a save where I overwrite the most recent save to avoid burning up too much storage space on my hard drives.  When I'm closing out the game I have a habit of checking to see if the bug is present and if so creating a New Save and then exiting to desktop whereupon the game automatically creates a duplicate Exit Save (OK maybe there's a half second difference between the two) of my new save.

So if the bug is in effect and I quit to desktop and later Restart the game using either that last new save or the automatic exit save I'm stuck creeping along in slow mode with no access to run or sprint but if I go directly to an older save avoiding the bugged saves then the bug is not present for maybe 10 to 15 minutes before it triggers again.

I have to keep in mind that FO4 is the most demanding process I ask of my system.  I hate the thought that this trouble may be (in some part) because it's time to upgrade my motherboard and CPU which basically means a whole new computer build.  But then again I know that pending necessity is a specter ominously looming at a distance (time wise) possibly sooner than I had hoped.
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade

I think your PC isn't the problem because otherwise you'd have issues not only with FO4 and within FO4 not only with being unable to run. I think something is going on between FO4 and whatever it is, but it's not likely to be hardware-related.


Sorry to hear about your probs, mandru :sad-new: I can't imagine what in the world could be causing that. It's weird that you can get so far into the game before it starts happening, which makes me wonder - how much free disk space do you have remaining on the drive the game is installed on? Maybe it's running out of virtual memory space or something.

I too have had the very occasional crash to desktop during my time with the game. I also have a funny thing happen from time to time where the game will just abruptly decide to minimize itself and sit on the taskbar - however clicking on its taskbar icon restores it immediately (it comes back up in pause mode, with the main menu showing, and resumes as soon as I hit "Esc" or select "Continue". I think either Windows or my anti-virus is the culprit there). I've had that minimize thing from the beginning, and as with the crashes-to-desktop, it's (fortunately) a very, very occasional occurrence.

Have you tried looking about online to see if anyone else has experienced this problem?

A couple of other things just occurred to me: When you play, have you already been running any other software on the computer beforehand? I know that some software titles can leave bits of themselves in memory after they've been run. Many of my graphics programs do that, and I think MS Office titles like Word and Excel do that too, so that they start up a lot quicker if they've already been run at least once during the current Windows session. Maybe try running FO4 from a completely cold boot, i.e. shut down and turn off the PC altogether, give it ten seconds or so, then start it back up and run the game without running anything else beforehand.

The other thing was, have you remapped any keys from the default settings? Maybe there's a prob there, but I would have thought that if that were the case, you would have the prob all the time, not just after you've already played for a fair amount of time.


Yes, I was thinking the same thing, that two functions have been mapped to the same key or button and it's causing the walk function to be turned on without realizing it.

The other thing that comes to mind is frame rate, though I think that would be more obvious in other ways if the frame rate was dropping. But to be sure, turn on the frame rate display in Steam, it's in the options somewhere, and it will display how many frames you're getting in the upper left corner of the monitor. Just to be sure it's not dropping to 1 fps or something when this happens.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

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