Fallout 4

Started by Art Blade, June 22, 2017, 01:32:01 PM

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Art Blade

only you cannot do anything about animals, nor do they count as population. Best ignore those nerd observations, it doesn't do anything you could use for your gaming.

As to kids, I never paid attention to whether they sleep or not. It should be easy to observe the kids in Vault 81 as they live in a confined environment and have rooms that you could monitor. Shaun jr. is in my "pure synths" settlement but I don't remember having seen him in his bed.


I just stumbled across a handy, but limited-use, exploit (you FO4 vets probably know about it already, but I'll relate it anyway).

Sanctuary is my main base of operations, as well as my prime storage depot for all sorts of things. Among the stored goodies are many accumulated special and Legendary weapons, which I have mounted on wall racks since I like to be able to both look at them and grab them easily should I want to take one out for a spin, as opposed to having them stashed away in crates or whatever.

Trouble is, I've amassed so many now that I'm running out of wall space for the display racks in the building where they currently live. But I have another building with more than enough bare wall space, so I decided to move all the weapons over there. Only, this building is right over at the other end of the settlement, and since I can't carry all the weapons that I want to relocate at once without going into stagger-mode, I was looking at making three or four trips back and forth across the settlement to transfer them all.

I found an easier way. I made a crate right there where the weapons all are, snatched all the weapons off the racks, transferred them all into the crate, then went into Workshop mode, picked up the crate and carried it over to the new storage site. It appears that no matter how many tons of goods you stuff into a crate (or any storage item), you can go into Workshop mode and just pick up the crate with all that stuff in it and carry it like it weighs nothing. All the gear you put in it, stays in it.

Of course, you can only do this while in Workshop mode, which means staying within the Workshop boundary of a settlement. For a lark, I saved the game, then tried to carry the crate from Sanctuary to the nearby Red Rocket. Halfway across the wooden bridge I got the warning message that I would leave Sanctuary's build area in 5 seconds, but I pushed on. Sure enough, 5 seconds later, I got kicked out of Workshop mode, but the crate stayed floating in mid-air at that spot. I could no longer interact with it (in fact I could walk right through it), and going back to where I'd picked it up from, it was no longer there - nor were all the weapons that had been inside it. It wasn't until I went back into Sanctuary's build area and reactivated Workshop mode that the crate teleported itself back to where I'd picked it up from, still containing all the weapons.

Not a hugely useful trick, but handy if you ever want to move a ton of stuff from one spot in a settlement to another.

Art Blade

Well, I found out that you can move around full crates and other furniture that can be stuffed but I never used it the way you described.

I just used godmode and that would have allowed me to haul the whole lot in my pockets over to Red Rocket without breaking a sweat. :anigrin:

And yes, indeed, it's nice putting stuff on display but usually you keep hauling in stuff faster than you actually put it on display. And after a while you'll notice that those old habits ("I'm picking that up.. and that.. and that as well, and that, too..") tend to fill your storage space to the brim (although in fact there is no limit) in a way that eventually the collection becomes so enormous that it doesn't appeal to you at all anymore to slap all of it into display cabinets or onto decorative racks, once you took a closer look at how much stuff you've squirreled away. :anigrin:

Unless you started and continued to do so from the beginning as it was the case here with collectible magazines. Those are all on display here and it's a ton of magazines now. :) The downside is if you're like me and want to keep those magazines in an orderly fashion, like all those Grognak comic books just have to be in one place. Then you think it's stupid to start one rack for one Grognak and another one for some medical magazine and so on, so you decide to make use of the (in this case limited) storage space and put two or more types onto one rack. Then you find more Grognak books and they won't fit anymore. Time to start a new rack, move the medical magazines over and stuff the Grognaks into the freed space. Not a problem with like 20 mags or so. But I've got probably two hundred or so (all of them by now) and shifting masses around only to be able to fit in that one new magazine is a bloody chore. :anigrin: Particularly so if you misclick and grab the whole content of a shelf rather than taking a look.. :D


I've actually been a lot more selective with what special/Legendary weapons I've kept this time around. Most of the ones I've gotten, I've sold, except for some exceptionally cool variants, and I've sold all the Legendary armour I've picked up so far. Even so, I've still ended up with several dozen weapons which I don't want to part with because of their rarity or one-offness, like the Cryolator, the Junk Jet, the Broadsider and the Striker.

I currently have about 60,000 caps, despite having bought heaps of scrappable junk and lots of shipments of various materials and components throughout the game, mostly Concrete. I also have about $5,000 of pre-war money. Mainly in the early-to-mid game, I was snaffling up as many weapons and pieces of armour as I could carry from dead enemies and selling them off, then later, ammo I no longer used, like the .38 and .308 caliber stuff. And mods. I want to see if I can get my wealth up to 100,000 caps, you know, just for the heck of it :gnehe:

Art Blade


the main problem about getting rich is that you need wealthy traders but there are none. Unless you buy a lot from them first, but that kind of counters the idea. So rather than selling stuff by the bulk, you keep selling little and often. As if you wanted to sell a loaf of bread but all the traders could afford would be the crumbs. I suppose you could call that "caps lock." :gnehe:


I find that if I leave the traders for a game week or so, the amount of dough they have on them goes up, and their "stock" will replenish (I don't just sell stuff to them, I buy from them as well, mostly scrappable junk for the materials and components, but I always try to w0#k it so that I make a profit, even if it's just a few caps). So I'll wait a while for the traders' stock and caps to refill a bit, then I'll do the rounds.

I don't just hit up the major traders either. Almost all of my settlements have their own General Traders and some have Weapon and Armor stores as well, and many of those I've invested in, so that in addition to bartering with them, I can collect nice bonus deposits of caps from those settlements' Workbenches. If I wait for a game week or so, I can easily rake in a couple of grands' worth of caps in total just from visiting all the Workbenches, without doing any trading at all 8)

I also have the Fortune Finder perk (currently at Level 2 but I want to get it up to 4) which lets me find caps in all sorts of "containers", like crates, foot lockers, desks, cabinet-type furniture, garbage bins, tool boxes - just about any object that can hold stuff will yield caps. And over time, caps can respawn in some of those containers, so if I visit the same ones after a while there will be a few more caps inside. I also get more caps off dead guys with this perk.

I do lots of recurring side missions as well, such as those offered by the Brotherhood's Rhys and Haylen, which never run out and pay caps when completed. Those missions are also good for building up companion affinity quickly.

So there's a number of ways to accumulate caps other than just trading :gnehe:

Art Blade

you're right, I was only focussing on traders. Of course, those workbench tours can definitely increase your wealth quite a bit :)


Quote from: Art Blade on April 18, 2018, 11:32:32 PM
Unless you started and continued to do so from the beginning as it was the case here with collectible magazines. Those are all on display here and it's a ton of magazines now. :) The downside is if you're like me and want to keep those magazines in an orderly fashion, like all those Grognak comic books just have to be in one place. Then you think it's stupid to start one rack for one Grognak and another one for some medical magazine and so on, so you decide to make use of the (in this case limited) storage space and put two or more types onto one rack. Then you find more Grognak books and they won't fit anymore. Time to start a new rack, move the medical magazines over and stuff the Grognaks into the freed space. Not a problem with like 20 mags or so. But I've got probably two hundred or so (all of them by now) and shifting masses around only to be able to fit in that one new magazine is a bloody chore. :anigrin: Particularly so if you misclick and grab the whole content of a shelf rather than taking a look.. :D
Like You I had to make a nice display of the magazines, but I sorted away all the duplicates (of Grognak, and a couple others).
Still picking those duplicates up, but just to sell for caps.  :anigrin:
So here is all the different magazines one can  gather in FO4, neatly sorted:
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And speaking about caps, there are some respawning gold bars (like the ones You find in the root cellar in Sanctuary) over at Bridgeway Trust http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Bridgeway_Trust. (I don't remember if anyone here has mentioned this location before?)
It's not a marked location, but if You face Back Street Apparel, take the first street up to the left, walk a block, and then it's on the corner to Your left.
You need to hack a Master-locked terminal to get into the vault:
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The 15 safes also respawns, so this is a nice place to "pick" up some experience (the safe behind the shelf is always open).
I think the location respawns after a day or two (ingame), so I tend to "pop in" from time to time to "collect".  8)

Art Blade

that's a nice collection there :) It reminds me of my own collection, and I also displayed only unique editions.

And thanks, T.V., for sharing that vault thing. I remember D_B told me about something like that—it was probably indeed the same location—when referring to Piper's companion perk. She likes lockpicking, so taking here there and picking all those locks would be a good idea, that was I think why he mentioned it. Unfortunately, I've never found it. Now it should be possible O0 and +1 :thumbsup: :anigrin:

Edit: I just had to take a quick look at what exactly D_B told me, here it is:

Quote from: Dweller_Benthos on June 27, 2017, 08:14:10 AMOtherwise Piper loves lock picking, there's an old bank around the corner from Diamond City where you have to hack the terminal to get the bank vault open then there's about a dozen safe deposit boxes and other things to pick and she just loves that, and you get gold and pre-war money and other treasure from it, so it's a good place to take her and get that affinity increased.


That's an impressive collection, T.V.  :thumbsup:


Thanks for the info about Bridgeway Trust, T.V. :thumbsup: I haven't come across that location. It's so cool that even after six months of playing, I'm still finding (and hearing about) places I haven't found before. Considering that the playing area in the game is big but not gigantic, it's quite impressive how much has been squirreled away into it.

Speaking of things I haven't come across before - in my first playthrough, I somehow managed to completely and utterly miss Spectacle Island :banghead: I don't think I even noticed it on the map! So this time I swam out there from the Warwicks' place, got that "Mirelurk repellent" beacon-thing going to unlock the Workbench and started a settlement. That's a pretty big build area out there, but it's quite a hilly bit of land. It looks like Easter Island now that I chopped down all the trees :gnehe: With all the trees, the shacks, and all the wooden crates out of that big pile of shipping containers at one end of the island scrapped (yep, I found all the safes out there too), I ended up with over 4,000 worth of wood in the Workbench ::)

Judging by your magazine collection T.V., it looks as though I have most of them so far :) I was wondering how many there were in the game, including the Far Harbor and Nuka-World ones.

The two racks on the right in the first picture and the two on the left in the second are the same, so seven racks in total, as in your collection.

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Art Blade

I had missed out on Spectacle Island, too. I was quite surprised when I found it :)

Very neat exhibition, fragger, what a spacious room :thumbsup: My collection is complete, and I packed them into the same shelves as you guys, and those take up a lot of space.

Art Blade

fragger, by the way, have you been to Slocum's Joe at General Atomics Galleria and tried Bean's coffee there? The kind that blows your mind, and everything around, too? :)


Yep, been there, done that :gnehe:

I found Bridgeway Trust. Man, I must have walked right past that flipping doorway a thousand times without ever noticing it :gnehe: Nice bit of plunder in there - gold bars, wads of pre-war money, and 16 wall safes, all of which I picked the locks of (even that sneaky one behind the shelves). Pulled a good haul of ammo and dough out of there.

Funny how there always seems to be a silver object along with everything else in a safe. Just about every safe I crack has a silver locket or watch or something in it, in addition to ammo and money :huh-new:


Nice layout fragger - looks like a library  :thumbsup:

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