Fallout 4

Started by Art Blade, June 22, 2017, 01:32:01 PM

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I don't think you need do anything special mandru -when I clicked the first image link, the link took me to the first pic, and  from there I clicked on the breadcrumb "mandru's screenshots" from which I could see all the pictures plus their descriptions. Looks quite nicely , actually  O0


About the "underwear" glitch in Nuka World - after looking online, it appears to be a well-known flaw. But apparently it will fix itself in time. After a game week or two, the denizens of NW should go back to being decent again. We'll see, I guess. The NW folks in my game are still very - er, carefree.


Underwear glitch?  My Nuka world merchants (at that point in the game) at first had the collars removed while still being fully dressed but now the collars have reappeared.  I guess we wait for the proper updates to occur.  ::)

I had a weird thing happen with that settlement.

I've made a habit of as I'm building a new settlement when I'm ready to place the recruitment beacon I'll drop it where I want it and before I power it up I drop out of build mode and switch the beacon off before connecting the power.

For some reason even with the beacon switched off doing it this way still will cause one or two settlers to arrive wanting to join the settlement.  This time at the Nuka World settlement the only settler to show up was a woman who I screened through the w0#k bench to see if she was a synth and when she passed the filter I re-outfitted her with a good weapon and the standard settlement uniform of military uniform and newsboy cap (both upgraded to ballistic level 5) and a full set (minus helmet) of the Far harbor Marine assault armor modded to Ultra Light.

At that point of the build while all of the structure, the garden and defenses were in place I only had 4 beds placed (near the garden) with the intention of assigning those beds to the settlers who would be assigned to tend the 26 mutfruits.  There was also (at that point in time) one bar installed within a few steps of the garden that I planned to staff once the more basic for food harvesting was satisfied.

There were also radios. Lots of radios to properly Sound Field this hulk of a leviathan.  :D

I assigned this first settler to tend the garden and once she settled in working on that I assigned her one of the four gardener's beds.  As she continued to w0#k I set about placing 20 more beds preparing for the settlement's grand opening where I would officially turn on of the recruitment beacon.

And here's the weird thing.

Before I could get the 20th bed placed I noticed the Settlement Happiness with one worker and zero bars had jumped to 100%.  :o

The only way I could explain this oddity was that the survival situation in Nuka World was so bad and for the first time in her life this one settler had stepped into the closest thing to heaven beyond anything she could have imagined or hoped for.

She had been given without odorous demand on her person a pristine roof over her head, a clean well lit defended living/working environment filled with music from Diamond city, clean clothes as well as fierce weaponry/armor to defend herself and a clean warm bed that was hers.

While she worked at her assignment in the garden she could see me in the distance further down one of the long arms of the settlement fussing over precise bed placement and maybe she caught a glimpse of the community that she would witness grow up around her.  Heaven indeed.


Okay, that was all hooey but still it was bizarre to hit 100% within ten minutes of the arrival of that first settler.  ;)

- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade

cool. And congratz :thumbsup: :anigrin:


Occasionally I can get a settlement up to 100% Happiness but they never stay there for long. This time around I got Sanctuary up to 100%, but over the next few game weeks it steadily dropped back down until it stabilized at around 85% (pop. 20). This was despite the inclusion of about ten cats and every type of object that generates Happiness - General Store, Bar, Weight Bench, Pommel Horse, Soda Fountain, Slot Machine, Barber and Phoropter - and where applicable, all staffed and powered - with plenty of food, water, defenses and accessible beds for everyone. I'm not that fussed about it, as long as they don't get too stroppy and start leaving or revolting or something :gnehe:

What does happen if you let a settlement get too unhappy? What % is too unhappy, or not happy enough? I don't really know.

As for synth settlers, I don't care that much if there is an occasional one, except for the apparent fact that if a settler is a synth and the settlement they are living in gets attacked by other synths, they will either join in the attack, or the human settlers will gun them down, or both. I've had that happen three times now, and each time, an examination of the dead settler has revealed a synth component. The human settlers only seem to turn on a synth settler if the settlement is attacked by synths - not Raiders or Gunners or anyone else.

I don't know if some kind of latent Institute programming kicks in when their fellow synths attack, or whether the game itself simply "orders" all humans in a settlement to attack all actors with the "synth" designation regardless of whose side they're on. I've never been able to catch a synth settler "in the act" - that is, I've only ever seen the human settlers already shooting at the synth settler without knowing who fired first, or I've come across the aftermath and found a dead settler with a synth component in them. But it only happens when synths attack.


fragger?  You got any gorillas?

The requirements to set gorilla traps is that first you've managed to keep a friendly Cito alive and secondly you've completed the main story line destroying the institute.

Settlers love them and in return each of the gorillas in a settlement pack a hefty defense rating.  Besides mobs of patrolling gorillas is just damn cool.  ;)

My understanding about a settlement becoming too unhappy (I don't know the level at which they rebel) if a low enough level is sustained the settlement will stop being allied to the Minutemen.  Though I think you still have to baby sit them in attacks and such.

I don't know if you can ever win them back over or if you have to burn them all out and restart the settlement with a whole new population.

- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


mandru, no, I never tried the gorillas. I could though since I am on good terms with Cito and have now lain waste to the Institute :gnehe: I might give it a go.

Art Blade

I got rid of mine because their loud stomping really got on my nerves


I struck a distinctly barbed reaction from Deb, the trader at the Bunker Hill Monument, after I'd taken down the Institute. I went there to trade, and while I can't remember her exact words, they were along the lines of, "Well, if it isn't the Great General of the Minutemen [delivered in a tone fairly dripping with sarcasm] here to do business in my little store!"

If I could have furnished my own dialogue, I would have replied with, "Have a care, bitch, because I could buy and sell your sassy *bleep* about a hundred times over", but being the civil and magnanimous type that I am, and being above that level of pettiness, I contented myself with cleaning her out of her 850-odd caps and left her with about 25 :evil2:

Actually, I wasn't very far above that level of pettiness at all...

Art Blade


reminds me of my first meeting with Deb while playing as Damascene. "Caravan or Raider?" "Raider." :anigrin: I bet you'd have enjoyed being Damascene that moment, I bet she'd have had a couple of sarcastic replies to choose from :anigrin:


The usual raider dialog "When you turn up I'm gonna blah blahblah..."

My internal dialog screaming "I keep telling you, I'M NOT A TURNIP!"

- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade


Well sometimes out in the Glowing Sea I do get a bit rad-ish.  :evil2:
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"



Well, I achieved my goal of amassing over 100,000 bottlecaps.

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Congrats on the 100K pop tops fragger  :thumbsup:
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

🡱 🡳

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