Fallout 4

Started by Art Blade, June 22, 2017, 01:32:01 PM

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Art Blade

I think it's where you find the robot workbench in the build menu. I don't know whether it needs some missions first to unlock it.


I hadn't noticed that eyebot pods were added around the map, interesting. But yeah, they are of limited use really, you set one off to go find something, then a while later a notice will pop up saying it found it, and you get a quest marker to go get it. And the amount you get isn't huge either. Barely worth it sometimes.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade


plus you don't have to follow and protect that eyebot. I never did. I found it as random encounters two times some place in the woods and I think behind a hospital but eventually they disappeared. Building one of those things is better, if you like it. I built one in Sanctuary for the sake of it but never used it :anigrin:


To build the eyebot generator in a settlement, you first need to get the schematic, which is on a table somewhere in the basement of Robco's, the building above the Mechanist's lair. The schematic is somewhere near the big factory area in Robco's sublevels. I'll try to find it again when I get to it this time around.

You don't have to follow the eyebot when you find one out in the countryside and send it off on a search. Once it finds something, you'll get a message to that effect and whatever you sent the eyebot to look for will become a mini-quest to get, as D_B said (you won't actually see the eyebot again, in this case). It'll only be a tiny amount of the resource or ammo or whatever you sent it to look for, so I don't know that it's really worth bothering with.


I think a marriage between the open world nature of Fallout and graphics and shooter features of Far Cry would be fantastic. I like the ability to do the settlements and other things you chaps are doing in FO4 but am still drawn toward Far Cry.

However, I'm likely in the minority.

Art Blade

who is that guy?




Quote from: fragger on May 01, 2018, 06:57:06 PM

To build the eyebot generator in a settlement, you first need to get the schematic, which is on a table somewhere in the basement of Robco's, the building above the Mechanist's lair. The schematic is somewhere near the big factory area in Robco's sublevels. I'll try to find it again when I get to it this time around.

I didn't have the eyebot schematic.  ::)

I went back through the entire Robco rat maze down into the Mechanist's lair scouring every nook and cranny and came up empty handed.  It was only when I actually went into Isabel's personal space in that little area that stands off from the settlement influence that I located it.  I've probably run easily (at least) fifty of the Rogue Robot missions and most of those have required that I rouse Isabel from sleep to get the assignment.

I can't even guess how many times I'd walked right past the table there in her bedroom with the schematics sitting on it.  :banghead:

I also wasn't aware that you didn't need to attend and defend the eyebot as it sought out the location for assigned item.  I was under the impression if you lost track of the eyebot en-route you would lose out on getting the item.  So that information that the recovery of the located target object became a mini-quest with a marker is good news indeed.  :thumbsup:
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade

hehe, must have been a pretty funny moment when you finally saw the schematics sitting there, after all the time you had been running right past it. Probably like, "I don't bloody believe it. There. Right there it is!" :)


When I first saw it there on the table my first thought was that it looked more like a pile of wadded up rags than a set of schematics.  :huh-new:
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


In case you hadn't noticed, Isabell isn't exactly the neat freak, a place for everything and everything in it's place kind of girl. lol

But then, considering how after 200 years no one in the Commonwealth has decided it might be a good idea to clean up all those dead bodies and maybe run a broom through the place they are living in, no one else is either.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

hehe, yes.. as if life had suddenly begun, moments before the player joins in. As if, after 200+ years, no one had looted but the last splinter out of everything and as if no one had a concept of "this is a pile of dirt" and cleaned it out. Which is, on both accounts, what the player will do the moment they start out.


Yep, it's like civilization was wiped out by slob bombs :gnehe: The denizens of the Institute might be the boogeymen of the piece, but at least they keep a clean house. And Vault 81, they're about the only other group who know which end of a broom to use.

Funny how the junk regenerates after a while in some places, like somebody has come along after you've been scavenging and said, "Aw heck, someone stole all my prized rubbish! Now I'm gonna have to replace it all! Just as well I remember what was there and where it all goes" :gnehe:

Speaking of Vault 81, I find that Calvin the maintenance man is a good source of caps in the game. Whenever I'm out and about in the world, I grab all the tools I come across, take them back to base and store them up. Once I've amassed about 10-12 of each type, I lug them all over to Vault 81 and sell them to Calvin. About that many tools will often bring in a good 6-8 hundred caps or so in total from old Cal. He doesn't buy all tool types though. He won't touch saws or masonry hammers, but he will buy Ball-Peen Hammers, Screwdrivers, plain Wrenches, Adjustable Wrenches and Combination Wrenches, all sizes. It's a nice quick transaction too - just approach him and when he asks if you have any tools for him, say yes and he will instantly buy all the tools you're carrying without having to go through the Barter interface.

Cal's handy because I can sell the tools to him, then drop in at the Depot just up the hallway and use the tool money to buy goodies from Alexis.

Art Blade

haha, slob bombs  :anigrin: And funny comment about knowing where everything was and replacing the rubbish :anigrin:

While I was around Vault81, I too sold a ton of tools to Calvin and the fist time I did business with him I was almost shocked at how the whole inventory just disappeared into his pockets because originally I had intended to keep one or two of those tools for whatever reasons. He just vacuumed my inventory without me having any say in it :anigrin:


No, Cal apparently doesn't believe in haggling :gnehe:

Have any of you guys ever tried clearing out the Castle before meeting Preston and his bunch? I did that earlier today and it was quite the lark. I started off trashing the egg nests in the courtyard and dealing with any Mirelurks who took exception, but I didn't have any terribly heavy weaponry on me, nor did I have a companion, so when the Mirelurk Queen decided that enough was enough and rose up in a right royal huff about me scrambling her eggs, I high-tailed it out of the fort. But she wasn't content to just stay put and spew globs of poison at my retreating back - she followed me out, all the way across the open ground outside the fort and into the nearby buildings of South Boston. Thus began a merry caper of tickle the queen with a few bullets that bounced off her armoured hide like paper darts until she came at me, then run away in an adrenaline-fuelled sprint to lose her in the maze of back alleys (many of which she couldn't fit through), pop out behind her somewhere while she was figuratively scratching her head wondering where I'd gotten to, trickle her with a few more pop-gun rounds, and so on.

Along the way, Queenie ran into some wandering Raiders and they had a little party. Predictably, the queen won the game of Spin-the-Raider, then just sat down to brood, apparently having forgotten all about me until I jogged her memory with a few more Nerf-bullets and we resumed our party game. Then, as the gunfire-and-growling hootenanny continued to move westward, the Super Mutants that hang around near Gwinnett Brewery heard the fun and decided they wanted to come out and play too. Thus ensued much yelling and banging and roaring and hissing with me popping in and out of alleys like a whackamole target daring the queen or anyone else to land a clobber on me before I could disappear again. The queen soon laid all the Jolly Green Giants to rest and our game of alley-tag resumed yet again, but by and large I wore her down until she ended up tantalizingly close to a wrecked cargo truck that was blocking the street between me and her. That was too good an opportunity to waste. Dodging the odd poison spit, I shot up the truck until it caught fire, then when the fuel tank finally went up, what was left of Her Majesty went up with it.

All in all, a fun and exciting way to while away some time in South Boston 8)

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