Fallout 4

Started by Art Blade, June 22, 2017, 01:32:01 PM

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My PC play has been kinda stagnant, and when last checked was sitting at lvl 69 and married to Cait? Only had 1 mod and that was to set fusion core usage to 1%. Now that there are a lot more mods I need to get busy on Nexus. Watching Oxhorn's settlement builds has given me some ideas, and eventually I'll get more main quests done...

Art Blade

Ha! Only today I found Oxhorn by accident, meaning I hadn't heard of him, and chose one of his playlists and the last vid was about settlements indeed. Funny coincidence that you mentioned him right now  :)

Art Blade

Ta-dah.. this is my 25,000th post  :gnehe:

I've been playing around with the console again in order to get better weapons. I mean those legendary loot weapons. What I came across the normal way (loot) so far got interesting stats but many didn't really w0#k well with the type of weapons I found. For instance, the knee capper effect. There's a 20% chance to cripple the target's leg. Of all things, I got it on a sniper rifle. Statistically, I'd have to shoot the target four times and the fifth shot would cripple its legs. With a .50 caliber sniper rifle, I'd be dealing about 500+ damage before statistically the knee gets busted. I think either the target would be dead before it came to that or it would be breathing down my neck before I could fire that fifth shot. And since it's only statistically, it's very likely that I won't cripple the target with the fifth bullet but the 7th or 10th shot. So.. it looks good on the weapon's stats tag but really, it is worthless. OK, I found a fat man that sends two mini nukes flying which is cool and a laser rifle that fires two shots for one, they're quite good. And the western revolver with "nocturnal" prefix does over 400 damage per shot at night which is really powerful.

Back to knee capping. It makes sense if I can spray a ton of bullets at the target like with an automatic assault rifle. The per-shot damage of those isn't extremely high but the mass of bullets makes up for that. And in the meantime, I'll likely have crippled the target as it will have soaked up maybe 50 or 100 bullets. Practically it looks like this: You see the enemy go down on its knees or go prone, unable to walk let alone run, and you keep pumping lead into it until it croaks. Or, you put it on its knees and change weapons and walk up to it and finish it off in your own time. That's nice. :evil2:

So I created a few legendary weapons.

A shotgun with explosive rounds (the explosives perk adds to the effect) which was quite nice against robots. Oh, it was the gun that almost ruined that mission with those space suits.. I shot some scorpions that had popped up in front of the guy and the splash damage took him out :laughsm: 

Also, just for fun and giggles, I created a suppressed .50 caliber sniper rifle with explosive rounds. First it goes pop and then it goes boom. :anigrin: Funny for sneak attacks. I already popped a couple of blowflies with it and worked my way up to rust devils and robots.. man, that thing is really powerful when performing a sneak attack :)

And I got both an automatic assault rifle and an automatic pipe rifle (the latter with less damage but higher bullet output) that both have "wounding" as prefix -- a bleeding effect over time. I don't know yet which one works best (at least the AR took out a Behemoth within seconds and I'm playing on hard, the pipe finished off other targets within seconds.. wow) but I might give the "weaker" gun to Piper. Apart from the ballistic damage, it adds 25 damage of bleeding for five seconds. Per bullet. I imagine it to be like a plastic bag full of red liquid that you whack with a steel brush, producing a red shower. :anigrin: Well, the graphics are not that heavy on gore. Pity. :gnehe:

And I created a combat shotgun with a unique weapon effect ("striker") from Far Harbor DLC, it's a 50% chance to cripple the target's leg. Per pellet. And I set that combat shotgun to full auto. Should be interesting against deathclaws. I tested it against a handful of raiders. A few simply got blown to pieces but another few targets were like nailed to the ground and I just ran past them while shooting the next raiders. With Piper and Dogmeat in my wake, I heard them mopping up after me. :anigrin:

With those and a few other weapons in my inventory, I think I can stop renaming them the way I did. I think I created "real" favourite weapons now and might as well give them names. I already called the combat shotgun with those 50% knee capping "On Your Knees!"  :gnehe:

If you want to try it out yourself, here's the corresponding link (scroll all the way down to find the how-to)

Have fun  :)


Congratz, AB!  O0 +1 for this milestone

PS: I love your .50 cal  :gnehe:

Art Blade

Thank you, my friend :)

Here, for you, to drool over.  :gnehe:

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Art Blade


I found out that I had already registered with the nexus back in 2009 :D :banghead:

I didn't remember that. I found out because A) my username was in use (well, can happen) but B) my email addy was in use, too  ??? So I had my password reset and I'm back in again.

I also researched how to get a free account. It is simple: Just don't check any of those payment check boxes, i.e. leave all of them blank.  :)


I've really been stuck into FO3 since I loaded and started on that title so I've not had a chance to test to verify some of the shady tactics I've learned in FO3 in FO4.

While energy and plasma weapons are great fun for converting enemies into puddles of ooze they come at a price.  A sticky spot on the ground can only be looted once.

But if you have a real body (especially if you've lifted good loot off them  :gnehe: ) in PC play opening the Console and first clicking on them to get their character ID # and secondly typing "Resurrect" so you can kill them again and using 'rinse and repeat' gives you an almost endless opportunity to kill loot and resurrect.  :)

A particularly enjoyable pastime when employed on some of the nastier NPC's that are actually important enough to have been given names.  :evil2:

In warning this will foul up a necessary character who is part of an ongoing quest.  Killing and resurrecting them will set them (and their community) against you and the only way to get back on their good side (without another dicey console hack) is returning to a previous save point.

- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade

at times you can be surprisingly nasty, mandru :D

I'm currently playing around with those legendary weapons and I have found the super mutant called Strong. He's now  outfitted with some proper gear I had collected over time and living in Sanctuary like all the other companions. It is quite a motley crew living there :anigrin:

Oh and just to make sure, I created a minigun with explosive rounds. It's brutal, even when using VATS. :anigrin:

And speaking of legendary weapons, I actually found a .45 cal combat rifle with poison effect. It isn't half bad O0

Art Blade


Quote from: KingRat on August 10, 2017, 12:34:58 PMBeen using the same weapon Spray n' Pray almost exclusive...blows up everything


Quote from: Dweller_Benthos on August 11, 2017, 08:11:55 AMI never did much with the spray and pray, I think mostly because I had the explosive minigun, so why bother?

..you know what? This is crazy.

I just now came across a faring trader, Cricket. Well, "came across" isn't precise enough in this case. I was on the roof of Fallon's Department Store facing West Roxbury Station when I noticed Cricket's brahmin all the way across the street, up a crossing, and about to hit the wastelands. Then I didn't know it was Cricket but thought, hey, a trader.. and was curious about the wares. Because I was on god mode, I just jumped off the roof and ran all the way until I caught up with her. So, without my extremely high perception (16 thanks to perks and apparel) I wouldn't have seen the brahmin and without god mode, I wouldn't have jumped and made it in time. In other words, it is a bloody crazy chain of events that made it possible to check her goods.

I had met her before. Only now, having talked about legendary weapons and how I never found any cool ones, how you guys had the "Spray n' Pray" and all that.. only just now, with all those coincidences..

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Art Blade

^ had to edit the text, mandru, make sure to check again. :)



I must have caught your post right after you edited it as I'm not seeing any obvious changes.  Or maybe it's my schmaltzheimers kicking in again. :undecided-new:

When gaming I like to play as a "Good Guy" but that doesn't mean I have to be nice about it.  :evil2:

Anyone familiar with the comic character The Punisher will get what I mean.  :anigrin:

Cricket is one of the regular merchants that visit Warwick Farm located at the old sewage treatment plant across the bay from Spectacle Island.  I like her she's quite the hoot.  Blood thirsty, tweaking, and thriving on the raw edge it's clear that she's heavily sampling the chems in her stockpile.  :bigsmile:

- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade

yep, bloodshot eyes.. speed-talking.. husky voice.. I thought the same. :)

I know the Punisher from a movie, probably Marvel studios. As far as I remember, he was a nice guy but once on a mission, he was badass. I think all three of us are the same in this respect  :) It really is absolutely against my nature to be cruel or to kill innocent people. I think GTAV was slightly different, I sometimes knocked out pedestrians but I absolutely disliked the torture scene when Trevor tried to extract both information and a tooth from a captured victim, the entire torture scene was appalling. Here in FO4, I only kill hostiles. And I don't mind in the least. :anigrin:


Oh yeah, Cricket, that's where you normally get the Spray n Pray. She has some funny lines too. Like "These farmers never want anything except pipe pistols, where's the fun in that?" Or something to that effect. There's a merchant in vault errr... forget the number, south of the pond with the bloat flies. Leave Hangman Alley towards the river and take a left, head that way and take another left, then pretty much due south. Some cool quests in that vault (ahem, Curie), but anyway, the merchant there has the Overseer's Guardian, a double shot combat rifle and a favorite among many players. I think I bought it eventually, but I had already picked up a double shot rifle from a legendary drop. With maximum power mods and a silencer, it did a lot of damage, especially with sneak bonus and head shots.

Maybe with your console hacks, a double shot explosive minigun?
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

hahaha  :laughsm: no.. it's either / or. Double shot minigun would be quite hilarious. I doubt anyone would want it unless they're on god mode with unlimited ammo :) I watched a video that must have been created before some patch nerfed the effect: it meant unlimited ammo. Now, it sets the magazine capacity to the amount of ammo you're currently carrying, meaning you don't have to reload. It was also nerfed regarding the laser musket: the power was capped by the amount of "cranks" which meant six, max. With that effect, it would have been cranked up as many times as you had cells in your inventory thus allowing something like one insane shot of say 30,000 damage. Unlucky if you missed, I guess. Now the effect does not w0#k with the musket and I think two more weapons. Well.

I may have just arrived at the vault you mentioned, vault 88, again it's a funny coincidence because I've just alt-tabbed out while loading into that vault with the steam overlay on (nice trick, once the loading screen is gone, the steam overlay pauses the game but it doesn't stop the loading) so I could read the posts here. :laughsm:


While I do use the Spray n' Pray often, I believe the downside is collateral damage..in checking the stats I have 9 murders listed I don't remember :D On my PC character I had a legendary red widow bloodbug drop a combat shotgun with the explosive rounds and I used that a lot too...my current sniper is a legendary 2-shot that does 212 dmg. Had to use those gold bars I found in the root cellar to afford Spray n' Pray, but it's been a good investment.

🡱 🡳

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